fRoZeN Fatigue

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PJsLife's picture
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fRoZeN Fatigue

stars Let me start off by saying, I am not a Frozen hater nor am I a Frozen Freak. With my trip coming up in about a month, I am starting to experience Frozen Fatigue. IMO I think this is due to the ramp up for Halloween and Christmas shopping.

I assume I am going to see Frozen stuff EVERYWHERE at the parks. Okay! That's fine. In 2012 it was Phineas and Ferb EVERYWHERE. One time I saw Disney Crocs EVERYWHERE.

Outside of appreciation for the movie..what are your thoughts?

crazycatperson's picture
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I love the movie, but don't need to be inundated by everything Frozen everywhere we go in WDW.

PJsLife's picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
I love the movie, but don't need to be inundated by everything Frozen everywhere we go in WDW.

November travelers will find out soon enough, wont we?

jw24's picture
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I have to agree that Frozen as a movie itself is fine but merchandise overkill and milking Frozen in any way, shape or form is something I disapprove of. We'll see what Big Hero 6 can do and I hope it can do something a non-princess Disney animated feature hasn't done in quite some time and that is to make at least $200 million in the States.


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

PJsLife's picture
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jw24 wrote:
Big Hero 6

I live in fear that Big Hero 6 will be the next John Carter from Mars. We LOVED that movie and hit the parks right after the weak release and there was NOTHING to buy. One book (which they were sold out of) and Vinyamations (that i don't buy).

I want Big Hero 6 to be popular with lots of cool merchandise for me to buy.

The Colonel's picture
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Whenever I go to the men's room in Disney, I stand at the urinal and sing, "let it flow, let it flow". Maybe I have post Frozen traumatic disorder?


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The Colonel wrote:
Whenever I go to the men's room in Disney, I stand at the urinal and sing, "let it flow, let it flow". Maybe I have post Frozen traumatic disorder?

rolling rolling rolling

I liked the movie quite a bit, but there were some serious issues with plot and character motivation. As much as I love the music in general, there are a few lyrics that were completely jarring that I absolutely hated. Still, the hype has been fun. I wouldn't have made a special trip for Frozen summer fun, but I loved photobombing olaf on a stick, ice skating at Disney, building a snowman, frozen fireworks, etc. I am definitely tired of merchandise and I don't think that the product is worthy of the hype that it is STILL generating a year later. I'm not really troubled by adding an attraction or two. In popularity, it's right up there with Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Lion King, etc, so why wait 20 years to bring it to the parks in a more permanent way? As much as I'm kind of "over it", I still can't utter the phrase "Let it Go" without giggling and bursting into song.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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I liked the movie well enough, but I really don't need to see Frozen everywhere, and it upsets me a bit that Disney seems to be milking this cash cow to within an inch of its life. I liked Brave better and it wasn't forced onto us like this seems to be. However, if Frozen does belong anywhere in my mind it is during the Winter celebrations.

The Colonel's picture
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This thing is a cash cow for Disney. Wait till you see what's in the stores for Xmas. They will not let it die. Sequels and shorts are coming. This is the exact thing Disney wants and what separates them from their competitors in merchandising. They know how to support the product.


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To be honest, and this may be an unpopular opinion to most, I'm not a fan of theming everything in the parks after a movie. In fact, I'm not a huge Disney movie fan at all. I mean, I watched the classics as a kid but I'm unfamiliar with most of these newer movies (Frozen, Lion King etc.) and I didn't know Nemo was a fish until a couple of years ago when I saw a "Frying Nemo" t-shirt. I know Snow White and Bambi and stuff like that.

Anyway, I prefer attractions that are not necessarily based on movies. I realize why Disney goes after the movie based themes since it generates tons of cash for them. I don't mind some movie based attractions, but I certainly wouldn't want to see entire parks taken over by them. I think that's why I like Epcot so much since it isn't overrun by Disney movie stuff... yet.

Oh, uh... mickey

MrHub's picture
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KenJ wrote:
To be honest, and this may be an unpopular opinion to most, I'm not a fan of theming everything in the parks after a movie. In fact, I'm not a huge Disney movie fan at all. I mean, I watched the classics as a kid but I'm unfamiliar with most of these newer movies (Frozen, Lion King etc.) and I didn't know Nemo was a fish until a couple of years ago when I saw a "Frying Nemo" t-shirt. I know Snow White and Bambi and stuff like that.

Anyway, I prefer attractions that are not necessarily based on movies. I realize why Disney goes after the movie based themes since it generates tons of cash for them. I don't mind some movie based attractions, but I certainly wouldn't want to see entire parks taken over by them. I think that's why I like Epcot so much since it isn't overrun by Disney movie stuff... yet.

Oh, uh... mickey


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PJsLife's picture
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The Colonel wrote:
This thing is a cash cow for Disney. Wait till you see what's in the stores for Xmas. They will not let it die. Sequels and shorts are coming. This is the exact thing Disney wants and what separates them from their competitors in merchandising. They know how to support the product.

This is why I am glad I don't have kids! That being said: I will throw money at Big Hero 6, Stitch and Phineas and Ferb!

Kristen K. wrote:
I liked Brave better and it wasn't forced onto us like this seems to be.


h0ney227's picture
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I liked the movie Frozen, but I just really don't want to see it everywhere. Because it is literally everywhere and on everything. I hate that it will be taking over the Norway pavilion and makes me want to get one last trip there so i can just boycott the Norway pavilion all together, it will be unaccessible in a few months anyway when everyone goes running there for all the frozen stuff.


