Fireworks Viewing Tips

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Fireworks Viewing Tips

Do you have a tried and true strategy for watching the fireworks? Do you find a spot or just watch from wherever you happen to be?

What would be your best advice for a Disney newbie who wants to go and watch the fireworks, but doesn't want to take too much time out of there schedule to do it?

MrHub's picture
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First timers have to be in the Hub to see them. Thats the only way to truly get the full effect. you have to be able to see Tink take off on her flight, fell the concussion of the fireworks going off around the Castle. You have to have it smack in your face the first time!

Magic Days's picture
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We plan our timing to be in tomorrowland near the wishes time frame so we can head toward main st within 15 min of wishes. It is easy to get good viewing around the Plaza restraunt. The positives are less traffic. Easy rest room break and water fountains and slow to fill up. The negative is there is also a smoking area. But that is a positive for my Mom. We have also gotten good viewing near crystal palace but it is more congested and not as easy to get around.

For illuminations we end most evenings at Epcot in the World Show case, so hitting the rail as the music begins is fairly straight forward and seems to be the most common approach. We like to look for elevated areas to avoid the push of the crowd to the rails.

Fantasmic was not a positive experience as our only venture felt like an hour long cattle call to get into the theater. We have not returned to experience it again. I'm guessing waiting closer to showtime would help. My biggest memory was that I loved the show at Disneyland and was shocked at how negative my experience was in DS.


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Magic Days wrote:
Fantasmic was not a positive experience as our only venture felt like an hour long cattle call to get into the theater. We have not returned to experience it again. I'm guessing waiting closer to showtime would help. My biggest memory was that I loved the show at Disneyland and was shocked at how negative my experience was in DS.

Oh my goodness, Magic Days. Fantasmic is in a constant battle with Illuminations to be named the single greatest thing to see in WDW by my family. I can understand you hating the cattle call, so find out what time they begin letting the crowd in and arrive at its entrance about 15 minutes AFTER that. Most of the massive mob should be in their seats by that time. If you're there when they have two shows, this should work out very well because it typically isn't nearly as full. One final tip--have someone in your party grab a seat where they are directing you (to the sides), but have someone else scatter all the way down near the middle. There are often spots available in or near the wet zone if you don't mind the possibility of getting sprayed in mist. Warning--sometimes it's more than just a mist.

The Colonel's picture
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MK- HUB, Train Station, Main Street
Illuminations- I like the golf ball in the background so, Italy and the terrace in front of Tappan Edo
I don't consider Fantasmic a fireworks show. I'm just not a big fan of it. No magic for me.


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JoAnn C's picture
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my tip - stand at the end of Main Street and run for the busses before the rest of the crowd. LOL


MrHub's picture
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JoAnn C wrote:
my tip - stand at the end of Main Street and run for the busses before the rest of the crowd. LOL

No JoAnn, thats when you just sit back and people watch until the crowd dies down.

Kristen K.'s picture
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The Colonel wrote:
I don't consider Fantasmic a fireworks show. I'm just not a big fan of it. No magic for me.

I love Fantasmic! but I agree - I don't really consider it a fireworks show.

kywildcatchick's picture
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Is Fantasmic worth seeing then? We have never been in HS that late to go see it. We have it on our to do list for Sept.

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Mandy's picture
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kywildcatchick wrote:
Is Fantasmic worth seeing then? We have never been in HS that late to go see it. We have it on our to do list for Sept.

It is worth seeing! Its my favorite show on property! That's when we go to one showing of Fantasmic. They open up seating 90 minutes before the show. Fantasmic has live characters, water effects, light effects, music and fireworks.

Kristen K.'s picture
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kywildcatchick wrote:
Is Fantasmic worth seeing then? We have never been in HS that late to go see it. We have it on our to do list for Sept.

I vote YES!

I prefer watching it in Disneyland to the Hollywood Studios version - but it is my favorite night time show.

Allie's picture
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kywildcatchick wrote:
Is Fantasmic worth seeing then? We have never been in HS that late to go see it. We have it on our to do list for Sept.

Absolutely! Love Fantasmic!

