I was online at 6:00am to make my ADRs for my November trip. After a few moments when I thought my head was going to implode and saying a few choice words that would make a sailor blush, I am done.
I had trouble logging into the site. I thought I was using the right password. I changed my password and I was in. The first order of duty was to make an ADR for BOG. I tried to look up the date I wanted and it would only let me choose the 16th. I remembered someone saying the feature to book for 10 days wasn't working when the new site was launched. Surely, it had to have been fixed by now. I played around, clicked on a bunch of screens, tried to select the date again and I was in business, except the fact that there were no times available for BOG on the date I wanted. No problem, I'll adjust and try a different date. There was a table available for a little earlier than I would have liked so I adjusted the time and the only other option was a little later than I would have preferred. I went to book the earlier time and poof it was gone. ugh!
I have to say I've had some challenges with planning the ADRs this trip. My friends who I go to Disney with are coming in on Sunday but won't have the dining plan until Tuesday. They had some issues on a past trip and Disney is providing them with two free nights and park passes for their first two days. I had to plan the meals around when they had the dining plan for places they wanted to eat at.
Back to my tales of woe. I tried a different day for BOG, now I'm running into MVMCP nights. I was able to score an ADR for BOG at 4:20pm on 11/21.
There was one at 6:45 but I didn't want us to feel rushed to leave the park when it closed for the party (we're not getting tickets this year).
Here are my ADRs for now.
11/16 - my mom and I arrive
Dinner @ Spirit of Aloha show
11/17 - my friends arrive
Breakfast @ Olivia's
Dinner @ Biergarten
Breakfast @ Grand Floridian Cafe
Dinner @ Wolfgang Pucks (going to try to change this to California Grill once reservations open up again)
Breakfast @ Whispering Canyon Cafe
Dinner @ Cinderella's Royal Table
Breakfast @ Kona Cafe
Dinner @ Yachtsman Steakhouse
Breakfast @ Akershus
Dinner @ Be Our Guest
Breakfast @ Kouzzina
Dinner @ Portobello
11/23 (departure day )
Breakfast @ Pop Century
Lunch @ Plaza Restaurant
We have two more dining credits (we're doing deluxe) to use. I'm thinking a couple of quick service lunches. Who knows maybe I'll add another ADR or two.