Drinking when traveling with someone who doesn't drink

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bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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Drinking when traveling with someone who doesn't drink

If you're headed to WDW with friends or family members who don't drink, do you feel comfortable ordering an alcoholic beverage?

And if you don't drink, how do you feel about someone ordering something alcoholic while they're out with you?


May 2008 CSR mickey

Vettelover's picture
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Neither the wife or I drink at all, but when we go out to dine with others we have no problems whatsoever if they order a drink or two.


Joined: 09/12/2010
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Vettelover wrote:
Neither the wife or I drink at all, but when we go out to dine with others we have no problems whatsoever if they order a drink or two.

Ditto. Neither Joe nor I drink, but we have no problem if others we are with order drinks.

PsychoAlice's picture
Joined: 06/19/2010
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:::needs to hang out with you bunch:::

I am by NO MEANS a lush...remember my story about my friend who went with me to wdw that I wanted to throw off the balcony?

Yea, she had a hissy fit whenever I ordered a drink for dinner...sigh..Im pretty sure im a big girl who was on vacation away from my kids..if i wanted a drink with dinner I should be allowed to have one without any flack


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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I don't really drink much myself. I might have a beer or a glass of wine if I'm at a really nice restaurant. I probably do a max of 1 drink every 4-5 days. We seem to be a bunch of teetotalers on here. (Except for PsychoAlice laugh j/k)

Most of my family actually doesn't drink but couldn't care less if someone else drinks.

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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It doesn't bother me. If anything if gives me an excuse to have a beer myself. Having a couple with dinner should be perfectly acceptable, it's a shame that some don't see it that way.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
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I'm in the "I'm on vacation, soooo I'm probably going to have a drink or two." camp. While I don't drink much at home, I do like to try the different mixed drinks, experiment with wines, and have a margarita or two while I'm out of town. For me, it adds to the festive atmosphere and reminds me that I don't have to work the next day.

I've never been at WDW with someone who makes me feel uncomfortable if I order a drink; I think that would mean I'd be uncomfortable on a whole lot of other levels, too most likely.

Tony -- any beer suggestions??

LifeIsForLiving's picture
Joined: 07/06/2009
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While it is reasonable to expect having a drink our two would not bother your companion who doesn't drink, I do think it's a good practice to consider (or ask) how they feel about it. I don't drink and I usually don't care what others do. That said, there are circumstances where I would rather my companion did not. For example, if DW and I are at a party and its one of THOSE parties (where drinking is the only activity and everyone stands around near the kitchen where the alcohol is) and everyone there is drinking, I would rather not be the only person not imbibing. Doesn't bother me if DW wants to have a glass of wine or two with dinner, or have a drink at a different kind of function. There are only a few circumstances where it makes me feel a bit odd being the only sober person for miles (despite being that guy for my entire life).

RobynPrincess's picture
Joined: 03/14/2010
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I have the odd drink but generally I would say I'm a non drinker due to an illness, i dont mind at all if everyone around me is drinking, i often go clubbing and am the happy designated driver, not having a drink doesnt bother me, and seeing others drink doesnt bother me either biggrin awesome


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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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I rarely drink at home but when I am on vacation I love having a cocktail (or two). Dave drinks at home and on the road as well. He's not a lush or anything but he does enjoy a beer at dinner.
That being said, drink or don't drink. It doesn't bother me at all.


mickey Bella

Joined: 08/20/2010
Posts: 24

I drink. At home and on vacation. I don't have any friends or family that I travel with who don't drink. So I guess this post is worthless Smile But, unless you're with someone who has a serious issue with alcohol, I think you should feel free to have a few even if everyone isn't partaking!


Joined: 08/20/2010
Posts: 24

allyscud wrote:
I drink. At home and on vacation. I don't have any friends or family that I travel with who don't drink. So I guess this post is worthless Smile But, unless you're with someone who has a serious issue with alcohol, I think you should feel free to have a few even if everyone isn't partaking!

And, by the way, I will be enjoying my drinks in Disney ONE WEEK FROM NOW! clapping


dsoup's picture
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allyscud wrote:

And, by the way, I will be enjoying my drinks in Disney ONE WEEK FROM NOW! clapping



Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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Congrats Ally, you made it! yay

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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allyscud wrote:
allyscud wrote:
I drink. At home and on vacation. I don't have any friends or family that I travel with who don't drink. So I guess this post is worthless Smile But, unless you're with someone who has a serious issue with alcohol, I think you should feel free to have a few even if everyone isn't partaking!

And, by the way, I will be enjoying my drinks in Disney ONE WEEK FROM NOW! clapping

WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!! That's such a great feeling!

Are you going to do a TR?!?! Please, please, please!


mickey Bella

Joined: 08/20/2010
Posts: 24

I will! Stay tuned for a PRE trip report Smile


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

allyscud wrote:
I will! Stay tuned for a PRE trip report Smile

I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


mickey Bella