Need some logistics help, please

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taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Need some logistics help, please

I'm starting to think about race logistics for the Wine and Dine next month. I didn't know when I booked OKW that it wasn't a host resort (even though SSR is...annoying!), so I'm worried about transportation. Here's my idea, let me know if you guys have better advice?

Sat at 9:35 - breakfast ADR at the Poly - coming from OKW, should we just take a bus to Epcot and hop the monorail to the TTC and walk to Poly? How early should we leave OKW? I've never even been to Poly, so I have no idea. Help, please! Smile

After breakfast - hop bus at TTC to ESPN to the expo. Pick up my stuff, walk around a bit, head back to OKW. Is there transport from there to OKW, or do we need to go somewhere else to connect? I've only been to ESPN on event transportation.

After expo - head back to OKW to hang out, change out some clothes, grab a bite to eat, etc. We have "use after 4pm" tickets for that day, so I'm planning on heading over to Epcot, walking around a bit, maybe hitting up The Land, easy stuff, then hopping a bus there by 8pm to take me to the start of the race at ESPN. I start at 10pm.
DH will head back to the hotel until about 11, when he will cab over to wait for me at the finish line in the parking lot at Epcot.
After my race, we'll cab back to OKW, unless you guys have a better idea. I hoped we could bus to POFQ or SSR and walk, but is that possible? We aren't hanging out at the After Party - we have too many fun things to do the next day! (which reminds me, I need to do a pre-trip report!)

Thoughts? I'm not worried about walking around before the race, since I'm just running for fun.


Miss Mikki's picture
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Hi Tara,
We are also staying at OKW and doing the 5K race on Saturday 9th (7.00am at Animal Kingdom).
We often get cabs at a WDW. I find it to be a quick, efficient option and reasonably priced considering it takes the stress out of waiting for Disney transportation and connections.

For your breakfast ADR, you could bus to the MK and then take the monorail or boat to the Poly. I would leave at least an hour before your ADR. If you are early there is plenty to look at at the Poly.

You can't walk from POFQ to OKW. You can walk from SSR but the advice is not to do it at night as the path is not lit. You can get a boat from POFQ/SSR to DTD marketplace and then bus or boat from DTD to OKW. The only problem is that I am not sure that the boats run that late at night.

Good luck for your race. Maybe we will bump into each other at the gurgling suitcase! (Bar at OKW)


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JMUDukz's picture
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I'm in the same boat, I'm staying at AKL. Seemed like a great idea until I just did ToT and now I wish I was at a host hotel, but I'll make it work.

I'm taking a cab home from the party. Not sure how I'm getting there, most likely a cab as well, but I may go to my friend's resort and take the bus w/them. That seems like a lot of work though and cab, although an added expense, would be easier.

The boats won't run at night, so that's not an option. Plus they don't stop from resort to resort (except the PO boats), so not sure that would be an option.

I would however check your bus plans from Epcot with the concierge the day of. The traffic and bus routes are different on race day, so the buses might not run from Epcot to ESPN (do they normally? I didn't notice that as an option, but I might have just missed it). The race buses are MEARS charters, not regular Disney buses.

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JMUDukz's picture
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OH, also, you HAVE to be on the event bus by 8 and in your corral by 9:15. It may be earlier for W&D b/c the field is larger than for ToT, but just use those as rough guidelines for planning purposes. At 9:15 they started moving us to the start, so they're pretty serious about the timelines!!

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taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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JMUDukz wrote:

I would however check your bus plans from Epcot with the concierge the day of. The traffic and bus routes are different on race day, so the buses might not run from Epcot to ESPN (do they normally? I didn't notice that as an option, but I might have just missed it). The race buses are MEARS charters, not regular Disney buses.

The way I read it, they are staging all shuttles from Epcot to ESPN. Like if I were driving my own car, I have to park at Epcot and catch a bus, so I'm just guessing. I'll call tomorrow and verify, I guess. I mean, how else are people supposed to get there? I suppose I could bus/cab to a host hotel? Maybe we should just all meet up at a host hotel and head over together? That might be fun.

