heart is soooo sad for you ...... I was hoping you'd have an amazing time....
Looks like the party was a wash for both of us this year. It is sad!
You guys/gals aren't going to believe this, but my new "never again" is the MNSSHP. We went on Thursday night, and I had been looking forward to it for so long, so it breaks my heart to tell you that it turned out to be a major disappointment. I guess maybe I went in with incorrect expectations, but I thought they limited the attendance at events such as this, so that you could experience the parks with smaller crowds. I couldn't have been more wrong. The party/park was beyond crowded. Lines for many of the rides were over 60 minutes, and the streets were so crowded we could barely move around the park. The lines for the trick or treating were also huge. While I loved the decorations, fireworks, and the Boo To You parade, I would never have paid that kind of money if I had known it would be that crowded. I even used all of the tips I learned here on the forum, like skip the first parade and ride the rides while the crowds are at the parade....even that didn't help. I did get a great picture of my family dressed in our pirate costumes near the castle and with Captain Hook, but overall, I don't think I'd do the MNSSHP again. More to come in my trip report. I'm traveling for work, so it may not be until the end of the week.
I'm sorry to hear that! We were there Thursday night, too, and had a great time! There were more crowds then I expected, but we never had to wait too long for anything....maybe we just hit everything at the right time? Sorry to hear you had a less then awesome experience!
TampaEars wrote:I can ride any roller coaster, anywhere, at any time. I've been on the longest (Millennium Force) and fastest (Top Thrill Dragster) of them all but you will NEVER, EVER see me on the tea cups again.Im with you... stuff that spins in a 360 just gets me. Going straight... or backwards is fine with me... and I can't do anything spins.
I hear you. I can do tilt-a-whirls because they at least have a back to them, but I just cannot handle tea cups since I can see everything around me spinning.
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
I apologize in advance to fans of this attraction and MJ:
Captain EO - I was legitimately scared. Maybe it's because I never saw the original, but I found the whole thing really creepy. Cheesy sci-fi inspiration, dirty dancing robots, and bad animation(I know, I know, it's old). I just didn't enjoy it at all, and so I say: never again.
Next WDW trip: May 19-27, 2013
I apologize in advance to fans of this attraction and MJ:Captain EO - I was legitimately scared. Maybe it's because I never saw the original, but I found the whole thing really creepy. Cheesy sci-fi inspiration, dirty dancing robots, and bad animation(I know, I know, it's old). I just didn't enjoy it at all, and so I say: never again.
I apologize in advance also but, I don't even understand why it's there. Crotch-grabbing, child molesting (allegedly) drug addicts don't belong in Disney. JMHO
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DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC
I agree with a lot of these. Space Mountain beats me up...I always leave the ride with a neck that feels bruised and a migraine! My entire family hated the Stitch ride. And I can handle any rollercoaster you can throw at me, but 5 seconds on those teacups and I'm sick for the rest of the day!
Fall 2015: Master's Degree Graduation Trip, Details TBD! Can't wait to be back in the World!
Nov. 2014: Baby's First 1/2 Day at the Magic Kingdom; our date day at Hollywood studios
Jan. 2014: Our princess was born!
May 2013: Our POR & DCL honeymoon (& my husband's first Disney trip of hopefully many!)
May 2013: Our Disney-themed wedding
I've never done Captain EO and don't think I will. Probably won't go to Chef Mickey's until I have kids of my own. Every kid deserves to experience the Chef Mickey's and that resort with the Monorail going through.
omnia mea mecum porto.
@byhardy on twitter.
First time poster and I love this site! I wanted to ask, when exactly is love bug season?
I am headed to WDW in two weeks and could not be more excited. This will be my 4th time. The second time I went by myself and had an absolute blast. Has anyone else done that? It is a wonderful experience. Single rider lines are awesome!
I agree with Stitch being a "never-again". Very strange and seems a little sub-par to Disney standards.
I am not sure if they still serve this horrible BBQ chicken pita thing in EPCOT but the first time I went to WDW I ate that for lunch. I proceeded to mark my proverbial territory with vomit on every bush and trash can in EPCOT the rest of the day from food poisoning. My family refused to leave until the park closed so that was a day of misery for me. While the light show was going on, I was hurling in the grass. The poor folks around me were horrified but there was nothing I could do. All I can say is I am now a vegetarian but watch out for questionable food at the parks. Yuk.
Oh yes. The tea cups. My boyfriend is a, lets just say, over-enthusiastic spinner on that ride. I thought we were going to fly of the ride. Yikes.
I think I am done with mission space. After many, many rides on that thing, my anxiety of being trapped in tight spaces gets the best of me. Not to mention someone puked on it sitting beside me last time....Yea, not fun at all.
The Sound show at DHS. So dark I felt claustrophobic and slight panic. Kids were screaming and crying. It seemed to go on for ever and it wasn't even that good! Never again.
no ticker
The Sound show at DHS. So dark I felt claustrophobic and slight panic. Kids were screaming and crying. It seemed to go on for ever and it wasn't even that good! Never again.
If you are talking about "Sounds Dangerous" with Drew Carey. That has been shut down for quite a while with no plans to revive it. Fortunately.
Miss Mikki wrote:The Sound show at DHS. So dark I felt claustrophobic and slight panic. Kids were screaming and crying. It seemed to go on for ever and it wasn't even that good! Never again.If you are talking about "Sounds Dangerous" with Drew Carey. That has been shut down for quite a while with no plans to revive it. Fortunately.
Without doubt, the stupidest attraction ever.
See my Disney Photography at...
DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC
Hi there! Welcome to the forums!
First time poster and I love this site! I wanted to ask, when exactly is love bug season?
I believe there are actually two one in the spring (March) and one in the fall (late Sept/early Oct). At least those are the two times of year that I've encountered them at a problem level.
All I can say is I am now a vegetarian but watch out for questionable food at the parks. Yuk.
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that you had a rough day at Epcot. Mostly because your family wouldn't take care of you! At the very least they could have let you rest at the nursing station. I've never run into a food poisoning issue at Disney. The quality is usually pretty high and not at all like regular "theme park food."
We were there the first week in May last year, and love bug season was just winding down. You had to sweep them off the loungers by the pool before you could sit down, and our room usually had a few every day - mousekeeping left the door open while they cleaned I think.
Annoying things, but harmless (except apparently to the paint on your car. )
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
Miss Mikki wrote:The Sound show at DHS. So dark I felt claustrophobic and slight panic. Kids were screaming and crying. It seemed to go on for ever and it wasn't even that good! Never again.If you are talking about "Sounds Dangerous" with Drew Carey. That has been shut down for quite a while with no plans to revive it. Fortunately.
That's the one. We went on it in December 2010, I think. Not surprised that it has been shut down! Thanks for info
no ticker
Vettelover wrote:Miss Mikki wrote:The Sound show at DHS. So dark I felt claustrophobic and slight panic. Kids were screaming and crying. It seemed to go on for ever and it wasn't even that good! Never again.If you are talking about "Sounds Dangerous" with Drew Carey. That has been shut down for quite a while with no plans to revive it. Fortunately.
That's the one. We went on it in December 2010, I think. Not surprised that it has been shut down! Thanks for info
I agree. We saw it once and never went back. It was just weird, and it didn't seem to make sense in a Disney park. There was nothing Disney about it!
Next WDW trip: May 19-27, 2013
Yes Colonel, we agree completely with you about Capt. EO. With all the allegations and creepiness, he does not belong at Disney.
Also agree on the tea cups, since I've had kids I can't do anything that spins. I think pregnancy changed something in my brain.
Stitch is also a no-go, it's just dumb, 'nuff said.
Not a big fan of the Gran Prix either. The line moves slow and is usually long, and when the kids drive I get knocked around.
We probably won't do the Jack Sparrow show in HS either. Once was enough.
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
Haven't seen this one mentioned. We did "Party for the Senses" during the Food and Wine Festival. The F&W Festival is absolutely terrific (especially for wine!)...but the "Party"? The most disorganized disaster Disney has ever come up with. Slamming that many people in such a small space us...just plain stupid. There aren't enough tables for everybody so we opted to spend time sitting on the floor...out of the way. It worked...but would have been much more enjoyable sitting in a chair at a table.
On a positive note...we had some terrific wine and fabulous food. But do it again? Don't think so...
On a negative note...the entertainment the night we were there? David Cassidy. David Cassidy? Really? He still couldn't sing!
On the ride side...I swore off anything that spins years ago. I get a really bad case of vertigo.
Life is what you make it...then there's Disney!!!
On a negative note...the entertainment the night we were there? David Cassidy. David Cassidy? Really? He still couldn't sing!
The American Gardens Theater venue is actually really small, which means they can't really book people that are going to draw a large crowd on their own. Disney has to bring in names that are known, but not currently popular enough that the fans would overwhelm the regular Disney guests or security. Venue booking is a pretty tricky balance.
Age has caught up with me so anything that spins does me in. The idea of riding the Teacups turns me green and not with envy. Fortunately I can still ride roller coasters.
I will never visit WDW again during peak crowd times. I was afraid to let go of my son's hand for fear of losing him in the crowd. I will also never ride the Tower of Terror again, but I am glad that I tried it at least. Finally, HOT DOGS! I know folks love them but I do not. Nothing else comes to mind. Disney = happiness!!
Mission Space, I was sick for 2 days after that. Rode it back in Jan 2005 on my honeymoon, and that will be the last time.
As I get older all of my faves are giving me massive headaches! Space and Thunder Mountains both left me with such a bad head ache I could hardly move my head. How SAD! Am I supposed to not hit my must hits? How can that be?
