I came across this article and wanted to share it.
I came across this article and wanted to share it.
Great article! Obviously, I completely agree that Disney trumps Vegas. It's no contest! One of my favourite points was about how you can get so much from Disney for the price of one theme park admission where as trying to fill 12hrs at Vegas will cost you a lot more.
It is a good article. And while I'm a decade (or so ) past my 20s, I agree with the supporting arguments. Frankly, I've never seen the appeal of Vegas anyway.
It is a good article. And while I'm a decade (or so) past my 20s, I agree with the supporting arguments. Frankly, I've never seen the appeal of Vegas anyway.
I agree as well. To me the only appeal for Vegas is gambling to me... and I don't even like that... lol
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This is a great article. I love both Disney and Vegas.
It is the magic that does it!
Viva La Quinta Brigada - y Disney!
I've never been to Vegas, but have been to Reno and Tahoe. My brother used to be a craps dealer and is now a floor manager (pit boss???) in Lake Tahoe...very different from me!
There is an innocence to Disney that obviously isn't in a gambling city. There is romance. Belly laughs. There is just something I can't put my finger on. But it's magical and I never left Reno thinking "Oh, what a magical experience!"
I've done both, and I like both. But if I had to choose one over the other, of course I'd choose Disney World.