Hall of Presidents

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Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610
Hall of Presidents

Are they updating it with Obama or Bush? I haven't been since Clinton.

Imagineer's picture
Joined: 12/05/2008
Posts: 521

Bush has been there the last 8 years. It's closed now to add Obama.

Bush and Clinton used their own voices. I imagine Obama will do the same.


mickey Upcoming Trips mickey

July 2010 - Old Key West

Oct 2010 - Boardwalk Villas

SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
Posts: 2532

Imagineer wrote:
Bush has been there the last 8 years. It's closed now to add Obama.

Bush and Clinton used their own voices. I imagine Obama will do the same.

Seems a little early to have him make a speech that will be heard forever. I wonder if they get the opportunity to change their speeches throughout their terms in office confused




2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian

cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220

Hah! True. Eight years is a long time, a lot can change. Just think, when Bush took office we hadn't even finished the Dot-Com bust and now we've had another boom AND another bust!

dsoup's picture
Joined: 07/11/2008
Posts: 2884

They should get an incoming and outgoing speech. Obama's incoming could be like "man I hope some of all this is cleaned up in 8 years."