Lizzy's Mini Trip Report for October 1-3, 2011 (40th Anniversary, Wine and Dine Half Marathon, and a Tour of Resorts)

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Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246
Lizzy's Mini Trip Report for October 1-3, 2011 (40th Anniversary, Wine and Dine Half Marathon, and a Tour of Resorts)

Who would have thought that a Monday morning would be the time I could finally put this together? I wanted to fill you in on last weekend, now that you've heard all about all the events from everyone else. Smile

As you know, I participated in the 2nd Annual Wine and Dine Half Marathon. It's something I wanted to do last year, so I was really excited to have the opportunity this year to finally do it. Since I was going to be at WDW for the big weekend anyway, I decided to go ahead and treat myself to a three day ticket for my upcoming birthday, so that I could also be part of the 40th Anniversary festivities, as well as attending the Food & Wine Fest.

Friday, September 30

Because I knew I wouldn't want to stand at a Will Call window Saturday morning, and I also didn't want to fight the expo crowds the day of the race, I ran over to WDW on Friday to pick up my ticket and race packet. This was my first time at the Wide World of Sports Venue. It is absolutely beautiful! Disney did a fantastic job with the organization. I found everything quickly and easily. I hope I get to attend something at this venue at some point, because it really is just so lovely. (I'm going to attach pics, but they'll probably be at the bottom, rather than being embedded. I hope it all makes sense.)

Saturday, October 1

Happy Anniversary, WDW! It really is a great day! I don't think that any of us who love Disney, and WDW in particular, let this day pass without thinking back over all the great memories that WDW has given us through the years. My mind went back to the stories and pics that I have of my grandparents' first visit that first year the park was opened, and my visit in 1978; my time working at the Contemporary, and all the visits that I've been fortunate enough to make since.

I got to the park before rope drop. Holy Cow, the crowds! It was a gorgeous morning, and everyone turned out to see what the day would hold. I got my 40th Anni button, as well as a cool retro guide map, and queued to get in the park and watch the parade and rededication ceremony, which was taking place at 9:45. All of the characters were on hand for the parade, and Meg Crofton and Phil Holmes spoke. It was very, very crowded (have I said that?) and my family wasn't with me, so I walked around, did a few things, got a dole whip for a mid morning snack, snapped a pic of the 40th Anni cupcake, and left to do a bit of work and rest for the race.

DH and I actually had lunch off property (I needed a free wifi connection Wink ) and so we headed over to Panera, near the Premium Outlets. After lunch, we made our way to Caribbean Beach Resort. A moment to point something out...when you run a Disney race, Disney offers you "host resorts" to stay at. The biggest perk of these is that they'll provide transportation directly to the race venue - WWOS. This is major, since you aren't allowed to drop off or park at WWOS the day of the race; if you don't use the host resort trasportation, you have to get to Epcot, where you catch a bus to WWOS. CBR wasn't a host resort, but I had DH to tote me around, and we love CBR and we got a good rate, so that's what we chose.

We did online check in, so everything went quickly. This time we requested a ground room - view isn't as good, but I get tired of lugging suitcases up stairs. They accommodated the request, and we were super happy to get a room in Barbados, much closer to the front of the resort than we've previously gotten. No pirate room this time, but everything was clean, comfortable, and quickly accessible from the parking lot, so we were happy.

At this point, the kiddoes (DD6 and DS1) were with my mom at home. DH and I were on our own so I could work, rest, and get ready for the race, which is what I did next. I took a nap while I watched a football game Smile


At the appointed time, we made our way over to Epcot so that I could catch the bus for the race start at WWOS. TONS of people. Disney says that 12,000+ in the race, and I totally believe it. But we were quickly and efficiently deposited in a field near WWOS, where we waited for an hour+ for the race to get underway. It was a big party, with music, and giant screen, dancing, refreshment stands, and long lines for port-a-potties. I caught up with my good friend Beth, who was running the relay. We offered each other a few congrats and good lucks, then headed to our respective corrals. With no qualifying race, I was automatically placed in the last corral, E, which meant that I didn't get to start until 10:20. That was a little tough, and something I really hadn't factored into my post race party plans.

