Disneydoc's First Thanksgiving at Kidani

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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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INCREDIBLE! the 100th visitor! Now that is some serious pixie dust! Congrats! stars

and good looking out on the coupons..I will make sure to not just wad them up in my purse
and actually look at them awesome

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Sweet Doc, nice score on the ice cream! Those salads are great. We have had the one at the Plaza several times, also the Grand Floridian Cafe has some awesome salads too.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Monday AM - sure is more fun waking up here than at home on a work day, no? awesome

We got an awesome break on the weather yesterday - the sun came out for most of it. Warmed it all up, but that is why we layer when coming to WDW in the fall & winter. Just peeled that jacket off and tied it around my waist!

I left MK after The Plaza yesterday and rode the monorail attraction to Epcot. Stood by for Spaceship Earth - pretty fast as I am here to tell you they were ALL at the MK. Walked the WShowcase and stopped for that awesome French acrobat guy. Saw the end of the Italian flags - will catch that later. Noted where the various fun holiday stuff will be so I can catch them on Friday and Saturday. Bring on the gingerbread!

I can never resist the Voices of Liberty, and they had several new pieces this time. Continued on over toward HS via the BW - too nice a day not to cruise around, foot be damned! biggrin

I just love that relaxing walk between BW and HS. I took it nice and slow and soaked in the sights and sounds of WDW - those are the things I miss when between trips - the sound of kids in the pool, the smell of the BW bakery - too many to name all over the world.
Stopped in the store on the BW to pick up a power snack piece of fruit - they had no bananas (cue the song) but did have some gorgeous pink grapefruits. Got one, of course with my AP discount, and ate it on Sunset Blvd in HS.

Then it was Muppets time! They were playing the Muppet Christmas Carol music all over this area. After this I browsed around the stores and wandered back to look for Wandering Oakens. The CMs were telling us that we were the last group before the Osbourne Lights began - what timing again! I was on the Streets of America for the first run of the evening!

They were amazing as usual - I love people watching as much as the attraction itself. First timers just gawk - I remember that OMG feeling. But it still gives me chills.

I decided to call it a night after that and head back to AKL for some dinner at The Mara. After my tastings of Boma and Jiko ( will do Sanaa again later this trip) I felt adventurous and got the African Stew over basanti rice. OMG - delicious, and very filling. Huge plate - I ate about a third of it and was stuffed. Guess what I am having for lunch today? Love those DVC villas with fridge and microwave.

Sorry no.pic but the stew deserves a description - beef, chicken, ham, succotash, medium spices, white basanti rice. Highly recommend. And under $10 too.

I remembered little containers of pumpkin cheesecake at this resort last Thanksgiving and they are here again - but 25 cents more. I will get one (or more) while here.

Really enjoying those exercise pants I bought to wear instead of jeans - so comfy and light, but warm too. Seems like that is the Disney uniform for lots of folks I see in the parks. Another bonus - they show every bulge so I am more conscious of those high calorie choices. I still eat them but try to spread them out so they do not make ME spread out more! laugh

Had great bus experiences all day yesterday - I do love the convenience of it. Also bought the rest of my set of dishes yesterday at MK - got the salad plates and bowls of the white set with black Mickey in the center. I bought just the dinner plates last year and realized that they will stop making them if I do not complete the set. Used one of those 20 percent coupons, saved nearly $16, had them sent here to Kidani where I can pick them up today and take them to my car. How cool is that? I think I have my family trained to just give me Disney gift cards - with Starbucks a close second.

So now off to Monday. Going to drive offsite (gasp) to the character outlet off Vineland for some scavenging & maybe a little Christmas shopping.

Later friends!


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crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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Sounds like a great Sunday. And the first-timers aren't the only ones who gawk at the Osborne lights. I know I was walking up and down the street with the biggest, silliest grin on my face, and I've seen them several times.

Hubby had that stew at The Mara earlier this month and loved it, also. I tried a bit and have to agree, it's delicious.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

That stew sounds delicious! And I'm so hoping that Osborne Lights are still there next year when we go for our first ever Christmas trip! So glad to hear you're having a fabulous time, Doc! muchlove

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Waiting for Crush- did not need fast passes for Future World stuff. Found a tree topper at character warehouse for my "Disney only" tree but nothing else I really wanted. Got some socks at Nike and a pair of shorts on the clearance rack- it is 85 today! I took those out of my suitcase the day before I left. Sigh.

Had an amazing salad at Puck at DTD - found a parking place believe it or not. More later!


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Cool factoid - you get an AP discount on bottled soda at merchandise kiosks! More money for fun stuff.


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AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
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It sounds like you are having a great vacation so far! Enjoy awesome

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
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Sounds like you are having a fantastic trip AND it is 85 degrees - so much better to wake up in Florida than in Nebraska. (It is only about 34 degrees here today!) Looking forward to hearing more!


** BeLiNdA **

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Sounds like your having a blast Doc, keep those temps up for us for our Saturday arrival!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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Sounds so fun!!! Wish I was back down there!!!


