Five Least Favorite Things - Animal Kingdom

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Five Least Favorite Things - Animal Kingdom

Kristen's posts about the Five Favorites inspired me..... yay

What are your 5 least favorite things in or about Animal Kingdom? And since Disney World is personal for everyone, there are no wrong or shameful answers. (Unless someone disses my Mango Pie... Angry - haha)

1. Dinosuar. Joe and I both hate it eek
2. Primevil Whirl - see #1
3. Kali River Rapids - I just have no interest in getting soaked and staying wet for hours
4. Satu'li Canteen - I wanted to love it but I did Not like the food and wanted my money back.
5. The Bird Show - old one, new one, doesn't matter. Just not a bird show fan.

Next!!! laugh

JMed's picture
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#4 Really??? Yes it is your opinion but really? What did you not like about it? I have eaten there every single trip since Pandora opened. Twice a couple of times.

Ok, so here are mine

1. Primeval Hurl - I really don't hate it hate it but lord that ride gets me everytime. Just when I think we aren't going to spin too much, BAM
2. The Bird Show - Just not my thing
3. Navi River Journey - Beautiful just waaaaaaay to short for the wait times it has
4. How hot it is ALL THE TIME. The trees there do not provide cooling shade, the provide heat and humidity like the jungle from hell
5. Rapids same as above, I hate to be wet so any water ride would make the list for me. We did ride it this summer as the park was closing. They even let us stay on and we went 'round 3 times. Luckily without a full boat, we didn't get that wet without all the extra weight pulling the boat around.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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1. All of Dinoland. I can just skip the whole thing. It was great when my kids were tiny but now I just don't care.

2. Kali River Rapids - I do enjoy this style of ride so I'm glad it is there. I just never go on them because I don't want to be all wet.

3. The Bird Show - I haven't seen the new one, but since we have kept birds and I know a lot about birds they don't usua;;y impress me. It's a one and done.

4. Tough To Be A Bug. Nope, nope, nope, and more nope.

5. The lack of extra attractions around Everest. They have fleshed out so much of the beautiful feeling of a Himalayan village that I want to explore more and stay longer there. I really want another attraction that will take me deeper into the extraordinary space they have created. Another store, a counter service restaurant, a ride, a movie, local color, SOMETHING.

Spook's picture
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1. Finding the Nemo the musical. If it's not Ellen, it's not Dory laugh
2.The fact that they got rid of the Tarzan Rocks show. Man that was an awesome show!

The next ones I don't dislike, they are just my least favourites
3. Kali River rapids. Unless it's very hot, I don't really like being soaked.
4. Na'vi River ride in Pandora.
5. Rivers of Light. I did enjoy it, but I think it could be better.

Hey JeffC what would be worse, ranking mango pie as a least favourite or having never had the mango pie? eek

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JMed wrote:
#4 Really??? Yes it is your opinion but really? What did you not like about it?

it's probably more me and my taste. I'm a picky eater in general and like simple foods. But every now and then I venture out.

I had the chopped wood grilled chicken bowl with a base of red and sweet potatoes.

I thought the chicken was pretty good, but there was soooo little of it. I love potatoes but the flavor was lacking and the mushiness turned me off. And I thought the slaw stuff was limp and wilty.

And now you see what a pita I can be.... laugh

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Spook wrote:
Hey JeffC what would be worse, ranking mango pie as a least favourite or having never had the mango pie? eek

Oh, definitely ranking it as.least favorite vs never trying it. You would make me cry in real life. And we know you could not live with that, right?

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JeffC wrote:
Spook wrote:
Hey JeffC what would be worse, ranking mango pie as a least favourite or having never had the mango pie? eek

Oh, definitely ranking it as.least favorite vs never trying it. You would make me cry in real life. And we know you could not live with that, right?

I would lead a cursed a life if I did!
I'll make it my mission to try it this time. I will have to settle for the quick service version though this time.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Let's see

1. Deffinetly Primevil Hurl, sorry JanJ, just can't do it!
2. Navi River , way to short like JMed said
3. The Bird Show, did it a few times years ago, but not lately.
4. Yes the HEAT in Animal Kingdom. It is most deffinetly the hottest feeling park!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

MrHub wrote:
4. Yes the HEAT in Animal Kingdom. It is most deffinetly the hottest feeling park!

I hear folks talk about this all the time, but so far I haven't experienced the problem. I guess I have just been really lucky.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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1. PrimeEVIL HURL - it's not fun and kills my back

2. The bird show/the bird exhibit you walk through on Maharajah. I am terrified of birds so I'll do the bird show with my family when they really want to, but I always walk around the bird exhibit except one time when the bypass path was closed and I had to speed walk through with my head down

3. Dinosaur - Again, I'll do it when I'm peer pressured into riding it with the people I'm with, but I really hate stuff jumping out at me and I scream bloody murder the entire time.

4. It's Tough to Be a Bug - I'll do it, but I don't like it and the screen quality has gotten really, really bad

5. Rafiki's Planet Watch - I for one am not at all sad this is closing. It take forever to get back there and there is nothing fun or exciting once you get there.

I have to add an honorable mention to Kali River Rapids, but for the complete opposite reason as all of you. I only go on that ride when I WANT to get wet on a super hot day and I absolutely never, ever get wet. I don't know how it is possible for the one person on the boat that wants to get soaked to ALWAYS avoid getting any sort of splash, but that's how it goes. Also the queue is always soooooooo long and sooooooo hot even with a FastPass.