Kristen K.'s picture
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This is how we'll be doing Halloween at our house.

h0ney227's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
This is how we'll be doing Halloween at our house.

Wish I didn't have to work, cause this is a great game!


CdnSquirrel's picture
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Yup, there's gonna be an army of Elsa's come Halloween. And Anna's and Olaf's too.

JanJ's picture
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Finally saw this movie yesterday. It was cute, but once and done for me, and definitely not worth the hype. Of course, that is just my opinion. wink

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Yeah, I still like Scarface better mang.

Mandy's picture
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Good news is that most of the Frozen stuff in the parks has ended. Studios still has the sing a long and wandering Oakens post, the meet and greet is down to 90 minutes or less at MK. That's it for now until Christmas starts and the new ride opens up.

disneydoc's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
I liked the movie well enough, but I really don't need to see Frozen everywhere, and it upsets me a bit that Disney seems to be milking this cash cow to within an inch of its life. I liked Brave better and it wasn't forced onto us like this seems to be. However, if Frozen does belong anywhere in my mind it is during the Winter celebrations.

I liked Brave better too! And the music is beautiful as well. Merida is feisty - my kinda girl. awesome

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EmFord's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
I liked Brave better and it wasn't forced onto us like this seems to be. .

I really like Brave! And what about Tangled? I liked it a lot more than Frozen.. I know theres the part in Fantasyland but really, bathrooms? thats it?! And theres virtually no Tangled merchandise that I saw on our last trip. I so badly wanted a little Pasquale for my desk and searched EVERYWHERE. Finally found a big one at World of Disney that I got because I just wanted it so bad, but I was shocked at the lack of merchandise for this movie.


crazycatperson's picture
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Did anyone see Jimmy Kimmel's Trick-or-Treating Elsa bit Monday night? If not, it basically went like: Little girl shows up as Elsa. Another. Two more. Something furry, but she's Elsa underneath. Slutty grown-up woman Elsa. Sasquatch-like grown man Elsa. Dog Elsa. It's probably available on YouTube or the ABC network's website.

jw24's picture
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Link to the aforementioned video:



"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

JMed's picture
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rolling rolling rolling

That is great, I convinced Blondie to go as Anna. WHEW

I would like to partake in the Elsa drinking game but, I WILL BE ON THE WAY TO DISNEY HALLOWEEN NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

If you saw my Frozen on Ice post you will know I'm not the biggest fan of Frozen. I do love Let It Go. But that is about it for the songs from the movie. I did like the ice show, it was awesome but I think it has gone overboard. Jumped the shark so to speak.



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PJsLife's picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
Did anyone see Jimmy Kimmel's Trick-or-Treating Elsa bit Monday night? If not, it basically went like: Little girl shows up as Elsa. Another. Two more. Something furry, but she's Elsa underneath. Slutty grown-up woman Elsa. Sasquatch-like grown man Elsa. Dog Elsa. It's probably available on YouTube or the ABC network's website.

ZOMG. That is perfect.

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I realize Disney is gearing up for the holiday sales now... but I was quite surprised when I was there in May...which was virtually "Frozen-less" beach

There was hardly any Frozen merchandize ANYWHERE... no dolls, no stuffed animals, nothin'. If you were lucky... maybe a pin or a keychain... but really not much to be found anywhere - maybe it was the weird time when Disney was just sold out of everything... but i remember thinking how odd given the popularity of the film.

I remember overhearing parents complaining about the waits for the Frozen character meet & greets and talking about fast passes..... but the merchandise was completely lacking at the time.

PJsLife's picture
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SorcererMickey wrote:
I realize Disney is gearing up for the holiday sales now... but I was quite surprised when I was there in May...which was virtually "Frozen-less" beach

There was hardly any Frozen merchandize ANYWHERE... no dolls, no stuffed animals, nothin'. If you were lucky... maybe a pin or a keychain... but really not much to be found anywhere - maybe it was the weird time when Disney was just sold out of everything... but i remember thinking how odd given the popularity of the film.

I see it everywhere here....Bags, lip gloss, school supplies, etc.... but I do hope Disney has planned well for the Holidays or it is going to get nasty for parents looking for Frozen Stuff.

Mandy's picture
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SorcererMickey wrote:
I realize Disney is gearing up for the holiday sales now... but I was quite surprised when I was there in May...which was virtually "Frozen-less" beach

There was hardly any Frozen merchandize ANYWHERE... no dolls, no stuffed animals, nothin'. If you were lucky... maybe a pin or a keychain... but really not much to be found anywhere - maybe it was the weird time when Disney was just sold out of everything... but i remember thinking how odd given the popularity of the film.

I remember overhearing parents complaining about the waits for the Frozen character meet & greets and talking about fast passes..... but the merchandise was completely lacking at the time.

I think that's when everything was sold out.

The Colonel's picture
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They were caught by surprise by the demand. The supply chain is just starting to catch up.


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jw24's picture
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Or...the demand is dropping until the holiday season which usually begins around November and December....


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

Brinbunny's picture
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I saw quite a lot of frozen stuff (back today) but no more than some other features. I think that it's a little overdone by putting it in Epcot as I loved the not a huge character venue.

Also after 2 weeks I got very tired of the Olaf wake up call.....