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Hurlymcgurly's picture
Joined: 10/23/2012
Posts: 82

yay YAY!!! yay I just talked to my travel agent and she is, first thing in the morning, booking our cruise!!!! yay We'll be going out of Galveston on a 6 night February 9th!!! yay That is less than 2 months from now!! yay And did I mention I got a Kids Sail Free package?!?! yay I'm so excited!! yay We will give it to the boys for Christmas. Think the way I'm going to break it to them is to buy pirate costumes and stick em under the tree (for dress like a pirate night don'tcha know) so they can open them up and wonder, "what the heck is this!?!" They are 15 and 12. A little past the dress up stage, but not for a cruise!! yay I think I'll stick a note in the boxes saying, Go change then you'll get your next gift! Then when they come back out, BAM!!! yay And they will freak out!! yay And it will be the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!!! yay And they will dance and sing and carry on and run amok in wild abandon!! yay ok yeah, so will I. Hee hee. YAY!!!! yay yay yay

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping

sounds like a great way to surprise them



yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars stars

banana banana banana banana banana banana

I'm ready to dance and sing and carry on and run amok in wild abandon and I'm not even going! laugh laugh

Hurlymcgurly's picture
Joined: 10/23/2012
Posts: 82

Now how do I get one of those cruise ticker thingies!?! And for that matter, how do I load an avatar? I'm not very bright when it comes to computers. lol.
We'll be on the Disney Magic. Anybody here ever sail on her?

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

I have NO IDEA how you will not implode from the excitement until Christmas!!! Would love to see the faces on the kids when that happens!

AWESOME!!!!! stars stars stars stars stars stars stars

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

wonderful! How very exciting!! clapping


magicalkingdoms.com Ticker DIStickers.com Ticker

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Very cool! Can't wait to hear about the big reveal Christmas morning!


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Hurlymcgurly wrote:
Now how do I get one of those cruise ticker thingies!?! And for that matter, how do I load an avatar? I'm not very bright when it comes to computers. lol.
We'll be on the Disney Magic. Anybody here ever sail on her?

First.... go to the very top... "Highlight" Forum (Dont click on Forum, but hover your mouse over it) then select Edit Settings. This is where you can upload your Avatar and put in a ticker which you can get by clicking this link: http://www.magicalkingdoms.com/timers/

This is the one I use... but there are others.

Hope that helps!


- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Oh... btw...


- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

yay yay yay yay


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

First of all congrats! yay Your kids will love you for ever. muchlove Video tape them opening the packages too. awesome

Okay , here are the links :



You can click on one of my countdowns/tickers and it will take you right to the site to make them.

If you need any help, you can ask here on the board or PM me.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

yay Wohoo! Your kids will be so excited! yay clapping

MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99


I have a very fond memory of the Christmas when I was 13 there was an envelope on the tree that we opened last. After speculating while opening presents what was in it (tickets to six flags, a giftcard to our favorite restuarant, movie tickets) only my little sister, who know is a CM at WDW, was right....it read WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD.

Christmas morning + Disney = AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!


Wedding Countdown Ticker

J.P.'s picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
Posts: 438

Congrats on booking a Disney Cruise! clapping I can't wait to hear about how the kids react!

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

I don't know how you are going to keep from exploding from the excitement. I can't wait to find out their reactions to this fabulous Disney Gift. clapping yay clapping yay