I'm curious - how many of you plan Disney trips that you never intend to go on? Or know are more "Fantasy Trips" that you're just planning because you're bored and have some time to kill?
Who else plans for entertainment, just because they can?
I'm curious - how many of you plan Disney trips that you never intend to go on? Or know are more "Fantasy Trips" that you're just planning because you're bored and have some time to kill?
Who else plans for entertainment, just because they can?
It seems like every weekend I work on planning a trip
I do! I actually find myself checking to see what restaurants have availability just so I can imagine where I'd go for dinner if I was there. Sadly, this happens several times a week :
It's my favorite on-line game "how much is it going to cost me to go XXXX today"? The XXXX can be pretty much anywhere - Disney, Europe, Australia, etc.
I figure if I hit the lottery I will be ready to go !!
Oh my gosh - that's my FAVORITE one to do! I sear I would spend a whole year doing nothing but cruising and going on adventures by Disney with the occasional park stop in between.
I never have, but what a great idea! Joe says "Thanks, Kristen...thanks a lot "
I never have, but what a gear idea! Joe says "Thanks, Kristen...thanks a lot"
LoL -- sorry Joe.
Oh yes...count me in
When I plan Disney I plan to make it happen..but I spend alot of time planning Venice, Paris, Bermuda.......
who knows when that will happen
I start making rough plans for the next trip as soon as the last one is over. The plans aren't really detailed - I'll pick a date and rough out a schedule. None of these trips have ever actually happened since we usually end up booking a different time than I'd started planning for.
GUILTY! It does make me feel better to know I am not the only one who does this...
I have a nice PIN code for December free dining right now and keep checking flights to see if they are affordable. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes!!
** BeLiNdA **
I start making rough plans for the next trip as soon as the last one is over. The plans aren't really detailed - I'll pick a date and rough out a schedule. None of these trips have ever actually happened since we usually end up booking a different time than I'd started planning for.
Yep, I do that too...I have even caught myself planning the next trip while on a trip to WDW. It usually involves where I may try to stay, what restaurant I will try (and which one i will skip), what attractions that are must do, etc...thinking that way helps me leave, knowing that I will be back soon.
I actually priced out a trip for November 2014 this afternoon. On our last trip in May, I mentioned to Peter that I really wanted to see WDW with the Osborne Lights and Christmas decorations. He didn't say no, went as far as saying "maybe", so that's good enough for me!
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
I actually priced out a trip for November 2014 this afternoon. On our last trip in May, I mentioned to Peter that I really wanted to see WDW with the Osborne Lights and Christmas decorations. He didn't say no, went as far as saying "maybe", so that's good enough for me!
Cool.....maybe I will see you there!
I was just doing my (almost) daily check to see where I could eat tomorrow if I was in the world, and I was shocked to see a 4:10pm dinner spot at BOG If only I was actually going to be there
I do it all the time because it keeps me sane! I really want to go to Disneyland where it all began and I just may do it next year.
some of the guys in my department call me the schedule whisperer. I love to workout schedule changes and then plan trips. some work out others become fantasy trips. i do love planning trips
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.
I should really be working, but instead I find myself surfing the forum and planning a "fantasy" Disney trip to Disneyland. LoL... I am the very embodiment of a short attention span today, but at least I have Disney to dream about.
Who wants to come with?
What should we do?
I'm game. I have never been so I want you to pick your favorite attraction for us to do.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye in Adventureland. It's my very favorite ride!
It's super hard to find a good ride video of this one because it is so dark and moves quickly inside.
Here's Disney's version of the ride video
Here it is in night vision
I try not to because when I do if I don't already have a trip booked I wind up booking one.
I should really be working, but instead I find myself surfing the forum and planning a "fantasy" Disney trip to Disneyland. LoL... I am the very embodiment of a short attention span today, but at least I have Disney to dream about.Who wants to come with?
What should we do?
More importantly...what do we EAT!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye in Adventureland. It's my very favorite ride!
It's super hard to find a good ride video of this one because it is so dark and moves quickly inside.Here's Disney's version of the ride video
https://Here it is in night vision
Thanks for the ride. I loved it.
I keep making vacations for DL and a cruise. I do want to do both. I think the cruise will be the honeymoon. I also want to visit the overseas parks. But I would have to buy tickets for Tokyo Disney.
Omg I licked my phone screen that looks so yummy! Is that the ts place in DTD? I have a list of must eat places fo DL and that is making the cut!!
Nope - it's in Frontierland.
Disneyland has some FANTASTIC counter service restaurants that are served cafeteria style, so you get a good price for table service like food. This one and the Plaza are both phenomenal.