Dining in the World: Day Six at Citrico's!

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Dining in the World: Day Six at Citrico's!

The last time we ate at Citrico's, we had an incredibly awesome meal - and a great time. This trip did not disappoint, but it was not quite as stellar as last year. Perhaps we were tired - our trip was nearing the end and our day had been quite busy, or maybe it was our menu choices, or maybe that we were seated at a small table next to a column with another small table (and the seated couple) mere inches from us. Or maybe we were still glowing from our Victoria and Albert's experience the night before . . .

With all that said, note that our disappointment was slight - more of a let down than anything else. The food was actually quite delicious and our server was attentive, but . . . You know when it just isn't quite in the zone? That was how we felt. So, now that I've brought you all down . . . On with the Show!!

To start, we shared the CHEESE!!!! It was so good and I will say it again, and not for the last time, I LOVE CHEESE!! It is such a treat to be able to sample bites of different varieties. I keep notes on the ones I like and have come home and tracked them down. I have even brought some of my reluctant family members up to 'cheese speed' by getting them to try a few of the different kinds. There is more in the world than Jack, Cheddar, Swiss, and Mozzarella!!

After our cheese, we each had a salad. Kim had the Citrus Salad, and I had the Florida Tomato and Mozzarella Salad. The citrus salad was fresh and tasty. The weather had been quite warm that day and Kim was delighted with this cool and zesty salad choice. I, of course, was also in heaven with my salad. The tomatoes were small, heirloom bites of sweet goodness, perfectly complemented by the salty serrano ham and the creamy fresh mozzarella. Both were good choices!

Main courses were also very good. Mine was so huge I couldn't finish it!! I had the popular Braised Veal Shank. It was fall off the bone tender, and the carrot-potato mash was the perfect carrier for the wonderful, rich sauce. But it was a BIG portion!
Kim had the Striped Bass. It came with an asparagus risotto and a pea shoot salad. It was so flavorful - she was quite pleased with it!!

Of course the desserts were tempting - and regardless of how full my entree had left me, I was going to indulge in a sweet ending. I ordered the strawberry and blood orange tart and I have to say the fresh berries and the sorbet were the best part of it. The tart itself was not very flavorful, in my opinion. On the edge of bland and slightly chalky. Kim ordered the tropical fruit creme brullee and while it was very good, it wasn't quite as full bodied and set as she likes creme brullee to be. It was creamy, but a bit soft for her taste. But WAY tastier than my tart!! biggrin

I would highly recommend Citrico's - even with the slight let down of our expectations, I would certainly go back again. You can't beat the varied menu, the beautiful setting, and the great service!!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Jessi5989's picture
Joined: 12/27/2011
Posts: 580

Ollie wrote:
To start, we shared the CHEESE!!!! It was so good and I will say it again, and not for the last time, I LOVE CHEESE!! It is such a treat to be able to sample bites of different varieties. I keep notes on the ones I like and have come home and tracked them down. I have even brought some of my reluctant family members up to 'cheese speed' by getting them to try a few of the different kinds. There is more in the world than Jack, Cheddar, Swiss, and Mozzarella!!

Why am I not part of your family???? One of our local grocery stores got a crazy new cheese sections recently and I make my boyfriend go with me just to browse the cheese. Sometimes I talk him into it...but being a broke college kid, I stick to whatever my budget allows. laugh ...I have to say, its a little hard to find any decent cheese here in NC.

By the way, another great meal report! Makes me wish I had something like that for dinner, instead of a burger!

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Joined: 03/04/2011
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Love that the reports keep coming Smile


Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Jess wrote:
Love that the reports keep coming Smile

I do have but one more to post. A generic trip recap.

No more great meals . . . I am so sad . . . sad


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Ollie wrote:
Jess wrote:
Love that the reports keep coming Smile

I do have but one more to post. A generic trip recap.

No more great meals . . . I am so sad . . . sad

But there will be another trip for you guys with more wonderful food and food reports


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Yummy! EVerything sounds so delish!

natazu's picture
Joined: 04/12/2012
Posts: 83

I call it the Sore Thumb Theory. You go to a restaurant or event a few times and everything is perfect every time. Subconsciously, you elevate the place to a level where perfection is expected. Then you visit on a day when that on cast member is having a bad day. Maybe their significant other is mad so their in a bad mood (which translates to cooking lots), that behavior sticks out like a sore thumb. See how I tied that in there? Wink
Personally, I don't usually get dessert at Citricos. I respect pastry chef Erich's ability to create but I rarely find anything on the dessert menu that grabs me. I'd rather have a scotch with one of those fancy spherical ice cubes.


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Joined: 12/28/2011
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natazu wrote:
I call it the Sore Thumb Theory. You go to a restaurant or event a few times and everything is perfect every time. Subconsciously, you elevate the place to a level where perfection is expected. Then you visit on a day when that on cast member is having a bad day. Maybe their significant other is mad so their in a bad mood (which translates to cooking lots), that behavior sticks out like a sore thumb. See how I tied that in there? Wink
Personally, I don't usually get dessert at Citricos. I respect pastry chef Erich's ability to create but I rarely find anything on the dessert menu that grabs me. I'd rather have a scotch with one of those fancy spherical ice cubes.

Yep - That sort of sums it up. I think it was the combination of factors . . . not quite the perfect storm, because we did enjoy it, we just didn't LOVE it like the last time.

Sore thumb . . . have to remember that one! awesome wink


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien