Sports Game

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Sports Game

Good afternoon,

With 34 days until my trip to the World (yay!) I got talking to a lady at work who is a big fan of American football. I watch the superbowl each year but that's as far as I get to watching a 'real' game.

I do have a fasination with Ice Hockey (we have it here but it's so boring compared to the American/Canadian versions).

Basically I am a fan of sport and would like to catch a sports game of some type.

So with me being in Orlando for the first two weeks of September can anyone tell me if it is football season/ ice hockey season or even baseball season?

Also, dependant on which season is on can anyone recommend a team local to Orlando (perhaps within a 1-2 hour drive?).

Thanks in advance



senseicj's picture
Joined: 10/29/2010
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well cadac the nfl season kicks off 9/5 that a wednesday then the following sunday the tb buckaneers are at home at 405 that about a 2 hour drive i think, baseball will still be going on and tb rays are home from9/3-9/5 then from 9/6-9/9,no nhl yet til october,and neither does the nba. in my opinion the best place to watch these games are at the espn zone at the boardwalk, but if you are going for football get there early on a sunday to get a seat at the bar. hope this helps


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Mase's picture
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For Hockey... If anything is going on its preseason but since your talking 2 weeks into September... I don't think anything is going on. Im a Blue Jackets ticket holder, and haven't gotten my tickets yet... so I'm thinking preseason won't start till that final week of September. But you have two options with the Tampa Bay Lightning being the closest. About a tad bit more than an hour away.,Tampa,+FL&cid=0,0,3143982047536201843&ei=mKoSUPCBNsSorQG09YDwCg&ved=0CL0BEPwSMAA

Florida Panthers are more down south and are more than 3 hours away.,0,3635174255436058798&ei=baoSUI-LDYPKqgH1yYGwBQ&ved=0COYBEPwSMAA

Keep an eye for the preseason, and I would go with the Lightning. A... better hockey than the Panthers, and B... much much closer.

And I just looked.... preseason starts that final week of September... so your barely missing it..... sad


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Just had a look and the Hockey season doesn't start until mid october.

I have had a look at the NFL and the first home game for Tampa Bay Buccaneers is against Carolina Panthers on 09/09/2012.

There are tickets left and for a reasonable price.

How far is the Raymond James Stadium from Disney World? My guess is around two hours drive?

We are thinking of hiring a car anyway for our trips to universal (shhh! lol) so doing this would swing the hire car debate that way.


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The Rays are at home to New York Yankees (famous team here) so that would be a good one to catch. There are three dates listed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Does anyone know why this is?


senseicj's picture
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cadac wrote:
The Rays are at home to New York Yankees (famous team here) so that would be a good one to catch. There are three dates listed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Does anyone know why this is?

cadac wrote:
The Rays are at home to New York Yankees (famous team here) so that would be a good one to catch. There are three dates listed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Does anyone know why this is?

Why what is that there are three games because they are playing a three game series baseball is not like the rest of the sports they usually play the same team 3 or 4 games in a row, if that was your question


"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
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J's picture
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Being a lifelong resident of central Florida, I can tell you with out a shawdow of a doubt, early September is college football season. Can't wait. Go Bulls.

JoAnn C's picture
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If you don't make it to a game, the ESPN Club is a great place to watch football. I went there for lunch in November to watch the Steelers. I got there around 11:30 (game started at 1:00).


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We've decided to go to a baseball game. My gf isn't keen on the football.

We are going to see Tampa Bay Rays vs New York Yankees.

Thank you for your help


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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That should be a very good game for you guys. As much as I'm not a Yank fan... they have extreme talent.


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Can anyone help with this.

We have hired a car for two weeks but have no idea where to park for this game.

Does anyone have and recommended places to park?

Thanks in advance


Kristen K.'s picture
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cadac wrote:

Does anyone have and recommended places to park?
Thanks in advance

Most Stadiums will have ample parking available. Where is the game being played?