Food & Wine Festival..Beers From Around The World..

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Food & Wine Festival..Beers From Around The World..

Ok folks...Sorry if this has been discussed in the past...Reason I bring it up is I'am looking forward to this festival in October..Now when it comes to food..Forget it..My hobbies are cooking and baking and my favourite room in our house is the kitchen..Enough said...So to the drink side of this festival..As far as wine goes,again I know what I like when it comes to reds and whites...But it's the beer that's kinda new to me..I got panned ( in a friendly manner ) years ago, by fellow Americans when they heard my choices at Disney..Bud...Coors..Bud Light...So I took their advice on my last trip in 2012...And I tried my first Blue Moon, complete with added slice of orange, eek ...Weird but wonderful..So now to my question..All you beer experts out there..What are your favourites at the F & W festival..?..Once I get your choices,I shall note them down in my trusty Passporter's book..Many thanks..

Magic Days's picture
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I didn't drink much while there due to fears of dehydration but I did try the Schofferhofer Grapefruit as a novelty. It's was a nice change but I am not much of a drinker and when I do I prefer a simple Gin and Tonic.


Blackeyed's picture
Joined: 03/25/2014
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Get yourself to the Belgium Stall..
Last year they were selling Leffe Blonde and Brune.
I was absolutely gutted that they had no Brune left, but still revelled in the smooth taste in the Florida heat.



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Not exclusive to the F&W per se... my all time favourite at WDW is Altemunster Oktoberfest beer at the Trinken cart in Germany.

Sooooo gooooood. Beer

senseicj's picture
Joined: 10/29/2010
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Also in the Belgium location is Hoegaarden, if you liked Blue Moon you will love Hoegaarden (in my humble opinion). Also if they have it the chocolate bock by Sam Adams is a good dessert beer in the US pavilion


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King Fergus

Thanks everyone for these invaluable recommendations..All have been noted..If you happen to be wandering around Epcot between Oct 12-24 and see a crazy looking Scotsman with a set of tartan ears and a notepad..That's me.. awesome

MrHub's picture
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If you have a smart phone, see if you can get this app:

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King Fergus

mrhub wrote:
If you have a smart phone, see if you can get this app:

Cheers Mr Hub..Haven't got a smart phone ( DS has ) But already got that App on my trusty I - Pad..Very handy..

JMed's picture
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King Fergus wrote:
mrhub wrote:
If you have a smart phone, see if you can get this app:

Cheers Mr Hub..Haven't got a smart phone ( DS has ) But already got that App on my trusty I - Pad..Very handy..

ohhhh, I like this, just sent a link to the hubby! I am not a beer drinker, I prefer the hard stuff or a good wine. I am mostly saving money for all the beverages I will be trying on this trip! Should be a blast. awesome Cheers!


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crazycatperson's picture
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Blackeyed wrote:
Get yourself to the Belgium Stall..
Last year they were selling Leffe Blonde and Brune.
I was absolutely gutted that they had no Brune left, but still revelled in the smooth taste in the Florida heat.

I'm not a beer drinker. Hubby, however, has tried several of the Belgian beers offered at F&W and enjoyed them all, especially the darker ones. And he too was bummed once when he discovered the dark beer was gone.

oldtink's picture
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It must be for Apple only as I can't find it in the Google App store for my android sad


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King Fergus

Here is our version..UK..

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Joined: 01/22/2014
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DH was attached to the beers and ears app this week wink i think he checked off 26 new beers that he tried! (Split with my dad usually) eek But it was very handy with the map feature as he could look at his phone and it would guide him from one stand to the other wink

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oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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Grrr, short of buying a new phone, does anyone know if there is an android app for this?
DH offered to put it on his iPad, but he's not going to carry it around and I would on my phone.


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

King Fergus

oldtink wrote:
Grrr, short of buying a new phone, does anyone know if there is an android app for this?
DH offered to put it on his iPad, but he's not going to carry it around and I would on my phone.

Not sure...There is also an app for F&W ...Here is the photo..

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DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
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Blackeyed wrote:
Get yourself to the Belgium Stall..



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