My Name is Kristen and I'm a Control Freak

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803
My Name is Kristen and I'm a Control Freak

I must admit, when traveling with my family I'm always 100% in charge of vacation. I know where we're going, when we need to be there, when everyone needs to get up when we need to leave the hotel room, and how fast we need to walk to make it there for every single day of our vacation. Occasionally I'll plan for a more relaxed day, but even that will have some sort of structure to it. While traveling through the airport (and trying to get all the ducklings through security at once) you could best describe me as ... intense. My family just follows along and everyone is happy.

However at the end of February I'm going down to Disney and sharing a guest house with 3 other women who are used to being in charge of their own families! Oh my gosh... I sure hope that my friends still like me after this! I'm trying VERY hard just to be laid back and not have any real solid plans, because I want the group to have input and get to do things that they love as well. Honestly though, being laid back is really taking some effort and I've got another 23 days to go!

Does anyone have any advice for how a control freak can have fun not being in charge? You know, besides lots of Xanex LOL!

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

It must be the name. I too (a Kristen) am a huge vacation control freak. Especially when it comes to Disney. I like to have a plan. Winging it just never seems to work for me. However, I have found that a lot of my friends that usually do the vacation planning for their families actually enjoy not having to be the one with the plan. My best friend and I do a girls trip to Jamaica every year, and every year she defaults to me to do the planning. She says its a nice break. Maybe some of your friends are like that. If not, then I suggest making up a flexible sample itinerary and have it in your back pocket ready to pull out if it seems like things are too loosie goosie and no one can decide where to go or what to do next.


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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DW and I love to just chill, but I will say she used to be a lot more "controlling" when we first went. I think it helps that we go pretty regularly so we figure if we miss it this time, we'll get it next time.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Hello, Kristen the Control Freak!

Well, Xanex was indeed my first thought. My second thought is to try and make light of it. Tell them before you go "Hi. I am Kristen and I am a control freak. I cannot help it, I was born this way. I have a wonderful support group called WDWFG, but they are not here with me physically.

The tell them you will make every effort to NOT be a control freak on or before the trip, but need their help. If at any point they see you sweating at the brow, or closing in on an anxiety attack, or otherwise exhibiting freakish behavior, they are to point it out, and you, Kristen, will be required to (a) buy everyone a round of drinks (b) buy everyone a Dole Whip or Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich or (c) be forced to buy and wear the most obnoxious pair of Mickey ears they can find.

The good news is if you exhibit freak behavior a few times in a day, there's a good chance you can be sloshed before dinner and then who needs the Xanex?

laugh laugh laugh

RobynPrincess's picture
Joined: 03/14/2010
Posts: 2859

I am with you - I am just the same as you but this year there are at least 8 of us going (for now, there may be more!!) all couples, the ones i can boss are my parents and my hubby. Even so, its going to be hard! I am a mental planner and like to have everything down to make the most of the trip... But I am going with people that I personally dont know too well (though hubby and his parents know them very well and have holiday'ed with them lots) and they are super laid back!! I am stressing about not being a control freak when we get there! Think I might take JeffC's advice and see what happens Wink


Our Very Merry 24 nighter Nov/Dec 15
Watson's go West May 15
The one with all the birthdays Oct 14 4 Big Birthdays and a Vow Renewal thrown in
The OMG trip June 14 30th Birthday present from the hubs
Girly trip March 14 A last min cheapy week
September 13 our first all DVC stay
TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
Oct 2012 TR with a cruise!big family trip featuring the beach club, AKL, the dream and a villa offsite
TR on a budget May - June 2011offsite condo
TR Sept - Oct 2010 big family trip in an offsite villa

Courtney's picture
Joined: 12/02/2011
Posts: 239

i too am a bit of a crontrol freak. but i was able to shut my hubby up when he complained on our trip.
we were waiting for our ADR at Whispering canyong and he started to question my choice, my responce was "well you could have helped me with the planning, then you would have had a choice" i gave him the guide books to read, tried to show him reviews on disneyfoodblog, he was not interested in planning. we were on DDP so ADRs were a must. he went along after that. maybe next time he will open the guidebook.

Tell them, if they want to contribute to the planning their input is welcome, if they dont, well then shut up and enjoy the benefits of your time & effort. mickey

__________________ Ticker

Manda's picture
Joined: 04/05/2012
Posts: 71

I'm so glad to see there are others. Smile I make spreadsheets that detail every day of our trips, reservation times, parks we are going to, the times the parks open and close on that specific day, snacks i want to get on the specific day at the specific parks, a detailed list of the different costs, what has been paid for, what has not been paid for, a list of websites for the car rental agency we're using, gas calculator, dining reservations, disney dollar redeeming list, snack credit list, etc.'s bad.

Luckily, i have the most laid back husband in the world who when asked for input on anything tells me that it is my show and do whatever i want. It's nice he doesn't mind my OCDness and even finds it amusing. But, it does nothing to help subdue the control freak in me.

I agree with jeff. Tell them up front in a joking manner. If you make light of it from the get go and ask them to point out when you're being a nut, it'll most likely cause less awkward situations and tension if they do have a problem with it.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

I would just be the one to say "See Ya" and head the other way!. The only thing we stick to usually are the ADR's, anything else can be up in the air. If a park is crowded, go to another one. If there is a long line somewhere there are at least 3 choices: 1). Get on something else 2). Wait, or 3:) get a fastpass and get on something else. We make a spread sheet with our adrs, what parks we want to do each day, what time the parks open and close, but we just use that generaly just for reference, thats the nice part about parkhoppers. You dont have to stick to a specific park if you have ADR's there.

As for how to help you out..................Tequila, lots of it!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

I'm glad to say the the vacation ended up going really well. It seemed to me like we were all trying our hardest not to be in charge. We split up a couple of times, some folks had a faster pace than others, but overall it went really really well! I didn't even need the Xanex.