Hair and Make-up

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aglassslipper17's picture
Joined: 06/18/2009
Posts: 218
Hair and Make-up

Ok, so we are in the process of budgeting and trying to see if we can afford a Disney wedding, which has been my dream since I was a little girl. I know Disney has a few spas and salons, but on looking at the websites none of them seem to offer make-up application.

I am usually no mess no fuss type of person, so I don't wear a lot of make-up and to be honest not very good at appling it, since I don't have a lot of practice. I want to look nice, so I was hoping to have someone help me with make-up.

Does anyone know of any place on site that does hair AND make-up . . or even better a person in the area who would come to the room and help??

Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

Have you spoken to anyone with Disney Fairytale weddings? Even if you can't do a full-blown wedding with them, they should be able to guide you to someone at one of the spas who can do make-up/hair. Those are definitely part of the services offered, so I'm sure someone at the salons does it -- it might just not be advertised on the regular channels. Maybe just a quick call to someone at Fairytale Weddings to see if they can quote a price for just hair/make-up?

The number for Disney's Wedding team is 321-939-4610. If you're on twitter, they're @DisneyWeddings (sometimes it's easier to get a quick answer out of someone on twitter)

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! I hope hope hope you can do it at Disney.

aglassslipper17's picture
Joined: 06/18/2009
Posts: 218

Thanks for the information Smile I will definately be giving them a call.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

I think I'd take the same route Annie mentioned, so I don't have much more to say besides...

yay Congratulations!! yay muchlove

Keep us updated on your plans! mickey


May 2008 CSR mickey

admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 2733

Good luck and Congrats! Let us know what you find out (and post pictures!)

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357


Sadly, I'm not an expert on hair and makeup though. silly

Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

Brad wrote:

Sadly, I'm not an expert on hair and makeup though. silly

Brad's got his sensitive side, but it doesn't extend THAT far laugh

Glad I could help, AGS -- let us know what happens, will you? That'd be great info to have.

LifeIsForLiving's picture
Joined: 07/06/2009
Posts: 1596

For our wedding, I had a hard time finding a salon that would send someone out to the wedding site. What we ended up doing was having a close friend do her makeup. She isn't a professional, but incidentally she's done it quite a few times. She's even done a number of brides. She did an excellent job, and she was free. I'm confident I could have gotten it done otherwise as I have grown to be pretty adept at finding a way (or making one), but this was ideal. I would imagine if you ask around, you have a friend that could do a great job for you as well.

Since we haven't heard any more about it though, I suspect maybe the Disney Wedding folks have already helped you find a solution.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

Yes -- would love to hear what you've found out!


May 2008 CSR mickey

MrHub's picture
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