Disneydoc's First Thanksgiving at Kidani

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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Me too - but he leaves quite a legacy.

In for the night with Flame Tree leftovers, a plain salad, a half grapefruit & some Christmas tea. - and a couple of bites cut from a coconut bar from the Beach Club (read about it on another board - amazing!). Another first!

Gone With the Wind on TV too. Another lovely day in the World - I am blessed.

Oh yes, forgot to mention that my room is close to the elevator nearest the lobby on the 5th floor - so quick to get in and out! The stairs are there too when I am feeling it. Kidani is such a nice laid back place. I did not think I would like it after Jambo but I really love it. I think I will book this for next Thanksgiving. Already have Jambo value studio for April - those are really hard to get and a point bargain. Old Key West for June - a first there.

So Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am thinking Pucks Express - they are doing a Thanksgiving special. We'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all.


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Figments Girl's picture
Joined: 03/22/2014
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Happy Thanksgiving! Really enjoying your day by day trip report.


Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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Happy Thanksgiving Doc!

Joined: 08/01/2012
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Happy Thanksgiving DisneyDoc. I love your TR.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Thank you for the kind words guys! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

My only plans thus far are Pucks Express at DTD for turkey day food - they have pumpkin pie! muchlove

It is sooooooo cold 50 this AM, low of 40 tonight! Where is the 85? Does make it feel kinda Christmasy though. Should get to high 60s today and the sun will feel good - it is just beautiful out there this AM.

So the Lumberjack thing in Epcot gets a huge thumbs down from me. It was kinda embarrassing - I tried 2 times and could not get into it. Sigh.

I loved the flags in Italy though. Felt totally Italian and was interesting too. And the pizza smell over there........have you guys noticed that there is not a QS in Italy? Guess they want you to sit down and have a whole pizza! I just want to grab one piece...just one! Small portions are not the norm around here unless at F&W!

I see that there is something new in Morrocco instead of the band - will try to see that today. I am thinking that I am done with MK this trip and will stay in the Epcot and HS zone, but you never know.

Tried to do Welcome Home Wednesday at the BW but when I showed up they gave me the free DVC hat and said a private event was booked. None of these for 3 weeks - FYI you guys. Was sad - I wanted the snack. We are just never satisfied with all these freebies are we? wink

I guess I'd better get over to the GF today, or else one AM for gingerbread and to see the amazing lobby. Saw BW, Beach Club, Yacht Club, and The Swan yesterday on my treks. None compare to Jambo in my opinion - but that does not count Wilderness Lodge or GF - they are stunning.

Hey, I need to go to Wilderness Lodge.

So, off for now. Will let you know about Pucks. Have a great feast day with family and friends, all! bighug


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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GF gingerbread shingle in bag for later - check! Beautiful day - warming up nicely thanks to the sun. Rode to MK on bus - the crowds were unreal to get in! Hopped a ferry to ride in the sunshine and walked through the Poly maze to get to GF. Saw that gorgeous lobby, got my shingle, and washed my hands in some yummy Basin salt scrub. One day I will
Actually buy some of it - so nice.

Waiting now at the GF busstop for a DTD bus - time for lunch!

GF is so lovely but has such an upper crust feel and clientele - I wonder if I would like it. I sure would like the view of MK - might be fun for a split stay.

Bus here - later!


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Joined: 11/15/2012
Posts: 912

Happy Thanksgiving really enjoying your real time report. Have a fabulous rest of the day


MrHub's picture
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disneydoc wrote:
GF gingerbread shingle in bag for later - check! Beautiful day - warming up nicely thanks to the sun. Rode to MK on bus - the crowds were unreal to get in! Hopped a ferry to ride in the sunshine and walked through the Poly maze to get to GF. Saw that gorgeous lobby, got my shingle, and washed my hands in some yummy Basin salt scrub. One day I will
Actually buy some of it - so nice.

Waiting now at the GF busstop for a DTD bus - time for lunch!

GF is so lovely but has such an upper crust feel and clientele - I wonder if I would like it. I sure would like the view of MK - might be fun for a split stay.

Bus here - later!

Ha ha ha, we will soften me up for you Doc! With us staying in the GFV for a week there will be a whole new class of clientele staying there and we are called " from the wrong side of the tracks!" They will have to get used to us. biggrin awesome

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Sounds great MrHub! Surely real people stay there. Everyone I saw this morning looked like they were straight out of an advertisement for Ralph Lauren! laugh

Great day today - I loved the Frozen sing a long! It was precious when every little girl in the place started belting out those songs! The show was well done. I also caught two more sets of Mulch Sweat and Shears. I swear I think I stalk them - I could listen to them all day, no kidding. I literally follow them all over HS.

Ended the day walking back over to Epcot and seeing the American Adventure - appropriate for Thanksgiving Day. mickey

I am building up my walking muscle - no sore foot and not tired tonight with miles of walking. If I just had WDW to walk all over every day - it would never take effort to walk 5 miles or more a day, no? It's not nearly as fun or scenic at home as the WShowcase.

Tomorrow begins Holidays Around the World ar Epcot - cannot wait. awesome


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Friday AM - 47 degrees at nearly 10 AM! Very Christmasy! But sunny, so it will warm up. Every year is different - last year I brought hoodies and never wore them. Year before I bought two and wore them at the same time!

Getting ready for Holidays Around the World fun at Epcot - first performer is around 11:30. Need to kinda pack up a little - looks like a slob lives here right now. silly

I look forward to this all year. Later!

P.S. Think I am going to get to meet Hub and scrappy on Saturday! yay


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Yay for meet ups! yay

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Enjoy your last day Doc and I do hope you get to meet MrHub and scrappy- they are great people!

