How scary do you find Splash Mountain?

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cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220
How scary do you find Splash Mountain?

I think it's because you're not restrained at all, but I always find the final drop on Splash Mountain to be one of the most exciting things on any of the Disney rides. Am I alone on this?

teacherdrama's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
Posts: 698

The first time I rode it I thought it was a little bit scary, not because of the drops which I just really enjoy, but because of the unknown. I had no idea what to expect going in - I thought you'd go around a little and then just bam, big drop. I had no idea there would be all those small ones, especially the one that kicks you right back up again, and the unknown there kept me on edge the whole time.

Now, knowing what's coming, I just really enjoy it - no fear!


Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man

admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 2733

Oddly, I was NEVER scared of this one. I think I rode it early enough in my theme park "career" that I was still invincible =D

I love the extra added drops, too. I think those are a blast. Neat how they work the "roller coaster" feel in there.

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

I don't ever remember being scared of Splash Mountain but the anticipation of that last drop is a killer!
I love how it's a thrill ride with a builds suspense and prolongs the fun!


mickey Bella

LifeIsForLiving's picture
Joined: 07/06/2009
Posts: 1596

I love the story and 'flow' of Splash Mountain. I don't find the drop(Drunk very scary but they are real fun.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

LifeIsForLiving wrote:
I love the story and 'flow' of Splash Mountain. I don't find the drop(Drunk very scary but they are real fun.

I think the storyline itself is so cartoon-y and fun that there's not much to be scared of. "Scared" for me happens with the build-up during a ride, and there just isn't much in this one.


May 2008 CSR mickey

cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220

Obviously I'm only referring to the final drop. I always find that being restrained makes me feel safer.