Introducing KanineKrunchies

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KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103
Introducing KanineKrunchies

Hi all! I am new to the boards, but I must say I already love talking to you people- everyone is so helpful! So, let me give a brief introduction.

I am going on 24 years old, and I am from the Moore/Norman area of Oklahoma. Despite the recent tragedies, there really is not a better place in the world to grow up (except maybe at Disney??) and I am very proud of my state.

I am about a month away from marrying my best friend and high school sweetheart. I owe him for my Disney experiences; I doubt I would have ever made it to WDW if it was not for his family's obsession (they go at least every 5 years as a family...some of them go independently between that interval). I am the oldest of 4 children and both of my parents are teachers...they never could afford to take us for any significant period of time. Plus, we spent some time overseas because my Dad was in the military, so it wasn't really feasible. I am currently advocating for my parents to get down there for an anniversary trip AND their first time in Disney. I haven't won yet, because they still have two kids in school.

ANYWAY, I went on my first ever Disney trip with my fiance's family in July 2010 for 10 days and we stayed at Fort Wilderness. I loved it and caught the Disney bug. Luckily, my fiance is just as Disney-obsessed and we made a short trip to Epcot and MK last Spring Break (March 2012). Now, we are planning our third trip there together, but our first trip as husband and wife! Our honeymoon will consist of going on a short cruise (Carnival, not DCL) and then coming to spend a week in "The Happiest Place on Earth" and I can't wait!




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Well welcome welcome welcome and we are glad you found us! Sounds like you have some wonderful plans set in motion and congrats on the up coming wedding.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

welcome and congrats! There really is no better place to honeymoon then WDW! Can't wait to hear all about your plans (and I love the name, BTW biggrin )

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Hello and welcome KK!! I also love that name muchlove

Congrats on the upcoming nuptials and trip! Any special dining plans or snacks on your list of things to eat? Food talk is highly encouraged and welcome here.

Best thoughts to you and everyone else in your town and state as you work to rebuild after all those tragedies.

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

I will definitely update on the trip and how it pans out. Right now, the plan is: get married on the 6th, recuperate the 7th, leave the 8th to drive down. Arrive the 9th in Orlando, spend a day at Universal (just for HP world...that is the sole reason haha), be at Port Canaveral the 11th to leave on our cruise to the Bahamas, come back the 15th and check in to Caribbean Beach Resort, and stay at Disney until the 21st (though we may go to a park on the 22nd, just not staying that night). We are switching hotels to Coronado on the 19th, because we couldn't decide on just one hotel.

We left a lot of open space so we didn't feel too over scheduled, but we made reservations for the Dessert Party on the Terrace at MK, dinner at Be Our Guest, and dinner at Coral Reef. We may add some more in, but those were the ones we knew we really wanted and booked them as soon as we could. We also plan on buying a nice piece of Disney art while we are there.




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

Thanks, JeffC!

Not too many dining reservations right now (might add some more), but after reading some of the food threads we will be definitely snacking on: Dole Whips, jalapeno pretzels, whatever that monstrous chocolate chip ice cream cookie thing was, and I really want a Butterfinger we always enjoy "drinking around the world" wink




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 556

welcome and congrats

Sounds like you have a great plan in place! And tell your parents that them both being teachers with kids at home shouldn't stop them... my husband and I are both teachers and have three kids who we just took for a full week in January. Yes, we missed a week of school, but that time of year is SO affordable (and a reeeeeally nice break from school Smile ).


KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

Haha what is funny is, my fiance and I are both going to be teachers. I start my first year this fall as an 8th grade teacher and he will follow the next year as a science teacher. It is really the kids' age span and schedule coordination that has "kept them down," but I am bound and determined to get them there for their next milestone anniversary (I think 30 is coming up).

JUST added Sci-Fi drive-in to the ADRs. Couldn't decide between 50's Primetime and Sci-fi, so fiance made the call!




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

welcome KK to our little piece of heaven. As you have read we are group that loves everything Disney and we love to share our experiences. Can't wait to hear and see pictures of your wedding and Disneymoon!

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Welcome and congrats on your upcoming nuptials! Sounds like you have a great honeymoon planned!


WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356

welcome and Congrats!!!! What a great Honeymoon / Disneymoon that you have planned!

Tell everyone that it is your Honeymoon! We got a GREAT dessert (FREE!) at Fulton's Crab House and a signed card.



scorpio301's picture
Joined: 07/18/2011
Posts: 85

So excited for you !! Have an amazing trip and best wishes on your marriage ! Can't wait to see
pictures !! clapping muchlove


DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

Hello and welcome. My grandmother grew up in Geary, OK and both grandparents lived in Calumet.
I hope you are all safe and congrats on you!


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Your plans sound great.


JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
Posts: 822

Hello!! Your trip sounds awesome! Welcome and congratulations on your wedding!

__________________ Ticker Ticker

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

welcome And Congrats on the upcoming wedding! stars

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

You all are so, so sweet. Thanks so much for all of the well-wishes....we are almost at exactly one month!! It is now one month and a day til the wedding!

Sidenote: I keep reminding my fiance about our Disney trip....that is my countdown. He keeps having to remind me that we have a wedding and a cruise first ; ) I am excited for both of those, but reading the boards here have made me ready to just skip right on in to Disney. haha

@DisneyDee-- my family is all safe--we are some lucky SOBs. My parents and siblings (who all live in Moore--I live just South in Norman for now because it is by the University) didn't even lose power, my grandparents lost power but were safe, and somehow I didn't even lose my bridesmaids dresses, which had just made it to the Post Office. The Post Office took a direct hit and all of the things inside were lost. My dresses had been put on a truck that went out to deliver just before. We got them the day after the tornado. Crazy stuff. Glad to hear you have some Okie blood wink




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

KanineKrunchies wrote:
You all are so, so sweet. Thanks so much for all of the well-wishes....we are almost at exactly one month!! It is now one month and a day til the wedding!

