I Just Don't Get It..

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The Watchmaker's picture
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I Just Don't Get It..

Good Saturday Morning All...As I'am almost ready to laminate my list of must eat & drink list, my DW shook her head and said we need a longer vacation.. laugh ...Now in all my trips ( only 5 ) compared to all of you professional Disney addicts..Have you ever tried something that others rave about, and you just don't get it. confused ..I can only think of one..The Kaki Gori ice thing at Japan..Did nothing for me...So have you came across anything, food or drink, that gets the thumbs from everyone else, but did nothing for you.

Mrferret's picture
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Dole Whip eek eek eek
La Celier yuck


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The Watchmaker's picture
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Mrferret wrote:
Dole Whip eek eek eek
La Celier yuck

You are taking the Mickey..Dole Whip indeed.. waiting Agree with the famous Canadian steak house..Probably the only disappointing meal I've had at Disney...Maybe i was over excited by the hype.. sad

Mrferret's picture
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The Watchmaker wrote:
Mrferret wrote:
Dole Whip eek eek eek
La Celier yuck

You are taking the Mickey..Dole Whip indeed.. waiting Agree with the famous Canadian steak house..Probably the only disappointing meal I've had at Disney...Maybe i was over excited by the hype.. sad

Oh and thanks for reminding me ..... Mickey icecream bar just don't get why they are so revered as its just a fancy shaped Magnum ...


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Kristen K.'s picture
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I'm not a fan of Turkey Legs at all.

JMed's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
I'm not a fan of Turkey Legs at all.

ugguh me either... they look gross to me. yuck


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Magic Days's picture
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Le cellier. Should have known by the name. In Oklahoma cellars are for hiding from tornados not fine dining. I like the taste of turkey legs but hate carrying one around and eating it off the bone.


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Mine is also Dolewhip and Le Cellier whoopdedoo


RobynPrincess's picture
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Turkey legs for sure, also the Mickey head ice cream bars Shock I can't stomach American chocolate (it's rank!!) so pretty much anything with chocolate in is out for me.


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The Watchmaker's picture
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Must admit, the smell from the Leg of Turkey put me off ever trying one..I remember a South American tour group standing in front of us at Fantasmic and everyone seemed to be eating one..The smell in the air was dreadful... yuck

oldtink's picture
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The Turkey Legs are always a possibility to DH, although never done it. They are smoked so one of his students on a trip told him they taste like ham. Oh goodie, I don't like dark meat and it isn't a turkey anymore.

We do love LeCellier, but as I mentioned on another thread, the ice cream bars just don't do it for me either. I do LOVE the Dole Whip in any variation, and I am tempted with the alcoholic version, although I am not a rum fan. I may throw DH on the sacrificial alter to try one for me.... rolling


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AnnielovesDisney's picture
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Dole Whip! It tasted exactly like the pineapple sherbet that you can buy in most supermarkets. It wasn't bad, but it didn't at all live up to the hype IMO.

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Via Napoli! This had been bigged up so much so we were realy excited about getting in - from start to finish it was awful. Poor service and some of the worst food I've had on site, what a disappointment! Maybe we just got unlucky but it was such a let down for us!


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Marrakech. Expensive and our meal wasn't very good. When my lamb shank arrived, it looked like it had been dished up out of a bucket. And it was flavorless. Pity, 'cause I love lamb. Kim's chicken was the same. We saw other diners enjoying a salmon dish, but we live in the Northwest - salmon central - and wanted a true Moroccan meal. Too bad. Won't be going back.


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jw24's picture
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Popcorn. Seems like everyone raves about it but popcorn seems to taste the same to me no matter where I get it from! It's not a food I particularly dislike, but at the same time, it's not a food I love with a passion.


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MrHub's picture
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Zebra Domes! yuck Sorry VL. I just can't stand them. Just leaves more for you! Everyone's taste buds are different.

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Mr Hub, (shakes head in disbelief) and you don't like Flame Tree either Wink

Personally Dole whips were over rated and melted too quickly, turkey legs are too big and I don't like eating off the bone (although I did see someone do Space Mountain eating one which was quite amazing) Oh and of course anything with alcohol laugh biggrin (yeah right!)


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Zebra Domes. They're okay & if given one I'd eat it but I wasn't wowed by nor did I fall in love with them. Columbia Harbor House. I suppose if you enjoy seafood the selection was good & maybe the food would be good too but I'm not a seafood person & found the selection to be poor & the food mediocre.