I plan on getting on the final shuttle about 7:30. That'll give me plenty of time to warm up...the start is right in the parking lot of ESPN, so it doesn't seem like we'll make that long death march.


alicemouse's picture
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Hey all,

I tried to post this on a new thread and for some reason it's not showing up, so I'll just hijack this similar thread and try again...

DH and I are leaving for WDW in just 7 short days!! On our arrival day, we are picking up our dear friend Jordan and his BF Greg and taking them out for dinner and for free Disney entertainment. Our tentative plan is to pick them up around 5:30, check-in to Saratoga Springs, grab dinner at (maybe) Bahama Breeze, and head over to the monorail loop culminating in watching Wishes! from the Top of the World Lounge. (We've also considered boating down to POR and doing make our own pasta for dinner and then grabbing a bus to MK so we can get the monorail.) We have access to the perks given by the following memberships: DVC, annual pass, Disney Visa. We will have a rental car. Neither Jordan nor Greg have any type of admission media and neither are on our reservation. So here are my logistical questions related to this plan:

Will we be able to park the rental car in the parking lot of a resort at which we are not staying if we do not have dining reservations? Can I park at the Contemporary or do I have to park at TTC and monorail to where I want to go?

Are we likely to encounter any resistance if we elect to use Disney transportation instead of driving? I believe that transportation is supposed to be only for guests of WDW resort, correct? However, I don't ever remember anyone asking for verification that I was a resort guest prior to boarding a Disney bus or boat.

Crazycatperson had reported last week that the walkway between Saratoga and DTD was closed due to construction but she was unsure of the scope of that construction. Does anyone happen to know the status of this walkway and how long it will likely remain closed?

Thank you all for your help!


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crazycatperson's picture
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Can't answer any other questions. Hubby says do not expect the walkway to be open between Downtown Disney and Saratoga Springs. He didn't actually ask, but he says it doesn't look as if the construction will be finished anytime soon.

alicemouse's picture
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Thanks, Jan! Moving my room request now...


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MrHub's picture
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Well with the parking, if your staying at SSR you will have the parking pass, so depending on how busy the resort is, you may be able to self park and you may not, won't find that out until you get there. If you valet park , you can definitely park, but it will cost you $15. I wouldn't try and park at the Poly, they are on serious crack down because of the construction, they are limited to parking and will tell you you have to be a resort guest or have dinning reservations.

alicemouse's picture
Joined: 10/22/2013
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Thanks, Mark! That was exactly the info I was looking for. I had heard someone mention that Poly beach access during Wishes! may be restricted to Poly guests due to construction. Any intelligence on this situation? We usually like to try to catch Wishes! from the beach at some point during our trip. Not sure if it will be possible this time or not.


Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table because that will make you more welcome. --Randy Pausch

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December 2013: 10th Anniversary, 1st DVC Stay | April 2014: Birthday on the Boardwalk | May 2014: Star Wars Weekend, Navigating WDW with a wheelchair | August 2014: Villains Unleashed | September/October 2014: MNSSHP, F&W, Tower of Terror 10-miler | March/April 2015: Disneyland and California Coastal Cruise | November 2015: Wine & Dine Half, Food & Wine, 1st Disney Cruise | February 2016: Presidential Classic Gymnastics Meet | March 2016: "Work" Trip, Tours, F&G Festival | April 2016: Conference at Disneyland | Fall 2016: Festive Fall Fun | January 2017: Festival of the Arts | May 2017: AbD Backstage Magic | July 2017: AbD San Francisco | Sorry I had to give up doing trip reports. Too many time commitments right now.

Mandy's picture
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Disney transport is free to everyone. They don't ask for verification. Like Mrhubs said, you may able to park at the Contemporary or you may not able to. The worst they can say is no.