Do they change it every summer or is this something new? Really like the way it is made into a sandcastle
Do they change it every summer or is this something new? Really like the way it is made into a sandcastle
I usually don't like it when Disney "messes" with their castles, but I have to say, that looks really cool. Much better than the birthday cake version. I love the sandcastle.
- Dreams
They have made changes to the show a couple of times now, I'm aware of a Christmas change and then one for Valentines day. I saw the Valentines day changes and they were just fantastic. The technology that they're using for "The Magic, The Memories and You" makes it really easy for them to create new segments and slip them into the overall show. If you never saw the original you don't even know that anything changed.
Disney Dreams, have you seen this show yet? It projects a video overlay on the castle that gives viewers the optical illusion that the castle has been changed, but it's not at all like when they made the birthday cake. It's just a segment of the 10 minutes nighttime show.