I am so upset right now I am absolutely beside myself. (
I just need to vent someplace, so please bear with me.
I made a payment to Disney on the October vacation (the one I thought I would have to cancel) and somehow Disney messed up the payment. I thought I would add an extra $100 from a little side bank account today. I knew I would be pushing our budget for the next two weeks without that money but if I was careful I thought I could do it. I really want this trip paid off. But instead of charging my $100.. they sent the charge through to pay off my trip almost $500!!
My TA has them reversing the charge, but Disney said that it could take 7-10 DAYS! Oh.. my.. god.. my account is going to overdraw when the bills I paid this morning post. I'm livid, and panicked, and my TA was so calm. I called my bank and they were semi-helpful. They said my TA could fax them explaining the mistake and that they would release the funds early. That should be happening right now but it will be hours before I can confirm it's OK.
I don't use a TA, even before I was DVC I never used a TA I did everything myself. But I figured that since I know so many these days I'd send some business a friend's way, I'd get free dining, and it would be good for everyone. NOT SO GOOD TONIGHT. I can't say that I'll ever use a TA again, especially since he told me that this had happened to another guy not long ago. WTF!? Does Disney have a habit of just charging whatever they want?
This is just crazy... and I'm so upset. Have you ever had a payment problem with Disney? Was it fixed to your satisfaction?