Disney's Tangled

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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Disney's Tangled

Has anyone seen the new trailer for Tangled?

It looks adorable..and I am excited to see a new twist on the classic Rapunzel. At least it doesn't look like it will make me cry like Up or Wall-E! The animation looks cool as well..I usually like the "regular" animation that was used for The Princess and the Frog but this looks good...they look so real!


mickey Bella

bali's picture
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I'm so excited to see it! I fear that it will be like Bolt and go relatively unnoticed... Seems like a fun premise though.

My big concern is that all the press and hullabaloo for Princess and Alice has desensitized people to Disney movies for a while. Oh yeah, it has Toy Story 3 to contend with, too!


May 2008 CSR mickey

dsoup's picture
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I think you're right that it could be very well overlooked in all the buzz about Toy Story 3.

caitiesus's picture
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Did anyone else see this? It was FANTASTIC. Everything that The Princess and the Frog should have been, but wasn't.

The music was great (yay Alan Menken), the story was touching, sweet and exciting, the vocal performances were right on, and the animation was phenomenal!

We are probably going to see it again in a couple weeks. It was that good!

teacherdrama's picture
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Just seconding Caitie's post. "Tangled" might not be AS good as classics like Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King, but it's head and shoulders over recent Disney output like Bolt, Chicken Little or The Princess and the Frog (which we both liked, but Tangled was MUCH better, especially since Randy Newman just isn't much of a theatrical composer - I also left off Meet the Robinsons because I think that's a vastly underrated movie).

The comedy was crisp, the animation was gorgeous, the voice talent was great, and the songs were excellent (time will tell if they become classics in line with some of the others, but I fear marketing for this movie might stand in the way of that, which is a shame).

Disney movies are only as good as their villains - and Mother Gothel is a great one. If you know Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods, Mother Gothel is only a slight step below her in terms of depth and motivation.

We saw the movie in 2D and it looked great. When we go back, I want to see it in 3D. If anyone sees it in 3D, let us know if you think it's worth the extra money for it...


Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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caitiesus wrote:
Did anyone else see this? It was FANTASTIC. Everything that The Princess and the Frog should have been, but wasn't.

You didn't like the Princess and the Frog?!?! eek I thought that movie was fantastic!


mickey Bella

caitiesus's picture
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Bella wrote:
caitiesus wrote:
Did anyone else see this? It was FANTASTIC. Everything that The Princess and the Frog should have been, but wasn't.

You didn't like the Princess and the Frog?!?! eek I thought that movie was fantastic!

I liked Princess and the Frog, but I didn't LOVE it. It was advertised as the movie to bring back the Disney musical but it wasn't quite good enough. The music was...okay but not really that memorable and the villain was okay. It could have been better...which Tangled was.

Annie's picture
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Thank you so much for the reviews, guys! I've been dying to see it, but no time this weekend!

Brad's picture
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I think the animation is really interesting. Very striking. I'm kind of anxious to see it.

Bella's picture
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Well now I just can't wait. I was going to wait until the DVD came out but now we may have to trek it to the theatre..who is coming to babysit?? haha!


mickey Bella

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It's gotten such great reviews, we *might* take it in at DTD when we're there this weekend. Debating whether it's worth an hour and 40 minutes of "Disney" time in a movie theater given the short trip vs. actually seeing it AT Disney, which is always fun for us. Decisions....my head may explode!

dsoup's picture
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It's probably #1 on our list of movies to see (now that we've seen HP), but that doesn't mean we'll actually get around to seeing it.

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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We often have that situation... oh we must see that, and then end up waiting till the DVD release.


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dsoup's picture
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Tony wrote:
We often have that situation... oh we must see that, and then end up waiting till the DVD release.

Exactly. And it's never a conscious decision either. You just look up and realize it's out of theaters. "I guess we'll see that on DVD."

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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We are the same way, with a baby nights out to the movies are few and far between!


mickey Bella

Mase's picture
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Our family just watched it last night, and while im not much for the "Princess" movies (Didnt care for the frog one at all, and really only liked Beauty and the Beast), my hopes on this were low. But we finished the movie, and we all liked it and enjoyed it alot. Very good flick if I say so myself!


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Tony's picture
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We actually went to see it in 3D a couple of weeks back (despite my earlier post suggesting we wouldn't get there) clapping

Really enjoyed it, as usual Disney's story telling really makes the film.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Is this out on DVD yet?? I am always so behind..it's on my Netflix queue so I guess it will get here eventually.


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
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Not yet...April I think? SO good.


Bella's picture
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Lizzy_B wrote:
Not yet...April I think? SO good.

Ok..awesome..I'll have to pop it to the top of my list.


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
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caitiesus's picture
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I got the Blu-Ray Combo Pack for my birthday from Jason...I REALLY want to watch it again! It will also be the first movie we have watched in Blu-Ray on our PS3, so I am super excited!

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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Don't think it's released on Blu-Ray here yet, but it will be top of the shopping list when it is.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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We got the blu-ray - wonderful! I've lost track of how many times we've watched it now. I really enjoyed this one - I think they did an awesome job with it. (pretty sure I'm totally repeating myself.)

Do y'all have a favorite bit or character?


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Lizzy_B wrote:

Why do I always miss the fun?!

This is in our number one position on our Netflix queue and I am anxiously awaiting its arrival!


mickey Bella

caitiesus's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
Posts: 682

Lizzy_B wrote:

Do y'all have a favorite bit or character?

Hmmm That is really tough. I mean, I LOVE Rapunzel, I think it is such a cool portrayal! But the horse was hilarious, as was the chameleon. And Finn was great too!

I do love the song with all the thugs, that was really funny. But I also thought her morning routine was really fun to watch. And they song about the lights was great!

I can't choose!