I was so paranoid about waking up for our plane on Friday morning that I set 3 alarms . The first one went off at 3:45 am & I popped out of bed, started the coffee & jumped in the shower. I was pretty much packed, just had to add the last minute things to my tote bag - cell phone, charger....that kind of stuff. I woke up the guys at 5am & we were off to the airport at 5:30am. The lines were longer than I expected at security, so we really only had time to eat our bagels & get drinks for the plane before we boarded.
Our flight was uneventful. I slept thru most of it.I love JetBlue. It's comfy, the service is great, the non-stop flight schedule is perfect & the price is right. We landed right on time & our towncar was there waiting for us. Our driver led us to the new area they have for the towncars. Very nice. Then we stopped at Publix & the Liquor Store. We were at the Dolphin by 11am. We checked in, but our rooms weren't ready yet. We left our meds in their fridge & our bags with the bellstand & went off to have lunch at the Cabana Bar & Grill. We both had Softshell Crab Sandwiches & split a Pineapple Mojito. The front desk still hadn't called to tell us our room was ready, so we hopped a bus to MK. Of course, as soon as the bus took off, the front desk called to let us know one of our rooms was ready. We decided to go ahead to MK anyways.
We got off the bus in MK & the heat was just rolling off the pavement. Never mind that....we're finally here! Time to have some fun! So, first thing we did was go get some fastpasses for Splash. Our return time was in about an hour, so we went on Big Thunder & Haunted Mansion. By the time we got off those, we were MORE than ready to get wet. It was frikken HOT! I think that day was 95. So we went on Splash & got drenched by the water cannon. Luckily, I was prepared for this from our last Mother's Day trip when Lisa's cell phone got toasted on Splash. We had ziploc baggies & kept our stuff in those so our phones & wallets would be dry. After Splash, we were tired, hot & wet & decided to go get checked in & take a break from the heat.
Our rooms were on the East wing, 4th floor, each with a balcony. I love the balcony. I love to have my coffee & watch the resort wakeup in the morning. We got our stuff all situated & took a short nap. Then we showered up & headed back to MK. We started off with the Laugh Floor. I love the Laugh Floor. It always has me cracking up. This time was no exception. Then I did a First - I rode Dumbo! I have never, ever ridden Dumbo, believe it or not. So, here I am, with my grown son, riding a pink hatted elephant. Max turns to me & says "Yes, I'm comfortable with my sexuality - I'm riding a pink elephant with my mother"
Anyways, after Dumbo, we went to Philharmagic, then we did Pirates, Jungle Cruise & Tiki. I realized Tiki really sucks. I liked the old one, but the new one sucks so bad. We were going to try & meet up witha couple friends, but Max just wanted to get over to the Contemporary & watch Wishes from there & then try to get in to California Grill early. I'm glad we checked in a little early since they were running behind schedule. We still had to wait a good half hour for our 9:40 ressie as it was. We had a drink at the bar while we waited - I had a Chardonnay & Max had an Amaretto & Ginger. When we finally got seated, it was a gorgeous table overlooking MK. Our table was scattered with Mickey Confetti & we could watch the Castle change colors. I had a wonderful Duck Confit & Pasta appetizer, Max had a Snake in the Grass sushi roll, then we split the Filet. I had another glass of wine with dinner. After all the heat of the day, the traveling & the 2 glasses of wine, I was tired. So we decided to skip dessert & head back. Our waitress, said "Wait, you can't leave yet! I have something for you" She bought me over a piece of Chocolate Cake packaged up to go because I had said we were celebrating Mother's Day when the reservation agent asked me if we were celebrating anything.
We took a cab back to the Dolphin & by the time we got home, it was nearly midnight. We both decided that hitting AK at rope drop was really important, so I set my alarm & scheduled a morning wakeup call. I fell into bed & was sound asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I will add pictures after I get my camera unpacked.....