Member spotlight- Scrappy*****

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Joined: 03/04/2011
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Member spotlight- Scrappy*****

This week the member spotlight belongs to the one the only sweetheart of the board and handler of Mr. Hub.....SCRAPPY Smile

First Name: Judy
Birthplace: Charleston WV
Birthday: 9/15
Age: 51
Current Location: Blue Bell PA
Hometown: Collegeville PA
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: redish brown, but who knows what it would be if not for my every six week dye job
Height: 5'4"
Your career: office manager for a small local gas company
What kind of car do you drive: 2011 Ford Taurus
Name of spouse or significant other: Mark
Number of children if any, names and ages: 2 boys, Matthew is 30 and married to Mary. They have Bella who just turned 1 this week and just announced that they are expecting #2 in November. Adam is 28 and married to Jen. They have Addison who is 3 and baby Lily is expected to arrive in less than 2 weeks.
Glasses or contacts: contacts when I bother to wear either
Piercings or tattoos: ears pierced
Right Handed or Left Handed: right handed
What kind of pets do you have and what are their names: pug we call Mister but his real name is Mr Hubs
Favorite color: red
5 favorite movies: White Christmas, Christmas Vacation (which does have that classic line referring to White Christmas), Grease, The Sixth Sense, Mr Holland's Opus
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Your favorite pizza toppings: Plain old cheese does it for me if it is a really good pizza
Favorite beverage: unsweetened iced tea
Favorite season: fall
Your favorite food: burgers followed so very closely by french fries
Favorite Ice cream flavor: dark chocolate
Favorite candy: M&M
Favorite breakfast cereal: Cheerios
Favorite book: none
What country do you want to visit: again none
How many pillows do you sleep with: 1
What's one thing that not many people know about you: I have been known to swear like a truck driver. In my defense, I work with all guys that are truck drivers. They have taught me well.
Favorite song: this changes way to often to have a favorite
Your favorite sport to watch: also none
Favorite TV show (Still running or ended): all time favorite I Love Lucy, currently Big Bang Theory
Your Favorite number: 7
Favorite restaurant: I do not have a favorite here at home, it depends on what we feel like eating
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Scary movies or comedies: comedies
Beach or lake: lake
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Starbucks or Tim Hortons: Starbucks but to be fair we do not have Tim Hortons nor have I even heard of it
Dogs or cats: dogs
What's your favorite Disney Resort: Poly
What's your favorite Disney Restaurant: California Grille
What's your favorite Disney Snack: ice cream cone while walking down main street
What's your favorite Disney ride: Haunted Mansion with Splash Mountain being a very close second
Who's your favorite Disney Character: Mickey
Who's your favorite Disney Princess: not a princess fan at all


Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

OMG SCRAPPY!! My soul sister!!!!

Virgo, Dark Chocolate, Cheerios, unsweetened iced tea, I Love Lucy & Big Bank Theory, M&Ms and swearing like a truck driver! HOLY CHIT I think we were separated at birth! muchlove muchlove muchlove

What's your favorite time of year to visit the World? And you guys have so much cool stuff in your house - how long did it take you do do that Disney bathroom with the awesome sink and faucet? Can we see another pic of it? Please?!

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Favorite place to take a load off at WDW? And how did the Parc Bistro not make your list? wink


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I am so excited it is my turn!

Jeff, my favorite time of the year is January. The crowds are low and so is the heat.
That bathroom came together pretty quickly. We ordered the sink and faucets as soon as they started building our house. The builders installed them for us. Most of the other stuff in there we already had. I do have 5 Mickey tiles that we ordered when we ordered the sink. However we have never came up with a good plan for using them in there. That was the first room that was totally finished when we moved in. I am on the IPad at the moment so new pictures will come later.

Kris, there really is not one place that I prefer to sit and take a load off. I am very content just about anyplace we are as long as I am in the shade. If I had to chose one though I would chose the area where the umbrella tables are down the steps across from the Plaza Restaurant. From there you are seeing the castle and can hear the park. As far as not choosing the Parc Bistro goes, we had not been there when I answered the questions. I can honestly say now, thanks to you, we do have a favorite! Mark was just saying as soon as he works his way back to a normal shift we will be heading back for another meal.

petriedish's picture
Joined: 06/19/2011
Posts: 218

Same birthday! I'll be at O'hana this sept 15....I'll have a lapu lapu for you clapping


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Do you have a favorite Disney memory? I imagine this question is kind of tough for you being as though you've been to WDW so many times, but is there anything in particular that stands out?

Also, I think it would be cool if you answer the question you always ask about things you like that others don't and vice versa!

Glad to hear Parc Bistro made it on to your list. I'm heading there tonight with my BFF. She's craving the Heirloom Tomato Salad with Goat Cheese Medallions. awesome


Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Never heard of Tim Hortons?! You should come to Canada...they are EVERYwhere! It's insane. I live in a fairly small city (about 54,000) and we have 8 or 9 locations and they are talking about putting in another one! We don't have any starbucks though.

What is it you don't like about the princesses?

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Let's see your 3 favorite disney pics and I must see pics of this disney bathroom...I don't recall if i've ever seen it before or not


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Posts: 1905

petriedish wrote:
Same birthday! I'll be at O'hana this sept 15....I'll have a lapu lapu for you clapping

How great it is that you will be spending your birthday at the Poly!!! You know I will be thinking of you that evening.

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Kris, that really is a hard question as I have so many wonderful memories of our trips. The ones that stand out are mostly the first time we did things. Our first time eating at the Califorina Grill, my first Disney trip ever, our first time staying at the Poly, taking our first grand daughter on her first trip to see Mickey. So so many wonderful memories.

