For those who may not know me I'm Nicole. I'm going to apologize now because I've never done a trip report before and I have horrible grammar I am going to Disney World with my Mom and younger sister Megan (10) on October 6-13.
The trip is a surprise to Megan because we told her we were going next year. This will be my Mom and Megan's first time ever in Disney. Megan is very excited for this weekend because we told her that we were going to spend the day in New Orleans and go shopping at the Disney Store to celebrate our 1 year mark. She has never been to the Disney Store so she is extremely excited to go shopping. I wrote a poem that tells her she is going to Disney. We will wake her up EARLY and let her read the poem first thing!! So here is the poem that she'll read:
Disney Vacation 2012
You may think we've messed up and printed the wrong year
But it seems we're more clever than we actually appear!
We are very sorry we aren't trying to be mean
But you can't come and see us in 2013!
The reason you see is very clear
You're actually coming this very year!
Mickey and Minnie can't wait to play
So hop on a plane and come visit us today!
The wait is over the time is near
Your Disney vacation is finally here!
You must be surprised and very excited
Your mom and your sister struggled to hide it!
Now go get dressed because you're leaving soon
You'll be in Disney this afternoon!!!
Here are our plans:
Saturday October 6
Wake Megan up at the last possible minute and cry like a baby while she reads the poem.
Our flight leaves at 7:55am and we should be landing at 10:35am
We are spending the afternoon in Magic Kingdom and eating Dinner at Tony's Town Square Restaurant
Sunday October 7
Breakfast at Chef Mickey's then spending the day in Magic Kingdom.
For dinner we are meeting some of our family at Planet Hollywood
Monday October 8
Spending the day in Hollywood Studios and Dinner at 50's Prime Time Cafe
Tuesday October 9
Spending most of the day in Epcot then heading to Downtown Disney for dinner at Planet Hollywood...again lol I love that place!
Wednesday October 10
Spending the day in Animal Kingdom
Thursday October 11
Spending the day in Magic Kingdom and eating lunch at Crystal Palace.
Then we are attending MNSSHP. Megan will be Cinderella and me and my mom will be the Ugly Stepsisters. (Our costumes are ADORABLE)
Friday October 12
The first half of the day we will be in AK and the second half in HS
Dinner is at Sci-Fi Dine In Theater
Saturday October 13
Lots of tears and maybe even a little kicking and screaming (from me of course)
Flight back home at 12:15pm
We are going to video Megan reading the poem so as soon as I can get it uploaded to YouTube I'll post the link. I can NOT wait for you guys to see our costumes so I'll post those as SOON as we get all dressed up. I hope I didn't bore you guys too much and sorry for rambling on and on but I'm VERY excited!!