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Ah, last full day. I wake up in the AM from these comfy beds (they are truly awesome) and hit the road to see my kitties and my DBF. muchlove

I got to see the entire first showing of Candlelight last night with Jodi Benson! I walked up at 4:50 and stood right behind the railing - totally unobstructed view and I could even hear the speaker. It was a beautiful hour and I cannot believe my good fortune again. This whole trip has been about nonstop great fortune!

I also arrived at Epcot just as WS was opening and saw nearly ALL the holiday stuff. I think they tweaked times this year - last year it seemed impossible to get to them one after the other. awesome

Had some delicious roasted chicken, green beans, and asparagus in Seasons and rode The Land on the way out. I just could not hang for the whole night - way too cold!

Since I got so much done yesterday I switched FP to hit MK this AM - hopefully before it gets nuts. Have not been over to see Wilderness Lodge yet - we will see. I am going to shoot for some evening fun tonight - will try to bundle up and layer more.

So off to Peter Pan?

And meeting hub and scrappy today!


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disneydoc's picture
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Hey Watchmaker - that Magic Cookie Bar @ Wilderness Lodge is dang amazing. I ate the whole thing!!!!
Glad I had a salad for lunch!

Bus service at WL is definitely lacking - I do not think I will stay here. But it sure is fun to visit.

Off to Epcot & HS- last evening in the World. muchlove


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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disneydoc wrote:
Sounds great MrHub! Surely real people stay there. Everyone I saw this morning looked like they were straight out of an advertisement for Ralph Lauren! laugh

AHAHAHAHA So true! I feel the same way every time we're over there! rolling rolling rolling

So sorry about your loss Doc, but I've really enjoyed your TR and hope you had a magical last couple of days!

PJsLife's picture
Joined: 09/08/2014
Posts: 314

What a great report. It seems we suffered with Winter Storm Cato together!


RobynPrincess's picture
Joined: 03/14/2010
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Ahhhh I've just caught up with the rest of your TR, loved being right there with you! Can't wait to go there this time next year, your report has only made me wanna go even more!


Our Very Merry 24 nighter Nov/Dec 15
Watson's go West May 15
The one with all the birthdays Oct 14 4 Big Birthdays and a Vow Renewal thrown in
The OMG trip June 14 30th Birthday present from the hubs
Girly trip March 14 A last min cheapy week
September 13 our first all DVC stay
TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
Oct 2012 TR with a cruise!big family trip featuring the beach club, AKL, the dream and a villa offsite
TR on a budget May - June 2011offsite condo
TR Sept - Oct 2010 big family trip in an offsite villa

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Well guys, I am home and back to the high school December end of semester business, but I have some reflections on this November trip!

High points:

Getting to catch all the Epcot Holiday Around the World presentations! There were some new ones this year that I enjoyed:

China had a Dragon dance - very nice! This replaced the Monkey King guy from last year.
Morrocco had a female talking about various customs, but I liked the last years male performer more - his presentation focused on Eid and Ramadan.
Voices of Liberty - new and amazing arrangements, Dickens style costumes - awesomeness!
Mexico featured the Mariachi band and some dancers - Feliz Navidad!

The Canadian Voyagers (with the bass player from Off Kilter) was good - some don't like them but I think the female singer has a neat voice. The Japanese story of the darumas is also very good, as is Pere Noel in France and St. Nicholas in UK.

And to top it all off, I got to seeThe Candlelight Processional with Jodi Benson - and all of the above in ONE full Epcot day!

More highs:

Love Kidani Village even without an animal view. Great parking, buses were awesome, quiet resort.
Osbourne lights when they first come on! Be there at 5:45 to hear the story and see them go on for the first time. I did that 3 different evenings!
Mulch Sweat & Shears! They just rock, period. And great personalities - so funny.
Great quick service food! Puck Express, The Mara, sunshine Seasons, and whoa Nellie - Flame Tree!!
Coconut bars from Beach Club, Magic Cookie bars from Wilderness Lodge!
Mickey ice cream bar - yummy but I like other stuff more.
Sweet potatoes from Liberty Square market - love!
Gorgeous trees in Grand Floridian Wilderness Lodge, and Jambo. Smile

Just a few lows - torrential over your ankles rain one day.
Cold after dark many days. Couldn't hang for night fireworks or Fantasmic. Which was ok - I get to go back.
Serious crowds at MK on Thanksgiving Day, and after. Just go in the AM and hop unless you do not mind walls of people!
Decided that as cute as the Mine Train is it bothers my tummy. Well darn. I tried. Peoplemover it is. Smile
I miss Off Kilter a LOT. It is so sad around there - could not take the Lumberjacks. I am a music girl. And the area just lacks the festive fun vibe without Off Kilter. sad

I feel fortunate to get to see Disney across the seasons - it gives me permission to enjoy just being there without having to nail it all every time. It is such a different experience every season, and from year to year too. Keeps us all coming back.

Thanks to all who read along. Now I am going to enjoy your reports, and look forward to april!



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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

Great TR! I loved reading it mickey I'm happy to see there weren't too many lows (and all your bones remained intact Wink ). That's so awesome how you get to visit the World for all the seasons. I wish I could do that! Guess I better move to Florida laugh

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Great report! have really enjoyed reading it and feeling like we are there with you!

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Loved reading your TR Doc. Sounds like you had an amazing time, despite the rain and cold. Thanks for sharing with us. awesome

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Loved the report as usual, Doc! muchlove

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

Great report!!! So glad you enjoyed it!


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Thank you for reading! I leave the picture taking for the professionals we have on this board! biggrin

I cannot wait to go back. Will fix my ticker soon to count down to April!


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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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Loved your report! Thank you for taking us along with you!

Joined: 08/01/2012
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Loved your report DisneyDoc.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Thank you! I loved the trip! Loved Kidani a lot. muchlove


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