EmFord's picture
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I have to agree with the mickey ice cream bars, don't see what makes them any different from what I can buy at my grocery store, I'd rather spend my money on something unique to Disney.. I also am not a fan of the Yorkshire County Fish shop.. I love fish and chips but these were underwhelming to me.


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For me it's those nasty (sorry if I offend anyone!) cheese filled soft pretzels. I love soft pretzels, and I love cheese, but whatever was in this thing (I believe it was somewhere in TomorrowLand), it was horrible. First and only thing I've ever thrown away after one bite at WDW. yuck

amy1989's picture
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I'm with the Mickey ice cream bar Robyn I think you got it spot on about chocolate over the pond it's too rich for me.....saying that I will be going to wall Mary for reeses!!! Haha

alicemouse's picture
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There are lots of foods at WDW that I don't prefer, but the biggest let downs for me were more an issue of expectations. I was expecting Le Cellier and Brown Derby to be fantastic based on the hype and personal reviews I'd been given. I didn't care for either one. I was particularly looking forward to the Grapefruit cake at Brown Derby and maybe we hit an off night (and I'm not a big cake fan anyway), but that cake was as dry as sand! A lot of my issue here stemmed from the fact that at the prices that these restaurants command, I have an expectation of phenomenal quality or some sort of special selection or presentation. I can get a better steak at home for 1/4 of the price I paid at Le Cellier for lunch and at Brown Derby, I had the salmon and it wasn't any better than the salmon that I make at home.

For snacks, I don't eat pineapple anything, so a traditional dole whip is lost on me, but I love a good orange and vanilla swirl from Aloha Isle. I've never had a turkey leg--i'm kind of indifferent to the whole concept. It doesn't bother me to watch other people eat them, but turkey has kind of a greasy texture that I don't care for, so I doubt that I would ever buy one of these.


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disneydoc's picture
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my grapefruit cake was dry too! Sad


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BoBo713's picture
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Funnel cake....... Tried it, found it too greasy for me. The macaroon sandwich thing at Writers Post HS, bland and tasteless, I guess I expected more because of the hype. That's pretty much it for me.



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BoBo713's picture
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Oh, and the picnic burger at Sci-Fi, too salty, just didn't like it at all. yuck



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Vettelover's picture
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MrHub wrote:
Zebra Domes! yuck Sorry VL. I just can't stand them. Just leaves more for you! Everyone's taste buds are different.

eek eek eek eek I am speechless. (for once) laugh


Belinda's picture
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Hubby had to have a turkey leg, so of course, I had to give it a try and all I can say is "YUCK"!


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jw24's picture
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JeffC wrote:
For me it's those nasty (sorry if I offend anyone!) cheese filled soft pretzels. I love soft pretzels, and I love cheese, but whatever was in this thing (I believe it was somewhere in TomorrowLand), it was horrible. First and only thing I've ever thrown away after one bite at WDW. yuck

See, for me, I'm a pretzel fan myself but I really don't think cheese goes well with pretzels, especially soft pretzels. A good soft pretzel tastes great on its own and doesn't need anything special except for the right amount of salt. Too much salt makes it too salty and not tasty. Too little salt, on the other hand, doesn't give the pretzel enough flavor. Cheese and hard pretzels are also not a good combo in my book, as well.


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Nyxess's picture
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Churros!!! Not because I don't love a churro, but after spending several days looking for them around the World I usually settled for those cinnamon covered almonds... But those are delicious and I would highly recommend them. laugh

Also the Sci-Fi diner! That place has everything going on for it as far as atmosphere goes - but the food is awful and the service is always really slow. Even with reservations at a quieter time you can expect to wait for an hour or so, just to have to spend another hour waiting for you soggy burger and fries.


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Le Cellier was very disappointing. I am Canadian and the place reminded me of the cheesey restaurants my parents would take our family out to eat at in the eighties. I hate to say but Be Our Guest was disappointing as well. The restaurant is beautiful but the food was very expensive and not up to par with the experience. We tried the turkey leg and found it very difficult to eat. There are two many small bones and it just wasn't as good as we thought it would be. I also have to mention the grapefruit cake. I had it a few years back and it was amazing. The next time we went though, it was somehow different. I felt they changed it somehow and it was bad. I don't know what they did but I couldn't eat it. I tried it once more my next trip and still it didn't do anything for me.

oldtink's picture
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MrHub wrote:
Zebra Domes! yuck Sorry VL. I just can't stand them. Just leaves more for you! Everyone's taste buds are different.

Ditto! awesome
I tried a couple of trips thinking maybe my taste bud was off the last time. Nope, nada, never again.


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney