"Guest Assistance Pass" changes coming?

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Mandy wrote:
I've been told that Disney only has to have handicap restrooms, companion restrooms and handicap accessible entries to the different attractions. They don't have to offer any type of program like the GAC or DAS card. The parents are only mad with the new program because they can't flash the card to get on the ride immediately.

That is very true Mandy, they only have to follow the ADA guidelines. The GAC or DAS cards and such were all extras that Disney provided, and the old system was ruined by the people that thought they were better than everyone else. The unfortunate thing is, some disabled people were involved with that too, since they were the ones being hired by that 1% of the 1% to get them through the lines in the first place.

Phil I agree with you 100% and I would step aside in a minute to let someone that goes through that kind of hell everyday enjoy a Magical moment. The thing is trying to distinguish who is legitimately disabled without asking and they are not allowed to ask. Yes , if it was a perfect world, everyone would step aside whenever someone with a disability came along and would offer their place in line or offer to help, but the world is just not that perfect.

I have also been yelled at and smacked for offering a helping hand to some people that I know could have used the help, but were too stubborn, or too proud to accept it.

It is a shame that it has all come to this, and hopefully things will work out sooner or later.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

hey mrhub,

Glad you agree, I sadly have been on the receiving end of a lady yelling at me because I used my GAC at TSM, her view was I was privileged, in the February before or may trip I was in intensive care due to kidney failure and almost lost my life. In may I was able to visit the parks for a few hours at a time, I had to pay $200 holiday insurance and my park ticket cost the same as any one else's even though we were there for a matter of hours at a time. I calmly explained to the lady yelling abuse at me, and she replied 'I wish I had an illness so I could jump lines' I was shocked, as somebody that battles illness every day of my life and has no rest bite from server pain, it blew my mind to think someone would take all that, the 2am hospital trips, the watching my family go through hell, the morphine addictions, the 7 surgeries in one year and the almost dying just to be able to jump a 45 minute line at disney world. I guess I must be blessed.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

People like that are just plain idiots Phil. She just spew something out of her mouth just to be saying something, not even realizing what she said probably.

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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You know Phil you are blessed, because you are NOT like that lady (and that is using the word sarcastically). Also in another note, thanks for the design work on the shirt Great job and we are grateful.


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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'I wish I had an illness so I could jump lines'

That pretty much tells me everything I need to know about that woman. It takes a magnitude of ignorance and self-absorption beyond anything I can imagine to be able to utter something as absurd as what she said to you. If I were in your shoes, I might've replied, "I hope you get your wish."

And she might someday get her wish. Any one of us could become disabled or chronically ill tomorrow. But if she does, she'll be the type suing WDW for not doing enough to accommodate her problem.

Joined: 08/01/2012
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Phil you are a gem because I don't know if I would have had any restraint. You know I believe in the old adage "What goes around comes around" and she may get her wish. How horrible and so short sighted of her.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

Thank you for your kind words, I hate being disabled more than anything in the world.

What these people don't realise is I spend my life waiting in lines between doctors rooms and a and e

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

What these people fail to realize is that you didn't ask to be disabled. You are living with the hand that has been dealt you and doing quite grandly if I do say so. Hang in there Phil.

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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I have told my husband that when I can no longer walk, he will wear a adult size baby backpack and haul me around. Didn't the vows says "for better or for worse"?

I make light of it not to insult someone else with honest disabilitys as I have late onset MS in remission, yet I am also blessed. But some days, especially as I tire in my legs and feet, I become clutzy and probably should wear a padded suit for my own protection.

I just don' t want to slow us down and frankly, I would have to admit to being "there". wheelchair ...and I am not ready to admit that yet. awesome


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

I do feel bad for them. The kid may just want to ride Peter Pan all day. They can't do that without waiting. The thing that confuses me, is that a lot of parents of disabled children have said that they want equal treatment. Now they have that and they want special treatment now.