I've been back for almost a week so I guess I better get on with my trip report!
First a little back story. The Glass Slipper Challenge is doing both the 10K and the Half marathon during Princess weekend. For those who don't know, last year was my first time registering for Glass Slipper (or any rundisney challenge for that matter, although I have done other rundisney races). I was so excited to get my three medals! And then the flu hit The good news was that I knew it was only a 24 hour bug (it had been going around back home). The bad news was that it hit Friday afternoon so I missed the 10K Saturday morning, meaning no Glass Slipper for me
( I did manage to finish the half on Sunday though. I was SO disappointed, but determined to return the next year and try again.
Fast forward to Princess 2016 and.......I DID IT! No flu this year To make up for last year, I also registered for the 5K this year. 22.4 miles in 3 days
It was a weekend full of early wake up calls but it was well worth it. I LOVE RunDisney races
Now onto the report! I haven't loaded the very few pictures that I took yet, so I'll add them later.