Disney Rewards Visa-Worth it?

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Molitva's picture
Joined: 03/18/2012
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Disney Rewards Visa-Worth it?

Just curious if you have a disney rewards visa and if you think its worth it? Do you have the premium one (with the annual fee) or just the normal one? Which perks do you like or use most often?

I have a trip planned and I'm wondering if I should sign up for one. I don't currently use a cc, but I'm not opposed to starting to use it for everything and just pay it off monthly, if it would mean that I get some extra $$ to use in the parks.

Disney rewards visa...yay or nay? biggrin


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We have one and love it. We use it for everything and then pay it in full each month. It is amazing how much adds up when you do this. We did not go for the premium one. To me it seems after the first year it will just end up costing us to have the card and not be worth paying for it when the one is free. It does get you a percentage off when you use it while shopping in DTD too.

Also I believe if you book your trip using it you can take up to 6 months to pay for it INTEREST FREE. You could still have it all paid in full before you left if you booked it early enough.

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Hi Molitva -

We've had the Disney Rewards Visa for a few years now and we're pleased with it. We're not heavy CC users and just pay it off every month, but we do manage to build up some Disney Dream Reward Dollars that we use. We've also taken advantage of the 10% discount.

There's supposed to be a special pin offer for cardholders that I will be looking for next month.

We've never taken advantage of the special Meet 'N' Greet.

We took a look at the Premium card details, but decided it's really not worth it for us. The only added benefit is an expanded set of "exclusive" card designs. And we just aren't willing to pay for that.

Mase's picture
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My parents have one and use it a lot. They get a lot of money back for Disney. Both my Mom and Dad have there own.


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ChipnDaleFan's picture
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I have it and I really don't feel like it's worth it. The points don't add up like they do on other cards. It's much more worth it to use my husband's card for airline miles. I did use it for the meet and greet once but waited an hour on line for the meet and greet.


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We don't have any credit cards. We live on a cash only system and have for many years. Its pretty nice because instead of paying a car payment or credit card debt; we pay ourselves each month and then when we want to go somewhere we have the money to do so.
You know yourself best so if you can use it responsibly then go for it and enjoy the rewards. If you would rack up charges and not be able to pay them STAY AWAY!


senseicj's picture
Joined: 10/29/2010
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we have one and it usually gives us a few extra hundred dollars in disney for our trip so i would say it worth it we get a nice dinner out of it that we probably would not usually splurge for.


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Brad's picture
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We have one, but I we usually put all our purchases on our AA miles cards. I think that if you're not using a CC at all, it's usually best to get one and get the rewards if you always pay it off every month. No rewards are worth it if you wind up carrying a balance.

We route pretty much everything we can through our CC so that we get miles, but we also have it automatically paid off every month. One late fee and it pretty much erased most of the benefits of having the rewards card (and I'm terrible about paying bills on time).

Molitva's picture
Joined: 03/18/2012
Posts: 127

I signed up for one! thanks for everyone's input. What pushed me over was the $50 gift card after my first transaction. Can we say, Turkey Leg t-shirt, anyone? muchlove


Joined: 03/28/2012
Posts: 25

We have the original one (not the premium card.) If you pay it off every month, or use it to pay for Disney trips and take advantage of the 0% interest it's a good card to have.

The premium card would only be worth getting if you are going to use it frequently enough to earn enough rewards to pay the annual fee on the card and then some.

It's nice getting the Disney Rewards Dollars to use, and it's also nice to get the early booking on some of the discount offers they do from time to time.
If you book Disney Cruises, you get the additional $50 onboard credit as well.

Sue Ellen

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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We have it and love it. We got it for our honeymoon a few years ago. We paid it off and use it for emergencies now. I think as far as CC go it's not like an "amazing" incentive or anything but it was nice to cash in those point and have about $100 gift card come my way a few weeks ago. Of course, it did take 4 years to get that 100! laugh


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