Let's see your WDW Food Pics!

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DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
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Let's see your WDW Food Pics!

I spent 3 hours looking at the artsy pics today.. and after 2000+ posts, not one food pic! This is a total shock to me, because not only do I take pics of my food at WDW and DL, take pics of my food at my own house! lol.. basically everywhere I eat.

I saw there was a thread for suggestions on HOW to take the pics, but now I want to actually SEE the pics!
Here is a Le Cellier Chocolate Mousse Moose to get us started...

Chocolate Mousse Moose

ok guys! make me hungry!!

(I apologize in advance if there are pics located elsewhere)

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Here are a few that I just grabbed from my phone...drinks and sweets. I promised I eat a more balanced diet mickey The margarita is from Le Cava in Mexico's Pavilion (Epcot); The grapefruit cake and martinis are from the Hollywood Brown Derby (DHS); and the cupcakes are from Karamell Kuche in Epcot - Germany. I don't know if you're hungry now, DD, but I sure am.

cucumber_margarita.jpg336.86 KB
grapefruit_cake.jpg268.07 KB
martini_sampler.jpg337.41 KB
cupcakes.jpg259.59 KB

DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

ooooh I sure do love that grapefruit cake!!

Here is the Surf and Turf from the Rose and Crown at Epcot..mmmmman I sure could go for this today!

Surf and Turf

Pegosaurus's picture
Joined: 11/12/2010
Posts: 467

mmm delicious! That magarita looks particularly tempting!

Does anyone have any photos of the kitchen sink icecream? I've never had one myself, but fully intend to rectify this when I return.




DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

ooh I do I do! It was very impressive when it came, but there was only 3 of us.. so it got kinda goopy toward the end.
We had SO much fun with this thing... lol

The price wasnt bad either.. was like.. $24,which at first seems a lot, but after looking at the menu, we decided if we each got our own Hot Fudge Sundae or Banana Split at $6 each..it was only a few dollars more for the Kitchen Sink. So of course the Sink won!

Kitchen Sink (before)

Kitchen Sink (after)

Brad's picture
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My best food pics get used up on reviews. See:




MrHub's picture
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You want some food! i'll give you food!

And thats just 2 meals we have had so far.
The first 2 are from the Plaza Restaurant, I had the meat loaf special and Scrappy had the Cheese Burger platter. The last 4 are from the Yak & Yeti, appetizers - Lettuce cups (Lettuce Cups - Minced chicken breast, chopped veggies, maple tamarind sauce, and crisp lettuce cups) & Seared Ahi Tuna (Seared Ahi Tuna - Chilled, sesame-encrusted ahi tuna, wasabi aioli, and sweet chili slaw). Main course Kobi Burger (Kobi beef burger with sauteed shitaki mushrooms & wasabi mayo, fries and spicey pickles) and Crispy Honey Chicken (Crispy Honey Chicken - Tempura chicken, broccoli, carrots and honey sauce).

DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

stars now THATS what I'm talkin about!! NICE !!

MrHub's picture
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Oh you aint seen nothin yet! Ha ha ha!
P.S. Web cam down for the night!

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Love the grapefruit cake! I still have to make good on my promise to make it at home. And Peg - you MUST go to La Cava for a margarita next Sept. You simply must.

Can't wait to see everyone else's pics! I have a few more to post from F&W.


LeCellierBuff1963's picture
Joined: 08/30/2008
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Food porn. Love it!!


caitiesus's picture
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So who wants to be in Disney as the same time as us next time so we can get a Kitchen Sink? I want now!

teacherdrama's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
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I'm not drooling.


Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man

Pegosaurus's picture
Joined: 11/12/2010
Posts: 467

DonaldDork wrote:
ooh I do I do! It was very impressive when it came, but there was only 3 of us.. so it got kinda goopy toward the end.
We had SO much fun with this thing... lol

The price wasnt bad either.. was like.. $24,which at first seems a lot, but after looking at the menu, we decided if we each got our own Hot Fudge Sundae or Banana Split at $6 each..it was only a few dollars more for the Kitchen Sink. So of course the Sink won!