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I saw it earlier this year. It was good, but it's in my "been there, done that" category. Very long wait times both to just get in and then wait for it to start. Seemed like forever. I'd say see it for sure if you haven't yet. The fire in the show is pretty spectacular. I don't consider it a fireworks show as such though.

kywildcatchick's picture
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OK, It's still on the to do list!!!! yay

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kywildcatchick's picture
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What is the best viewing for the fireworks outside the parks? I have done the Poly beach but we couldn't hear the music. Is there a good place to go? We are not sure we will go to MNSSHP and would like to watch the fireworks if we decide not to go in the park.

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Kristen K.'s picture
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kywildcatchick wrote:
What is the best viewing for the fireworks outside the parks? I have done the Poly beach but we couldn't hear the music. Is there a good place to go? We are not sure we will go to MNSSHP and would like to watch the fireworks if we decide not to go in the park.

For Wishes -
The boat dock right outside of the MK is a pretty good spot, so is being on a boat (like the ferry to TTC). I'm not sure about the music at those.

The Marina at Grand Floridian has a nice view. I don't know about the music there.

Restaurant-wise Narcossee's and California Grill are fantastic viewing locations and both have the music piped in. There are some tables at 'Ohana, but not all of them have a view.

Are you DVC? If so - Top of the World is a great spot and pipes in the music.

WDWfanatic's picture
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JoAnn C wrote:
my tip - stand at the end of Main Street and run for the busses before the rest of the crowd. LOL

That's what we do! At EPCOT too. Well, at EPCOT you can't be that close to the entrance/exit, but you get what I mean. Beat the World Showcase rush.

But really, at EPCOT, find out which direction the wind is blowing, you don't want to get smoked out while trying to enjoy a great show.

Since we are FINALLY staying at an EPCOT resort this trip, I am going to get as close to the IG as possible (without taking on all the smoke) for a quick escape! wink



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WDWfanatic wrote:

But really, at EPCOT, find out which direction the wind is blowing, you don't want to get smoked out while trying to enjoy a great show.

Yes! This is an awesome tip. To clarify, make sure the wind is not blowing in your face as you look to the center of the lagoon.

Allie's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
kywildcatchick wrote:
What is the best viewing for the fireworks outside the parks? I have done the Poly beach but we couldn't hear the music. Is there a good place to go? We are not sure we will go to MNSSHP and would like to watch the fireworks if we decide not to go in the park.

For Wishes -
The boat dock right outside of the MK is a pretty good spot, so is being on a boat (like the ferry to TTC). I'm not sure about the music at those.

The Marina at Grand Floridian has a nice view. I don't know about the music there.

Restaurant-wise Narcossee's and California Grill are fantastic viewing locations and both have the music piped in. There are some tables at 'Ohana, but not all of them have a view.

Are you DVC? If so - Top of the World is a great spot and pipes in the music.

We caught Hallowishes from this spot last year on one of our first nights after our Kona reservation. I thought it was better spot then we had when we were actually inside the gates for MNSSHP! You could hear everything perfectly and the view of it that far back from the castle was amazing!

Mandy's picture
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They do pipe in the music from the Wishes into the TTC and it's a really good spot since most people are still in the park, so you'll be almost by yourselves at TTC.

kywildcatchick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013
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Thanks for all the good tips! I now have some great options to see Hallowishes. clapping

I am hoping to talk the hubby into just investing in the MNSSHP but he is not sure. My in-laws will be there and they are retired military so they could get the military discount if we go. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Thanks everyone for filling in my lack of musical knowledge! mickey

Joined: 09/10/2013
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Hello Everyone..!! muchlove
Has anyone seen the Electrical Water Pageant & WISHES from a boat on the Seven Seas Lagoon..??
Anyone EVER been on the Specialty Pirate Cruise (with Capt. Hook Wink ) that drops anchor in the lagoon for these...??
Would love to hear about the experience....!! stars

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Never did the Pirate Cruise for wishes, we prefer doing the Private Wishes Cruise's, and do them all the time. They are great! We have seen the Electric Water Pageant up close and personal on Seven Seas Lagoon. Also, look for the bear if they take you over by Wilderness Lodge.