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Hey all - nabbed FPs for AK this AM - will update later! Rain predicted all day today - but we will see. Yesterday was about perfect.

Happened up on the DVC Merry Mixer in Epcot - free cookie (which became my dinner), a beautiful pewter DVC ornament, and some apple cider. clapping


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Vettelover's picture
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disneydoc wrote:

Happened up on the DVC Merry Mixer in Epcot - free cookie (which became my dinner), a beautiful pewter DVC ornament, and some apple cider. clapping

We have been to those before and it is usually very hectic and crowded was it like that this time?


disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Yes! Got in, got cookie, got juice, got ornament, walked around, got out! laugh


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Sopping wet at AK! Got safari in before the rain - waiting for Lion King - they opened early to shelter us from lightening! Shoes soaked!


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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disneydoc wrote:
Sopping wet at AK! Got safari in before the rain - waiting for Lion King - they opened early to shelter us from lightening! Shoes soaked!

I stalk the weather network for Disney and saw it said heavy thunderstorms. Hope it lets up crossfingers

disneydoc's picture
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Seems to be letting up but looks like steady rain all day. No worries - made it to Nemo on standby - changed all of my AK fast passes to indoor stuff at MK this afternoon. Will hit Flametree for a smoked chicken salad after this show - another trip first. Have enjoyed these new counter service places - very fresh and table service quality food too. Since I order a lot of salads this works well for me.

I also looked at Morocco quick service - Tangeriene? The vegetarian dish looks great- is it very spicy? I figure if I can do the African stew at Mara I may be OK.

Got myself an awesome coffee scoop for 20 percent off. Did not tell you about the Vera Bradley cosmetic bag I got at DTD yesterday with the rest of my gift card from DBF.

Looked for a key chain for a friend at Mouse Gear but no luck .

Oops - show time!


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Joined: 11/15/2012
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Hi Disneydoc, Tangeriene is good, the veggie food is great and not too spicy I love the frozen drinks (maybe not in the rain and chill). Great atmosphere too


disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Got the smoked turkey sandwich at Flame Tree to go - back to the room for dry clothes and a cup of Twinings Christmas Tea! Will save half the sandwich for dinner because I also had my first Mickey ice cream bar - Thumbs way up on that!

Dried out now and off to MK - rain holding off for now. This AM was literally a flash flood. sarcastic

Word: ALWAYS bring 2 pairs of shoes and lots of socks. biggrin


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93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Awesome report! Stay dry! Yeah I take about 3 pairs of shoes plus my rain boots after the first downpour we had and got soaked! Never again! Have fun!
Keep that great warm weather for us this weekend!!Smile

disneydoc's picture
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Well, the temp is going down and is supposed to get down to the 40s later in the week! I have to bring my whole closet inNovember - you never know!


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disneydoc's picture
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Headed over to Epcot and probably HS later. A 4 park day is not unusual for me if the rain will hold off - we will see. I cannot resist a spin around WS and maybe over for Osbourne again.....with Starbucks for the walk over. awesome


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disneydoc's picture
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Wednesday AM - so much for the warm weather! If you are coming down you had better pack some warm stuff too - 55 and rainy now with 42 as a low tonight! And it was 85 2 days ago!

I am shooting for Welcome Home Wednesday on the Boardwalk at 2 PM - with some HS or Epcot before. HS was a no go last night - walked over and it started raining. Just hopped the bus back to AKL. Just as well, as my foot is sore - surprise! sarcastic

This chilly day might be a good time for touring resorts. Hmmm. Park crowds were really light yesterday - did not really need my FPs except for Peter Pan.

My past experience is that the Thanksgiving crowd comes in today, and the after holiday folks start Friday!

Might be a good day to enjoy one of those free movies that DVC folks can get from the gift shop to watch too if I could make myself sit still - I usually get one every night to fall asleep to. biggrin but African Cats was great - love Disney Nature.

If I cannot sit still I will ride boats, buses, and monorails. Great fun!

So out for now - more later!


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Glad to hear you're making the most of your trip, despite the rain and cold! awesome

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

I love your fast pass report Doc!

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Beauty & the Beast!


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93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
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Thanks for the heads up!! I have packed four seasons of clothes! Lol This time of year is a throw of the dice!! Keep having fun!!

Joined: 06/17/2012
Posts: 373

Enjoying your trip report Doc..Thanks for sharing Smile


disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

And it looks like it will warm up again over the weekend!

Had a small child's plate of salmon & green beans at Sunshine Seasons then hoofed over for a pumpkin cupcake with maple icing at Starring Rolls before the show. Now off to Mermaid and I will be VERY careful in there!

Just got a call from my kids dad that his dad passed away yesterday on a sad note. Thankful that I will make the funeral on Monday or Tuesday. He was a very special & loving man. And so grateful that our formerly fractured family can love each other now.



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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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So sorry for their loss Doc.