How Do You Stay Connected?

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803
How Do You Stay Connected?

Because my family tends to split up - and meet up during vacations it's important that we be able to stay connected even when we're apart. What ways do you use to make sure the group that you're traveling with knows where to be and when they're supposed to be there?

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

We usually pick a time and place to meet up before we split up. However we have cell phones to call or text each other if we need too.

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

in the age of cell phones we aren't out of contact. during our grand gathering in 2008 i made itinerary sheets for everyone and we really had no problems.


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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My friends and I usually stay together. On the few occassions we separated we picked a place to meet or texted each other to say where we were.


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Cell phones. I tend to hit the parks earlier than hubby, so he texts when he's on his way and we pick a place to meet. Or if he's off with our family or friends riding something hurl-inducing, same thing.

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Definitely cell phones - texting each other, which is great now that the parks have wifi since we can use that to send an imessage to each other and not use our cell phone plan. Also it's great to send/receive emails with friends/family back home. Since we are coming from Canada, now we don't have to worry about paying for a roaming plan when we visit the world.

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

I have seen families use walkie talkies to keep in contact.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

I think we're going to try something a little new on this trip. Becks and I Both have iPhones, so we have the "Find My Friends" App. While we have a couple of meet-up points planned we're not staying at the same hotel and may not have the same touring schedule. I think this may be a useful app during the day while we're not together to see if we're near each other, or what they're/we're doing, without calling or texting.

Has anyone used the Find My Friends app at Disney? Has it been useful? Or am I overthinking?

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Kristen K. wrote:
I think we're going to try something a little new on this trip. Becks and I Both have iPhones, so we have the "Find My Friends" App. While we have a couple of meet-up points planned we're not staying at the same hotel and may not have the same touring schedule. I think this may be a useful app during the day while we're not together to see if we're near each other, or what they're/we're doing, without calling or texting.

Has anyone used the Find My Friends app at Disney? Has it been useful? Or am I overthinking?

Have not use it at Disney but I do at home to find Scrappy now and then. Yes it works and should work fine in Disney.

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

laugh laugh Funny stuff, Mr. Hub!


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