It's A Snack Attack...

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It's A Snack Attack...

Good Morning All...Now I love a Disney snack ( even better on our 2012 visit when we got 2 free ones per person per day ) Anyway I see on Food Blog today ( Wednesday ) that AoA are doing a new snack..A large Naan bread with not one but three dips..Tandoori..coriander..and Mango..Now that's what my DS would call a share " Rip & Dip " ....Have you a favourite share snack.?

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

Share ... Snack ... ????? i don't understand the question ?? confused


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King Fergus

Mrferret wrote:
Share ... Snack ... ????? i don't understand the question ?? confused

Whit! eek You mean you & Mrs F have never shared a Dole whip together..Two plastic spoons is all it needs.. muchlove

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

King Fergus wrote:
Mrferret wrote:
Share ... Snack ... ????? i don't understand the question ?? confused

Whit! eek You mean you & Mrs F have never shared a Dole whip together..Two plastic spoons is all it needs.. muchlove

Would have to have had a Dole Whip to "share" one ... eek eek eek


Howdy Y'all
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May/June 2016 Magic cruise to Norway
2017 Prtugal wedding adventures
2018 Alskan disney cruise ??
2019 Florida

disvillain63's picture
Joined: 12/23/2013
Posts: 132

Share a Dole Whip!!!! rolling

We've shared Jalapeno Cheese Stuffed Pretzels and cupcakes....never a Dole Whip.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Dole whips are not for sharing! I always tell scrappy I will happily buy her one of her own.

King Fergus

Whit!!! eek Can't believe you folk wouldn't share a Dole with your partner...Us Scots must be more romantic when it comes to sharing things..In fact I'll get my DS to take a photo of us this year sharing a Dole.. date

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

King Fergus wrote:
Whit!!! eek Can't believe you folk wouldn't share a Dole with your partner...Us Scots must be more romantic when it comes to sharing things..In fact I'll get my DS to take a photo of us this year sharing a Dole.. date

It's not a question of romance .. I agree with MrHub If Boo wants a Dole Whip then i am quite happy to queue for hours for her and i will get her one.However if i get one and she says she doesn't want one then tries to snaffle some of mine Crazy


Howdy Y'all
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May/June 2016 Magic cruise to Norway
2017 Prtugal wedding adventures
2018 Alskan disney cruise ??
2019 Florida

King Fergus

Mrferret wrote:
King Fergus wrote:
Whit!!! eek Can't believe you folk wouldn't share a Dole with your partner...Us Scots must be more romantic when it comes to sharing things..In fact I'll get my DS to take a photo of us this year sharing a Dole.. date

It's not a question of romance .. I agree with MrHub If Boo wants a Dole Whip then i am quite happy to queue for hours for her and i will get her one.However if i get one and she says she doesn't want one then tries to snaffle some of mine Crazy

Boooooooooooo... laugh

PhillNYC's picture
Joined: 01/13/2014
Posts: 186

Husband - Can I have some of that?
Me - No.

Gotta go with the Dole Whip Float!


First Visit ... 1977!

Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

I let DH share a dole whip float with me once, because he didn't understand what was so special about it. Now he has to get his own. I will still share an Ooey Gooey Toffee cake, though.


*Proud Disney Nut*

jhugo's picture
Joined: 01/11/2014
Posts: 717

I could not possibly share my dole whip or my funnel cake! Some things are sacred to a girl. laugh

jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
Posts: 999

I don't share snacks because snack implies it's a smaller portion than a regular meal. When it comes to food, I'm like Joey from Friends. I don't share it...But if you ask nicely and politely, you shall receive or politely declined...depending on the quantity and size of the actual snack. One handful of chips from a large bag is fine. Asking for a bite of an ice cream cone or a cupcake is not...unless I take the initiative to say, "Try this". So there are conditions and provisos when it comes to sharing food. At least for me......


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Egg rolls at the Joy of Tea stand at Epcot's China pavilion. Two egg rolls, we each get one. Then probably go back for two more later in the day.