I'm baaaaaack

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Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688
I'm baaaaaack

As Manny Ramirez once said: I'm baaaaack.

I hope you all didn't forget me. I certainly haven't forgotten you. I've been reading lots of Disney books and listening to lots of Disney podcasts to prepare for my upcoming trip in February and figured it's about time I get active on this forum again. So here I am and I'm so excited to join you all again as I did last summer (yes, it's been almost a whole year since I've been truly "active")

I'm staying at Port Orleans French Quarter for the entire stay. I'll also be visiting Universal and Islands of Adventure on my trip. I'm super stoked because I get to plan this trip completely by myself. Any tips for planning that a first-timer might need?

From here on out I'll be plugged back into the forums. See you all around!


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

angels444's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012
Posts: 647

I didn't forget. I was just asking about you a couple of months ago.
Welcome back.


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Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

angels444 wrote:
I didn't forget. I was just asking about you a couple of months ago.
Welcome back.

Yay! awesome


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Welcome back Hardy you've been missed!

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4703

Welcome back! Your Feb trip will be here in no time. I think my only tips are to have back-up plans ready in case you need to make some adjustments, plan some down time if you think you or others might benefit from it, and just have fun, dang it! And eat a lot! And take a lot of pictures to share with us when you get back! mickey

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

JeffC wrote:
Welcome back! Your Feb trip will be here in no time. I think my only tips are to have back-up plans ready in case you need to make some adjustments, plan some down time if you think you or others might benefit from it, and just have fun, dang it! And eat a lot! And take a lot of pictures to share with us when you get back! mickey

Or post pictures when I'm there! Now that I have a phone that actually works this time I'm going!


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4703

Hardy0109 wrote:
Or post pictures when I'm there! Now that I have a phone that actually works this time I'm going!

That would make us very, very happy!!!

yay yay

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

Welcome Back, Hardy!

We'd been wondering where you'd gone!

All by yourself?? Brave young man!!

How did it go last time when you branched out on your own during your last family trip?

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

Nancy D wrote:
Welcome Back, Hardy!

We'd been wondering where you'd gone!

All by yourself?? Brave young man!!

How did it go last time when you branched out on your own during your last family trip?

I only did it once at MK but it was good! Grubbed out on some Casey's and hit the parade and some Tomorrowland. My mom is still coming with me, I'm just planning the whole thing. She's just following me around, doing whatever I want to do biggrin


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

I also have been thinking about you..wondering how you were doing...

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

welcome back Smile


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

welcome back Hardy! How many days are you going for this time? Have any ADRs made?

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

I'll be there for 12 days including the arrival and departure days (come early stay late type days). I don't have ADRs, but have a list of restaurants I'm narrowing now. Places I know I'll be eating: Trail's End, Boma, Ohana, Biergarten, Rose and Crown, California Grill, Crystal Palace. I'll be adding about five-ish more to that, but just narrowing my list down, which is really, really big. I'm very excited. Planning it out day-by-day right now!


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Hi Hardy! Good to see you posting again. I thought we might see you more over the summer.

What are your dates in February?

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

February 6 - 17. However, my parents came up with this plan to seen all the ballparks from Minnesota to Boston, and it's a really hard choice for me, being such a sports nut. While I have this entire Disney trip already planned out, I can't start planning the MLB trip until mid-September. So the plan for now is to book ADRs where I want them when it comes to the 180 day mark. Once the MLB schedules come out, I'll take a look and see how many ballparks I can truly hit in the time limit that I have. I won't be disappointed with either, so it's not a bad decision just a hard one. If I do MLB, I've decided I'm definitely going to take a semester off from college and go do the Disney College Program in one of my first two years at school.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Ooo, can't wait to follow you through the college program! I wish I had done that, but not sure it was available "way back then." wheelchair


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Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

College program....FUN!!

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

Nancy D wrote:
College program....FUN!!

So excited for it! thinking of doing the spring + summer of 2015. But not positive.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.