How do you cope with the anticipation!!!

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roundbo's picture
Joined: 05/31/2011
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How do you cope with the anticipation!!!

Well finished paying for our trip on Friday so nothing to do but wait! How does everyone here deal with the anticipation? At this point it starts to consume my every thought and I find myself going website to website compiling information and ideas for our trip. I start seeing Mickey around every corner and I seem to find a way to relate everything to something Disney. Just wanted to hear what some of you guys do when the trip is around the corner. 51 Days and counting!

arbolita's picture
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I'm a compulsive list maker, so I do lists of rides/shows we have to experience, snacks I want to get, anything I can think of that I want to experience while I'm there.

Heh, I also read any Disney-centric books I have, including some guide books, Project Future, Walt Disney: An American Original, the Baby-Sitters Club book where they go to Disney World, etc.

Mase's picture
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When we go in November, we have hockey to keep our minds on things... lol biggrin


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Catherine's picture
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These message boards, books and lots of planning!

arbolita's picture
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Mase wrote:
When we go in November, we have hockey to keep our minds on things... lol biggrin

Ooooo, I have to ask - which team do you cheer for?

Mase's picture
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arbolita wrote:
Mase wrote:
When we go in November, we have hockey to keep our minds on things... lol biggrin

Ooooo, I have to ask - which team do you cheer for?


Are you a fan? My wife (Jess) and I are season ticket holders. We love our Blue Jackets! lol


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arbolita's picture
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I'm a new fan - it's my husband's favorite sport, so seeing as how it takes over our television for several months, I've started to get into it. We're a Red Wings/Capitals household. And we cheer for whoever is playing against the Penguins, haha.

Mase's picture
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LOL.... Caps ill go with ya on. But us Jacket fans... we dont like Red Wings that much... especially when they lob the octopus onto the ice... lol


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arbolita's picture
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Haha, then I guess I shouldn't mention we have our very own Rally Al (nickname of the octopus) plush sitting in our living room...

Mase's picture
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arbolita wrote:
Haha, then I guess I shouldn't mention we have our very own Rally Al (nickname of the octopus) plush sitting in our living room...


Its all good. You dont seem like the typical Red Wings fan. So maybe you can help change the culture... lol


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Mase's picture
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arbolita wrote:
Haha, then I guess I shouldn't mention we have our very own Rally Al (nickname of the octopus) plush sitting in our living room...


Its all good. You dont seem like the typical Red Wings fan. So maybe you can help change the culture... lol


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roundbo's picture
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arbolita wrote:
I'm a compulsive list maker, so I do lists of rides/shows we have to experience, snacks I want to get, anything I can think of that I want to experience while I'm there.

Heh, I also read any Disney-centric books I have, including some guide books, Project Future, Walt Disney: An American Original, the Baby-Sitters Club book where they go to Disney World, etc.

My daughter was asking me this weekend what I was doing and I showed her my lists that I have. Needless to say I got you are wierd dad! Like you I have created a few checklists for the week!

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Ohhh anticipation is the worst..I would always re-read old trip reports. Once we made a paper chain for everyday and we took one off everyday--also the last ten days I like to watch a Disney movie every night..well I try anyway.


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
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I love anticipation- I think it's half the fun! The planning, the daydreaming, the preparations and shopping (new swimsuits, or special "we need this cause we're going to FL" stuff) and fun countdowns! I have a countdown going right now for a friend who will visiting in August. It's just fun to text them every day with the count! Which reminds me....47! Smile Just sent my text.

Enjoy the anticipation! Makes every minute between now and vacay feel like part of the fun.


arbolita's picture
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Heh, you can also hang out at this site - I keep headphones at my work and listen in occasionally:

roundbo's picture
Joined: 05/31/2011
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Lizzy_B wrote:
I love anticipation- I think it's half the fun! The planning, the daydreaming, the preparations and shopping (new swimsuits, or special "we need this cause we're going to FL" stuff) and fun countdowns! I have a countdown going right now for a friend who will visiting in August. It's just fun to text them every day with the count! Which reminds me....47! Smile Just sent my text.

Enjoy the anticipation! Makes every minute between now and vacay feel like part of the fun.

Yeah I love the anticipation glad I am not alone. It can be funner than the trip in some ways. The trip is like the roller coaster you just waited in line an hour to ride only to end in about a minute. The time in line is visualizing the ride and getting psyched up for it. My wife is totally opposite. She won't think about it till we are actually on the way. She doesn't want to get her hopes up only to be denied. She did get a bit more excited once we made our final payment. Still I am the one who can't keep still.

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Our trip is taking place in 79 days and I feel you on the anticipation thing. I have made multiple spreadsheets and re-typed/re-formatted my schedule, checklist, plans about 3 times.

We have a countdown on our bathroom mirror which gets us excited.

I like to read other peoples trip reports to get ideas and I love looking at their photos and imagine myself in them. I guess if I get really creative I could photoshop my head or body, but that feels creepy.

I have poured over maps, guidebooks, and forums until I literally have disney racing through my mind as I fall asleep at night...hopefully I have not gotten the trip built up too much in my head that I will be disapointed, but planning the trip has been so fun! I have to stop myself from talking about it non-stop to my friends and family because they are starting to think I am nuts.

So...ya...I get you on being excited wink

thats why places like this are great because I don't feel like I am the only one that might be a little obsessed Smile

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I buy Disney stuff to pass the time. yeah

Oh, and create 6,783 versions of my spreadsheet and read countless Disney blogs. mickey

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Bella wrote:
Ohhh anticipation is the worst..I would always re-read old trip reports. Once we made a paper chain for everyday and we took one off everyday--also the last ten days I like to watch a Disney movie every night..well I try anyway.

funny Bella, I can tell you are a teacher w the paper chain!



Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

kayb's picture
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I'm a planner so I make my lists of everything to do and everything to be packed. And then I shop for everything I long as I'm shopping I'm happy so I spread it out mickey

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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It's funny. For us when they're quite a while off we think about them a lot. Then once we cross the halfway point it has a tendency to sneak up on us. Of course it's hard for us to avoid the topic, what with the website and all. Smile

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Julie wrote:
Bella wrote:
Ohhh anticipation is the worst..I would always re-read old trip reports. Once we made a paper chain for everyday and we took one off everyday--also the last ten days I like to watch a Disney movie every night..well I try anyway.

funny Bella, I can tell you are a teacher w the paper chain!

Oh, I love the movie idea!


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Lizzy_B wrote:
Julie wrote:
Bella wrote:
Ohhh anticipation is the worst..I would always re-read old trip reports. Once we made a paper chain for everyday and we took one off everyday--also the last ten days I like to watch a Disney movie every night..well I try anyway.

funny Bella, I can tell you are a teacher w the paper chain!

Oh, I love the movie idea!

Julie, it's a curse. Once before a trip I named each square in my lesson plan folder after a different Disney ride or character. I'd have to come up with a LOT of rides to fill that out for this next trip.

It was fun but time consuming..when I did do this I was 23 and lived alone because Dave was still in I had a lot of spare time on my hands.


mickey Bella

Joined: 10/29/2009
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For me the hardest time to deal with is two weeks before our trip. That week seems to take forever. The week before we go I am always so busy at work trying to get two weeks of work done that it flies by. The first week or two after a trip is hard to though because it is then over.
Like others here, I like to hang out here with other Disney lovers. Everyone here gets it. We still have both friends and family that do not understand how we still get so excited about each and every trip.

Joined: 02/10/2011
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scrappy wrote:
For me the hardest time to deal with is two weeks before our trip. That week seems to take forever. The week before we go I am always so busy at work trying to get two weeks of work done that it flies by. The first week or two after a trip is hard to though because it is then over.
Like others here, I like to hang out here with other Disney lovers. Everyone here gets it. We still have both friends and family that do not understand how we still get so excited about each and every trip.

I know, my family has no appreciation of Disney. They can't understand how it's still so magical for us, even though we go so often. I say when get on property, the stress melts away and we think of nothing but happy Disney thoughts! I love it that there are other people like us who truly appreciate Disney for what it is!



Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust