Never Again...

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I would skip Whispering Canyon Cafe it was annoying and not funny. The WE NEED KETCHUP got old quick, and I'm used to annoying behavior. The food was terrible + The waitress argued with me over me needing to take my food with with. I've never had a take out box forced on me. Very odd.

I would also skip the Dinosaur Expedition Ride in Animal Kingdom. Not scary but not fun either. I should have known by the wait and we were there on a busy day. No line.

HOWEVER -- Those are the only 2 things I could think of that would say for sure skip.

shonkiesgirl's picture
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Dinosaur. I hate it with a passion. Too loud and I had a huge headache after coming off that ride from how bumpy it was.

Brad's picture
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I wouldn't call Dinosaur a "never again," but I'm not in a rush. We do it when there's no line, but I agree that it's not scary and it can be uncomfortable.

Jessi5989's picture
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I have an irrational fear of dinosaurs (yes, I know they're all dead) so I don't ever want to ride it. but it never fails that the people I'm with want to ride it. so I always end up riding with my eyes closed and screaming from the noise. laugh

Kristen K.'s picture
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My daughter just reminded me tonight that I have sworn to never go on Splash Mountain again. The last time I was absolutely miserable. I think it was a perfect storm of many things going wrong on that day, but when I got SOAKED at 9PM, and had to walk around with a strong breeze in the air I was just done.

Now, I may very well cave and do it again someday, after all I do expect grand-kids at some point. However, until then, no more Splash Mountain for me.

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Kristen K. wrote:
My daughter just reminded me tonight that I have sworn to never go on Splash Mountain again. The last time I was absolutely miserable. I think it was a perfect storm of many things going wrong on that day, but when I got SOAKED at 9PM, and had to walk around with a strong breeze in the air I was just done.

Now, I may very well cave and do it again someday, after all I do expect grand-kids at some point. However, until then, no more Splash Mountain for me.

That's too bad, because Splash Mountain is one of my most favorite attraction at MK. And after all, they DID warn you that you WILL get soaked, even though most of the time I'm barely "soaked" on that attraction.

I don't mind getting "wet", but I hate it when my pants get wet because.... well... y'know, what's inside doesn't dry up as fast as the outer clothing. I discover that, after many times on Splash, that the most common way that my rear end will get wet are from (i) the leftover wet seat from previous ride through, and (ii) the water that might get splashed into the vehicle. So what I always do is bring a beach towel with me in my backpack, put the towel on the vehicle's seat, and sit on the towel. That way, my rear end won't immediately get wet, and if any water splashed into the vehicle, it will mostly be soaked up by the towel before it gets to me. Getting wet on my upper half, I don't care, and I kinda expect it.

And oh, the front row of the vehicle tends to get more of the water splash than others.

But y'know, you can always wear a poncho on that attraction.



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ok I guess I am a weirdo I am an adult and I love stitch I can see how some would not like it but I am a huge stitch fan so I always ride the ride. when stitch came out I went to see it with my wife shes the big Disney fan well we were about halfway through the movie and she gave me one of those wifely looks through squinty eyes and says OMG its you hes you! lol shes called me stitch, blue dog or some version of it ever since. A few months later I had to go on deployment and she sent a stitch with me (hes named grover dont ask) He has been all over the world and he always goes with us and gets his picture taken around the park.

My dont do is dont go when the love bugs are there blech.

Hardy0109's picture
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JoAnn C wrote:
I call it my "I did it once and I never have to do it again" list. So far two things are on the list - Chef Mickeys and Primeval Whirl.

Agree with Chef Mickey's. Also, I never really enjoyed Pizza Planet. My family went there last time, I opted for Writer's Stop (again, lol). There's really nothing bad about either one, just nothing I need to do again.


omnia mea mecum porto.

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Hardy0109's picture
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Courtney wrote:
Stitches great escape was awful.

Yep. Always HATED this too. I really don't know why it's still there. It's just cheesy and out of date (weird because it's relatively new) to me.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Hardy0109's picture
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Oh, and one more comment for me, I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to Animal Kingdom. The experience we had there a few years ago was so bad. We went our first trip and the last three times we have not gone. However, when I go back we're getting 7-day passes with park hopper, so I'm pretty sure we'll spend some time there. I'll give it a second chance, but if it's bad this time then I won't do it again.


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crazycatperson wrote:
I would say I'd never do Stitch's Great Escape again...but last year, when I was there alone and needed to kill some time on a Buzz Lightyear FastPass, I ended up doing Stitch again. And it was just as boring the second time. I have to assume this attraction is really big with kids because I don't know any adults who like it.

You should have done Monster's Inc! That's one of my favorite things at MK other than the new show at the end of the day on the castle!

Oh..speaking of MK..the tiki room thing, with the birds right by Jungle Cruise was absolutely pathetic. I hardly stayed awake, and I was bored to death. It was not even close to the quality that you might be expecting from a Disney electronic show.


omnia mea mecum porto.

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Kristen K.'s picture
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Hardy0109 wrote:

Oh..speaking of MK..the tiki room thing, with the birds right by Jungle Cruise was absolutely pathetic. I hardly stayed awake, and I was bored to death. It was not even close to the quality that you might be expecting from a Disney electronic show.

Dude, I could spend my whole day in the Tiki Room, especially since they got rid of the "new management" show and went back to the classic. Some things are just not supposed to evolve and to me the Tiki Room is one of them. I would change your "pathetic" and substitute "old school" or "traditional" absolutely worth every second. You can't go to WDW and just amuse yourself with what the latest, greatest and new things are. Disney has a wealth of history and the stories behind those old attractions are what gave the parks their magic in the first place. I challenge you to go read up on the Tiki Room and why it's so significant to the history of Disney, and then go back and see it with new eyes on your next trip.

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Kristen K. wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:

Oh..speaking of MK..the tiki room thing, with the birds right by Jungle Cruise was absolutely pathetic. I hardly stayed awake, and I was bored to death. It was not even close to the quality that you might be expecting from a Disney electronic show.

Dude, I could spend my whole day in the Tiki Room, especially since they got rid of the "new management" show and went back to the classic. Some things are just not supposed to evolve and to me the Tiki Room is one of them. I would change your "pathetic" and substitute "old school" or "traditional" absolutely worth every second. You can't go to WDW and just amuse yourself with what the latest, greatest and new things are. Disney has a wealth of history and the stories behind those old attractions are what gave the parks their magic in the first place. I challenge you to go read up on the Tiki Room and why it's so significant to the history of Disney, and then go back and see it with new eyes on your next trip.

Here! Here!

disneydoc's picture
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Kristen, I must second your words!!! There is something so special about the traditional Disney stuff - if it all went away to be replaced by newer fancier stuff, it would cut many of the ties to old Walt and his original vision. Updating does need to happen from time to time, but I sure would be sad if Small World or Peter Pan or the Carousel were suddenly deemed "pathetic" in light of newer technologies.

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Hardy0109's picture
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Well I guess I should have read up on my history! I learned some interesting stuff on Wiki just now!


omnia mea mecum porto.

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The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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OregonMom wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:

Oh..speaking of MK..the tiki room thing, with the birds right by Jungle Cruise was absolutely pathetic. I hardly stayed awake, and I was bored to death. It was not even close to the quality that you might be expecting from a Disney electronic show.

Dude, I could spend my whole day in the Tiki Room, especially since they got rid of the "new management" show and went back to the classic. Some things are just not supposed to evolve and to me the Tiki Room is one of them. I would change your "pathetic" and substitute "old school" or "traditional" absolutely worth every second. You can't go to WDW and just amuse yourself with what the latest, greatest and new things are. Disney has a wealth of history and the stories behind those old attractions are what gave the parks their magic in the first place. I challenge you to go read up on the Tiki Room and why it's so significant to the history of Disney, and then go back and see it with new eyes on your next trip.

Here! Here!

Yes! May I also throw out something that I would be sorely disappointed in if it were to evolve too much?

Carousel of Progress. There is so much history behind this ride. It was originally created for the 1964 World's Fair, which in itself is hugely significant. But I also think that, along with Spaceship Earth, it embodies the passion for thinking about the future that Walt Disney had more than anything else in either WDW or Disneyland.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Well, that's not nice. Not enjoying a theme park ride has nothing to do with a person's masculinity or femininity.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Well, that's not nice. Not enjoying a theme park ride has nothing to do with a person's masculinity or femininity.

All in good fun.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

WyckedPhoenix's picture
Joined: 02/17/2011
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As far as attractions go I enjoyed everything we did, which was almost everything, haha. I would have to say the one blah spot from our trip was our dinner at Rose and Crown. I was soooo looking forward to this too and it just wasn't what I thought it would be, especially compared to other places we ate at that trip. The food was cold, our waiter came by our table only twice the whole time, it took over 30 minutes to get our check once we asked for it. We were told we could not sit at the area on the water because of the weather (the view for IllumiNations being a main reason I wanted to go there our last night) and they let 3 other groups in there before Andy and I just grabbed a seat anyway.

We will be lucky to be able to go back at all (which I am really hoping we can make it work) and there are so many other places I would rather try. I think if we were able to go more I would give it another try but since we cannot it makes this list.


*Jennifer Lynn* NDW #38

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Vettelover's picture
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Hardy0109 wrote:
The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Well, that's not nice. Not enjoying a theme park ride has nothing to do with a person's masculinity or femininity.

All in good fun.

Some, me included may not think that is good fun. Here at WDWFG we pride ourselves on being repectful and that is one of the things that make us stand head and shoulders above the other forums.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:

Yes! May I also throw out something that I would be sorely disappointed in if it were to evolve too much?

Carousel of Progress. There is so much history behind this ride. It was originally created for the 1964 World's Fair, which in itself is hugely significant. But I also think that, along with Spaceship Earth, it embodies the passion for thinking about the future that Walt Disney had more than anything else in either WDW or Disneyland.

Totally agree here. However, I do miss the "Now is the Time" Music. I know that they went back to the "Great Big beautiful Tomorrow" but "Now is the Time" remains one of my favorites of all Disney Parks Songs. Maybe we need a thread about things we hope they never change!

MrHub's picture
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
OregonMom wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:

Oh..speaking of MK..the tiki room thing, with the birds right by Jungle Cruise was absolutely pathetic. I hardly stayed awake, and I was bored to death. It was not even close to the quality that you might be expecting from a Disney electronic show.

Dude, I could spend my whole day in the Tiki Room, especially since they got rid of the "new management" show and went back to the classic. Some things are just not supposed to evolve and to me the Tiki Room is one of them. I would change your "pathetic" and substitute "old school" or "traditional" absolutely worth every second. You can't go to WDW and just amuse yourself with what the latest, greatest and new things are. Disney has a wealth of history and the stories behind those old attractions are what gave the parks their magic in the first place. I challenge you to go read up on the Tiki Room and why it's so significant to the history of Disney, and then go back and see it with new eyes on your next trip.

Here! Here!

Yes! May I also throw out something that I would be sorely disappointed in if it were to evolve too much?

Carousel of Progress. There is so much history behind this ride. It was originally created for the 1964 World's Fair, which in itself is hugely significant. But I also think that, along with Spaceship Earth, it embodies the passion for thinking about the future that Walt Disney had more than anything else in either WDW or Disneyland.

If it were not for this technology, the world would not have the robotic surgery techniques that it does today. Most of them are because of the developments that Disney Imagineers invented. You have to understand the past to embrace the future.

Vettelover wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:
The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Well, that's not nice. Not enjoying a theme park ride has nothing to do with a person's masculinity or femininity.

All in good fun.

Some, me included may not think that is good fun. Here at WDWFG we pride ourselves on being respectful and that is one of the things that make us stand head and shoulders above the other forums.

Agreed 100% !

angels444's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012
Posts: 647

I totally agree on Chef Mickey. TOO LOUD

I second that on all the old rides. They are history and iconic.

I also agree with Jason. Love bug season. I will NEVER go during love bug season again. Love bugs are those little black bugs that swarm and mate, hence the the"love" part in may and oct. They are everywhere. You couldn't step out of your hotel without seeing them or steping on them. In POFQ you step outside when you leave your room. The buses were covered with them on the outside. Flying on and around you while outside at bustops. It was awful.

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angels444's picture
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I second that on all the old rides.

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twilightsparrow's picture
Joined: 05/16/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:

Dude, I could spend my whole day in the Tiki Room, especially since they got rid of the "new management" show and went back to the classic. Some things are just not supposed to evolve and to me the Tiki Room is one of them. I would change your "pathetic" and substitute "old school" or "traditional" absolutely worth every second. You can't go to WDW and just amuse yourself with what the latest, greatest and new things are. Disney has a wealth of history and the stories behind those old attractions are what gave the parks their magic in the first place. I challenge you to go read up on the Tiki Room and why it's so significant to the history of Disney, and then go back and see it with new eyes on your next trip.

I am beyond excited to go to the Tiki Room on our trip. Never went to see it with my parents when I was younger and now I'm glad I am going to make time to go. I love all of the old rides and attractions. Not saying that the new stuff isn't great (new stuff is always nice for the most part) but you can't put a price on nostalgia and classic Disney.

Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Hardy - Maybe it's the teacher in me but "all in good fun" is not always appropriate. It's unacceptable and inconsiderate. What is written does not always come across as the writer meant it to be interpreted...that is why a writer must put thought into their words.


AKV-Kidani 8/2013 ~ PORS 11/2012 ~ CBR 11/2010 ~ CBR 5/2010


The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

Kristen K. wrote:
The Cookie Crumbler wrote:

Yes! May I also throw out something that I would be sorely disappointed in if it were to evolve too much?

Carousel of Progress. There is so much history behind this ride. It was originally created for the 1964 World's Fair, which in itself is hugely significant. But I also think that, along with Spaceship Earth, it embodies the passion for thinking about the future that Walt Disney had more than anything else in either WDW or Disneyland.

Totally agree here. However, I do miss the "Now is the Time" Music. I know that they went back to the "Great Big beautiful Tomorrow" but "Now is the Time" remains one of my favorites of all Disney Parks Songs. Maybe we need a thread about things we hope they never change!

Another piece of trivia - Richard Sherman, who worked with his brother on the music for that attraction, wrote the theme song for the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2 as an homage to "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow." muchlove


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

twilightsparrow wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:

Hardy0109 wrote:
JeffC wrote:

I'll never let them put me in the front seat of Space Mountain! Good lord I thought I was going to die......

You're kidding Jeff! This is the best! Be a man!!!

Hardy - Maybe it's the teacher in me but "all in good fun" is not always appropriate. It's unacceptable and inconsiderate. What is written does not always come across as the writer meant it to be interpreted...that is why a writer must put thought into their words.

I'm sorry for the comment. I'm talking to Jeff at the moment, clearing it up.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

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This is my first post on this site, but I had to share my "never again" moment. Last year was my husband and I made our first trek to WDW with our 23yo daughter. Our first night there we walked into Hollywood Studios. My daughter was excited, wanting to first get on TOT. [Note--she has been here several times before]. I dont do coasters or wild rides. She denied it was any kind of coaster--"it just goes up and down". There were small children in line with me. Maybe 8 or 9 year olds. I figured how bad could it be? I was happy we were all in a group seated. No being strapped in like were were being thrown out of a plane. I might add I had picked up maps of the disney parks when we arrived to the park and was holding them. A nice little ride thru the haunted mansion, chatting with my daughter beside me. We stopped, the front wall opened and I was commenting how beautiful disney looked at night, then the door closed. BAM. We must have dropped 15 floors in 2.2 seconds. I didnt know what hit me and before I could talk, we were back up on the 14th floor, then down to the 8th, then back to the 11th, down to 2nd. My daughter couldnt stop laughing. I never did find any of my 4 maps I was holding when I sat down. I also had a 4 inch by 2 inch bruise on my forearm for the next week. It didnt help when I overheard the little girl behind me begging her dad to "do it again". I believe in my book, this earned a "never again" for me.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Yeah thats a great ride! rolling rolling Welcome to WDWforgrownups Jears! Yes we love to laugh at other peoples expense, but it's all in fun. awesome

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Welcome to the forum Jears! What a story! I'm so sorry that Tower of Terror took you by surprise, shame on your daughter for tricking you onto it! My youngest daughter loves TOT, luckily my older one is a chicken like me. I won't do TOT again either. Wink