As far as my likes and dislikes, I can not believe it did not occurr to me that I may have to answer this question. Honestly, most of my likes are what others really like. I have already confessed that I do not care much for EPCOT but hold on to your hats...I really really do not care for the Food & Wine Festival at all. Sorry guys, I know you all love it, but it is just not for me.

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Spook, I do not really dislike the princesses, I am just not interested in them at all. I would say I probably like Belle the best.

I will post my favorite pictures as well as the bathroom pictures tomorrow.

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

Fantasy trip...what is your ultimate Disney trip? If money is no object.


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

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Posts: 1905

Jeff and Jess, the bathroom pictures you requested...

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

Scrappy, that is very cool! I especially love the boxes of Mickey soaps.

When I was young, my family couldn't afford a trip to Disney, so my father's cousin would bring me back every single hotel item she could get with Mickey on it so I could feel like I was there. Needless to say, there was an endless supply of those soaps. muchlove

Thanks for sharing the photos!


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Awesome bathroom!

Favorite WDW cupcake? laugh Or other WDW dessert?


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
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What's your favorite disney resort? If money was no object, where would you prefer to stay at disney?


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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I love all that stuff! Did you get all of it at WDW?

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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Thanks for sharing, scrappy! I love that room. I am 100% confident that I could live there in just that room.

Are you and mrhub rope-drop types, late evening types or somewhere in between?

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Why is seven your favorite number?


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I had to put a lot of thought into what my fantasy trip would be because I honestly feel like all of our trips are fantasy trips. I did come up with one though. It would be two weeks long and we would be staying at the Poly. For the first week our boys and their wives and children would join us. We would do whatever they wanted to do for that week. We would do a Wishes Cruise and since this is a fantasy why not do that cruise on the yacht instead of the pontoon boats. Once they left we would start our week with a spa day. The second week would be spent doing what we normally do.

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So far I do not really have a favorite cupcake. While I do LOVE chocolate I do not usually go for really sweet things. I do not care much for icing nor do I really want candy and such with a cupcake. I do love the chocolate espresso torte from the Turf Club though. I also really like the dark chocolate covered Carmel and a chocolate carmel cookie from the Carmel store. No salt on mine though. My favorite sweet is cookies and even then they have to at least have some chocolate in them.

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Hardy0109, my favorite resort is the Poly.

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disneydoc wrote:
I love all that stuff! Did you get all of it at WDW?

Looking at the pictures of the bathroom, I would say most of it came from WDW. Some of it was gifts that I believe came from the Disney Store. Most of it is close to 10 years old now.

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Posts: 1905

JeffC wrote:
Thanks for sharing, scrappy! I love that room. I am 100% confident that I could live there in just that room.

Are you and mrhub rope-drop types, late evening types or somewhere in between?

We rarely make it to a rope-drop but not because we are still sleeping. Mrhub loves breakfast so we are either already at a resort having breakfast or we are already in the park before it opens. We are usually back in our room for the night by 10 or 11.

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Jess wrote:
Why is seven your favorite number?

I really do not know why I always pick seven as a number. Maybe because I am one of five children so we were a family of seven. Being one of five children I never went to Disney as a child nor did I ever think I would get to go. That is probably why I now feel every trip is fantasy.

Mase's picture
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If you could hang with anyone from the board... who would it be, and what would be the first thing you guys would do?


If you got stuck on a ride, which one would you enjoy to be stuck on, or which one would drive you insane?


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Mase wrote:
If you could hang with anyone from the board... who would it be, and what would be the first thing you guys would do?


If you got stuck on a ride, which one would you enjoy to be stuck on, or which one would drive you insane?

First of all I would have to say that I think it would be a lot of fun to hang out with any one of you on this board. Since I have to choose just one though I would go with...Jeff & Joe. I chose them because we would all be traveling childless, and we have pretty much the same touring styles as well as many similar likes and dislikes. We would start our day at Magic Kingdom for rope-drop. Then since we would have missed our breakfast we would just have to have cupcakes from the bakery for breakfast. Lunch would be Caseys. After a full day of playing in the park and being very childlike, we would all become refined adults and head to California Grill for dinner. I do believe our day would end with a Wishes cruise.

I would not mind being stuck on Splash Mountain. So many details to take in and such a great job telling that story on that ride. I am not sure which I would find worse to be stuck on, Its A Small World with that song playing over and over and over and over or being on Soaring. If Soaring were to be stuck I would think you would have to be stuck while up in the air and I am sure the movie would not be playing. That to me would be no fun at all. And, I just may end up panicked.

Oh No!!! Sorry Jeff, how could I forget about your love of Cosmic Rays. We would have to scratch off Caseys and add Cosmic Rays for lunch. Shame shame shame on me!

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

How did you and Mr.hub meet and what do you feel is the key to a successful marriage cause you and mr.hub always seem so happy Smile


Joined: 09/12/2010
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Haha - for a chance to have lunch with you and mrhub,I'd go anywhere! And besides, I have discovered plastic cheese, and I really want to try those corn dog nuggets! So Casey's would work for me!

And I'm with Jess - you guys just always seem so happy - share your secrets to a successful relationship!

Joined: 07/18/2012
Posts: 73

I know you guys love the Poly; do you have any plans to visit the Aulani?

Who does the planning for your trips? Does one or the other have stronger desires for certain ADR's, etc?

dontthrowsand's picture
Joined: 05/28/2012
Posts: 359

Any suggestions on what might make an awesome birthday gift for my mom from Disney?