Sidenote: I keep reminding my fiance about our Disney trip....that is my countdown. He keeps having to remind me that we have a wedding and a cruise first ; ) I am excited for both of those, but reading the boards here have made me ready to just skip right on in to Disney. haha

@DisneyDee-- my family is all safe--we are some lucky SOBs. My parents and siblings (who all live in Moore--I live just South in Norman for now because it is by the University) didn't even lose power, my grandparents lost power but were safe, and somehow I didn't even lose my bridesmaids dresses, which had just made it to the Post Office. The Post Office took a direct hit and all of the things inside were lost. My dresses had been put on a truck that went out to deliver just before. We got them the day after the tornado. Crazy stuff. Glad to hear you have some Okie blood wink

Wow, what crazy good luck! Glad you and your family are all safe!

digdoug's picture
Joined: 03/20/2013
Posts: 37

You found a great spot. I learned so much from the folks here leading up to my first trip. These forums are one of the best places I've found on the internet in quite a while. I've bookmarked and emailed myself a metric crapton of tips and tricks discovered here.

Congrats on the nuptials, and the Disney trip.

And Moore's really shown it's an amazing place in the last few weeks.

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

digdoug wrote:

And Moore's really shown it's an amazing place in the last few weeks.

That it has!

And I have been driving the fiance crazy the last couple of days with all of the things I learned on here : )




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Kat's picture
Joined: 05/05/2012
Posts: 395

A belated welcome--I am so excited for you and your upcoming wedding, and your Disneymoon! We Disneymooned as well and to say it was incredible is an understatement. Also, prayers for your community--I'm so glad you're so safe, and that you had such good luck with your dresses, etc!


Fall 2015: Master's Degree Graduation Trip, Details TBD! Can't wait to be back in the World!
Nov. 2014: Baby's First 1/2 Day at the Magic Kingdom; our date day at Hollywood studios
Jan. 2014: Our princess was born!
May 2013: Our POR & DCL honeymoon (& my husband's first Disney trip of hopefully many!)
May 2013: Our Disney-themed wedding

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

We're so happy you're here, Kanine Krunchies!

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding (don't forget you're getting married, k?)!! And super excited for your cruise and your Disneymoon! Smile

I've always wanted to try staying in two separate resorts on one trip! So fun! Best of two worlds!

Maybe you'll have time to make a visit to a 3rd, so you can get some photos of the GIANT dalmatians at All Star Movies!! Smile

Hugs and prayers to your uber strong community!

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

@ Nancy D-- I think I am now back into being excited about the wedding. I am ALWAYS excited about the man I am going to marry, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the wedding process and people's expectations. Now that I am back from my cousin's wedding, I think I am ready for it to happen and to enjoy the day! Because even if everything goes wrong, as long as I end up married to him, that is all that matters. THAT, and our honeymoon : )

I am excited about the two resorts, too, but he and I are both wondering what happened to us staying at POR. That was originally the plan, but somewhere along the way I guess we changed to CBR and Coronado Springs! I am excited to try both out, but I wish at least part of the time we were at POR so we would have access to ferry. Since it is peak time right now I am worried about the locations of our hotels and having to wait for buses. BUT it will all work out!

16 days until the wedding and 25 til Disney!! mickey muchlove yay clapping

@ Kat--thanks, I am excited for the Disneymoon as well! Congratulations on the new addition!! clapping




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Magic Days's picture
Joined: 11/02/2012
Posts: 601

welcome and congrats
Sounds like you've planned a great honeymoon. We are in Midwest City and volunteering with the clean up has made the last month very busy. So happy you didn't loose anything. Can't wait to hear about your trip.


KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

@ Magic Days: Thanks for the well wishes from a fellow Okie! We can't wait! We are a little nervous for some of our out of town guests' hotel reservations, because the Relief concert is the same day as our wedding now!

Thanks so much for helping out with the cleanup! I have been mostly doing what I can financially and my parents and siblings have been out there cleaning up some of the schools/ friends houses. Since we are talking about it--if anyone wants to help out, but doesn't have money/time to do so: vote for Moore's Veteran's Memorial Park, Coke is doing a contest for donations to a park--Moore is currently winning, but today is a double vote day!! First prize is $100,000 and would be used to help rebuild!




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

KK - Thanks for the heads up about the voting for Moore! Best of luck to the school!!!

Nothing like someone else's wedding to get you in the mood for your own! You're going in with the right attitude: at the end of the day, you'll end up with the dude of your dreams, so everything will be peachy! Smile We had a lot of things go "wrong" at our wedding, and they ended up being the most endearing!

Everything will work out for the wedding AND the Disneymoon, I feel sure!

Can't believe you're at the 2 week mark!!

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

NancyD-- I KNOW!! I can't wait now. There are a bunch of tiny little things to get done, but I am just ready! And my fiance is normally not that emotional/sappy of a person, but I think he is getting really excited, too! We've been just having so much fun this past week doing the final prep and joking about worst case scenarios (for example, officiant not showing up) and I have found it kind of therapeutic to joke about those instead of WORRYING about them.

Thanks to all of you for being so supportive! clapping




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

That's a great attitude to to have, KK!! You're going to have a GREAT wedding and Disneymoon!! Smile

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994


Welcome! And - Happy Wedding & Honeymoon!