Kitchen Sink (before)

Kitchen Sink (after)






DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621


my fave burger at WDW.. at the Captain's Grille at Yacht Club

DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

Key Lime Pie

Key Lime Pie at Captain's Grille for dessert

teacherdrama's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
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Maybe I'm crazy, but that's key lime pie? It looks like six eggs on a stick of butter with a tin foil wrapped sliver of chocolate under a rock...with three other rocks -- or a cantaloupe and two huge meatballs -- next to it on a strawberry spread.

I'm sure I'm not even close, but that's key lime pie?


Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

It's not my dessert...but I can tell you that Disney pastry chefs (well, most pastry chefs, actually) love to "mess" with the classics...either decontruct them, or dress them up. The flavors are there, they just look funny. Smile I think they must get bored. I think we did a deconstructed lemon meringue at the Concourse Steakhouse while I was there (at the Contemporary...the space is quickserve now...that area across from Outer Rim by Chef Mickey's.)


DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

I LOVE me some Key Lime Pie and.. I assure you, it's a key lime pie.. the white balls were whipped cream, the brown "board" on top of those was chocolate, the bigger meatbally thing was a chocolate candy ball... and the little ones were raspberries. it was very very good! and lime-y tasting!

but this one, from Olivia's at OKW was better...

Key Lime Tart

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Kona for breakfast:

Kona for Dinner:

Vettelover's picture
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Excuse me but after seeing those pictures I have to run out and give myself another dose of insulin, but thank you greatly nevertheless. I love it. Smile Is that last picture a bowl of melted chocolate for dipping that fruit?


admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
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Mr Hub -- that is the biggest steak I've ever seen! What cut of meat is that at Kona?

Donald -- I ordered that same key lime pie (from Cap Grille) from room service at the Yacht Club! It's not bad, but I liked Olivia's better!

Here are a few for this morning...

Pegosaurus's picture
Joined: 11/12/2010
Posts: 467

Oh my, where is Starring Rolls??! That brownie looks incredible! I can feel my stomach starting to eat itself just looking at it.




Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Pegosaurus wrote:
Oh my, where is Starring Rolls??! That brownie looks incredible! I can feel my stomach starting to eat itself just looking at it.

Peg - Right beside the Hollywood Brown Derby in DHS.

Mr. Hub - is that the fabled Tonga Toast? It's HUGE! Stuffed with something, I'm assuming?


caitiesus's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
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This thread is so mean. Making me hungry for food i won't have in over a year probably.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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Lizzy_B wrote:
Pegosaurus wrote:
Oh my, where is Starring Rolls??! That brownie looks incredible! I can feel my stomach starting to eat itself just looking at it.

Peg - Right beside the Hollywood Brown Derby in DHS.

Mr. Hub - is that the fabled Tonga Toast? It's HUGE! Stuffed with something, I'm assuming?

Wait a minute. Lizzy_B hasn't had Tonga Toast EITHER?!? Zebra domes, tonga toast...there was something else you hadn't had, wasn't there? Shocking. (I haven't had tonga toast, myself, but we're not talking about me...)


May 2008 CSR mickey

nikpowell's picture
Joined: 08/11/2010
Posts: 56

Some lovely cupcakes from Starring Rolls
Marble Cupcake

Butterfinger Cupcake

Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake




dsoup's picture
Joined: 07/11/2008
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Nik has a whole selection of cupcakes for us!

nikpowell's picture
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dsoup wrote:
Nik has a whole selection of cupcakes for us!

I must confess that I personally only ate half the butterfinger cupcake, but my friends raved about their selections as well.




ChipnDaleFan's picture
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Yum! Wolfgang Puck


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admin that is the prime rib from Kona. It was great!

Lizzy yes that is the Tonga toast! It is filled with banana's and is very good.