As for the race...we had absolutely perfect weather! Low humidity, cool temps, clear skies (and we've just had a weekend that was nothing but rain - my town has gotten 8-10 inches - so I'm even more thankful for the awesome weather.) We got underway right on time, and I was off and running. Really.

And so, that lasted, on and off, for about 5 miles. We ran out of WWoS to Animal Kingdom. By the time we neared AK, we were starting to see the first group of runners leaving the park as we entered. It was at AK, only 5 miles or so into the race, that I started to struggle and wondered if I would finish. I slowed way down at that point, and switched over to walking almost exclusively, although I did run down hills, and some toward the end to relieve hip pain.

By the time I crossed the finish line, more than 3 hours had passed, and there wasn't much party left. It was just as well, because I didn't feel like partying. That was probably my biggest disappointment. I was elated to finish, even with a time of just over 16 minutes per mile (I was averaging less than 14 in the first 1/3 of the race.) I'm thrilled with my medal. But I couldn't eat a bite, and I could barely walk a step. We made our way out of the park and back to the resort, where I collapsed into bed without showering (big mistake - I didn't sleep a wink.) I was so thankful that DH had spent some time enjoying the party before I got there, because I was definitely a wet blanket.

As for the party - it seemed fantastic! It wasn't too crowded, lots of booths and attractions were opened. I just wish I could've enjoyed. So, my goal for next year is to start training now, and really become a runner! And to train for the party, and not just the race Wink

This is long, so I'll post a few pics, then break off and tell you about the rest a little later. OH - and in case you were wondering, I ended up wearing my earbuds the entire time, to aide my pacing. And the entertainment, while awesome, was, for me, a distraction. I'm hoping to enjoy next year more. And I have to say thanks, Beth! - who surprised me at the finish line, waiting there to cheer for me! And all the awesome volunteers who stayed and cheered us on to the very end - it made all the difference.

(Looks like some of my pics are too big to post. I'll try and resize, and try again.)


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Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704


Thanks for the report - sounds like a crazy kinda fun! Love the pics, esp. the map/button and the way cool medal. That's something to be really proud of!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Great trip report Lizzy and so sorry you had troubles during the race, but you persevered and triumphed and that is something to be REALLY proud of, and it gives you a goal to set for next year to beat this one. awesome Also great pics.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Hey, your a winner in my books Lizzy just for doing it! Congrats. awesome

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Great job lizzy Smile love the pics and the trip report


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Great Rip Report Lizzy! Congrats on finishing the 1/2 Marathon! That's just so amazing to me, I'm not sure that I would ever be able to do something like that. Sounds like you had a great weekend!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Great trip report Lizzy. 13.1 miles is very impressive. I don't think I can run 2.


WyckedPhoenix's picture
Joined: 02/17/2011
Posts: 459

Yay Lizzy! Congrats on the Marathon! And thanks for the trip report. awesome


*Jennifer Lynn* NDW #38

Check out my blog at Jennifer's Disney Adventures

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Awe man, you were so pumped for that stinkin' party!!!! I am sorry you didn't get to enjoy it...but it sounds like your weekend was lots of fun regardless and I am SO proud of you!!! I was right there with Beth (you spirit) cheering you on!!


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Awh, thanks, Bella! You know, I thought of all of you, and you in particular. I'm hoping to have my act together a bit better next year, and I'll sign up for the alerts that tell people via email or tweets about the runner's progress.

There's more to come. I just need a few mins to gather my thoughts and sit down and write. We got to see some neat things!


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350 should be very proud. That's a heck of a run and wow, what great scenery! Way to go!


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Lizzy_B wrote:
Awh, thanks, Bella! You know, I thought of all of you, and you in particular. I'm hoping to have my act together a bit better next year, and I'll sign up for the alerts that tell people via email or tweets about the runner's progress.

There's more to come. I just need a few mins to gather my thoughts and sit down and write. We got to see some neat things!

minutes up...get cracking! J/k. Take your time..I know how busy you are!


mickey Bella