Interesting Spin on this News Article

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Interesting Spin on this News Article

I was browsing through some news today and came across this piece. It made me wonder what the effect (if any) this will have on the dreaded tour group season.

Travel difficulties have many Venezuelans kissing Disney goodbye

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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I can't imagine it will have a huge impact since this policy doesn't affect Brazilians, Argentinians, Colombians, Chileans, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, etc, etc, etc.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
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You didn't hear it from me but disney parks are looking for land in South America, hopefully the end of tour groups

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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A Disneyland park in South America would be awesome. Obviously there's a huge market for it. But I think we would still see some tour groups in Florida. After all, you Brits can hop the channel to Disneyland Paris with relative ease, and yet you also love to come to WDW.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
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Lol, disney paris is in France.............. And no one wants to go there. Brits go to Florida for the weather

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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crazycatperson wrote:
A Disneyland park in South America would be awesome. Obviously there's a huge market for it. But I think we would still see some tour groups in Florida. After all, you Brits can hop the channel to Disneyland Paris with relative ease, and yet you also love to come to WDW.

True - however there has been a HUGE drop in the Japanese tourist groups since the Tokyo Parks were opened. That really used to be the demographic that everyone talked about there (before there were message boards to gossip on) and they all had magnificent cameras! Hahaha - I totally remember that.

King Fergus

crazycatperson wrote:
A Disneyland park in South America would be awesome. Obviously there's a huge market for it. But I think we would still see some tour groups in Florida. After all, you Brits can hop the channel to Disneyland Paris with relative ease, and yet you also love to come to WDW.

It's funny...But my desire to go to France is non existant..I love America..Full stop..I fly my giant Stars & Stripes flag out my back yad at any excuse...In fact my neighbours are convinced I've my American cousins staying with me..So it's WDW in Florida for me... clapping

starwarsgirl95's picture
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Philhowelldesign wrote:
You didn't hear it from me but disney parks are looking for land in South America, hopefully the end of tour groups

It makes sense that they would look there...personally, I speak Spanish; I would go there in the winter to escape the cold! Though it would make more sense to put it in Brazil rather than one of the Spanish-speaking countries...although Argentina might not be a bad place to put it either.


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starwarsgirl95's picture
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King Fergus wrote:

It's funny...But my desire to go to France is non existant..I love America..Full stop..I fly my giant Stars & Stripes flag out my back yad at any excuse...In fact my neighbours are convinced I've my American cousins staying with me..So it's WDW in Florida for me... clapping you think you would have been more interested had they put it in Spain (they were looking at land there but had a major issue with the land that caused them to choose the area in France instead).


I'm in the Virtual Honor Choir at Disney's California Adventure! One of 700 singers selected from 1500 submissions and one of 200 sopranos from 550 submissions! Click on the link to see it! Ticker Free Disney Tickers Ticker Free Disney Tickers

RobynPrincess's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
A Disneyland park in South America would be awesome. Obviously there's a huge market for it. But I think we would still see some tour groups in Florida. After all, you Brits can hop the channel to Disneyland Paris with relative ease, and yet you also love to come to WDW.

True - however there has been a HUGE drop in the Japanese tourist groups since the Tokyo Parks were opened. That really used to be the demographic that everyone talked about there (before there were message boards to gossip on) and they all had magnificent cameras! Hahaha - I totally remember that.

Kristen, my hometown being Windsor we still notice the Japanese and their massive cameras lol. I often wander round the shops and wonder how many holiday snaps I'm in haha


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jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
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People would still go to WDW regardless. The location, climate and size would be the biggest reasons. The drop off of Asian tourists is because for people in Asia, a flight and a trip to the USA is very long and expensive to begin with and to Disney World, it's even longer and more expensive. That wasn't the case way back when. But now with two Disney Park Resorts in Asia and Shanghai coming soon, they can experience the Disney way in their backyard and have it more towards their tastes.

For the South Americans, Florida is not too far away. Even if a South American Disney resort were to be built, part of me feels that nothing would change. I mean, the South Americans tour groups tend to come during the summer months because it would be winter down there so if there is a large presence in WDW during the summer months, you'd have to think they loathe the cold just like people who live the Northeast and Central parts of the USA.

Anyway, I'm with crazycatperson in that it's probably not a big deal. It's only one country of 12 in South America though if Venezuela alone provided a huge portion of WDW's total profits, then the red flags would be raised.


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And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."