Stitch, that breath makes me want to vomit.
Chef Mickey's. Aside from the great photo ops if you can get the kids, character and Monorail all in the same shot, not worth the hype. There is nothing more disturbing than a buffet with birds nesting above it and flying around it. Birds nesting and flying above the tables. We won't be doing that again. We had dinner there before MVMCP one year. The characters were great though!
OKW, the rude staff totally outweighed the friendly. There were not enough friendly employees to make us want to go back. BUT, if we are tight on points and can't get BWV, I guess we will be back.
Hello everyone! I am actually going on my first "adult" or "without my family" Disney trip with one of my best friends for Spring Break next month, so I was looking up "tips and tricks" and came across this website! I just had to join. I am so excited to experience Disney in a new way--on our own! It'll be different, but I'm sure it'll be fun no matter what. (I mean, it's Disney.. it's ALWAYS fun)
Anyway, I just wanted to add my little story on here- The last time I went to WDW was last May, with my family I'm 22 now and I was 21 then, but the last time I had been before that I was only 13, so a lot had changed. Anyway, I am the type of person that basically hates all rollercoasters and scream like I'm being murdered until it's over and then get off feeling like I had a mild heart attack. However, I feel the need force myself to ride them at Disney because I don't want to miss out on anything. 1st- Mt. Everest: I was told by a friend it was "relaxing" FALSE! I don't remember much because my eyes were closed and I screamed non-stop, but when I got off I felt like I might faint. 2nd- Space Mountain: The worst! I hate how it's the jerkiest rollercoaster, yet the least secure. You only have one bar that goes over your lap?! Crazy! I had nothing to grasp onto tightly as I screamed for dear life. Also felt like I had a mini heart attack. Not to mention I was forced to ride it with the lights turned on at age 13, that could be a part of the problem. Haha! 3rd- RockNRollercoaster. I thought I'd hate this one after the first two, but complete opposite! This is by far the BEST ride there! I loved it and it was the only coaster I opened my eyes on. Despite alllllll of these negative and positive rollercoaster experiences, I still can't say "never again" to any of them. Yes, I plan on doing it again when I go next month. Haha! I guess I'm a little crazy for that, but I can't not ride something in Disney! No matter what!
PS Anything you suggest I do while I'm there? I'd love to hear some suggestions as it's the first time that I get to make my own itinerary without my parents doing all the planning/organizing.
Hello everyone! I am actually going on my first "adult" or "without my family" Disney trip with one of my best friends for Spring Break next month, so I was looking up "tips and tricks" and came across this website!PS Anything you suggest I do while I'm there? I'd love to hear some suggestions as it's the first time that I get to make my own itinerary without my parents doing all the planning/organizing.
Eat at at your favorite restaurant, try out the new fun attractions, like Splitsville Luxury Lanes at Downtown Disney (I've heard the food is great there), make sure you do one night at Jellyrolls on the Boardwalk (sooo much fun - I miss going there with friends!!) and have a nice Avocado Margarita (so good!) in La Cava del Tequila at the Mexico Pavillion in Epcot.
Basically, just do what YOU want! Even if it means lounging at the Pool one afternoon instead of running around crazy in the crowded parks. Hope this helped a little
Hello everyone! I am actually going on my first "adult" or "without my family" Disney trip with one of my best friends for Spring Break next month, so I was looking up "tips and tricks" and came across this website! I just had to join.I am so excited to experience Disney in a new way--on our own! It'll be different, but I'm sure it'll be fun no matter what. (I mean, it's Disney.. it's ALWAYS fun)
Anyway, I just wanted to add my little story on here- The last time I went to WDW was last May, with my family I'm 22 now and I was 21 then, but the last time I had been before that I was only 13, so a lot had changed. Anyway, I am the type of person that basically hates all rollercoasters and scream like I'm being murdered until it's over and then get off feeling like I had a mild heart attack. However, I feel the need force myself to ride them at Disney because I don't want to miss out on anything. 1st- Mt. Everest: I was told by a friend it was "relaxing" FALSE! I don't remember much because my eyes were closed and I screamed non-stop, but when I got off I felt like I might faint. 2nd- Space Mountain: The worst! I hate how it's the jerkiest rollercoaster, yet the least secure. You only have one bar that goes over your lap?! Crazy! I had nothing to grasp onto tightly as I screamed for dear life. Also felt like I had a mini heart attack. Not to mention I was forced to ride it with the lights turned on at age 13, that could be a part of the problem. Haha! 3rd- RockNRollercoaster. I thought I'd hate this one after the first two, but complete opposite! This is by far the BEST ride there! I loved it and it was the only coaster I opened my eyes on. Despite alllllll of these negative and positive rollercoaster experiences, I still can't say "never again" to any of them. Yes, I plan on doing it again when I go next month. Haha! I guess I'm a little crazy for that, but I can't not ride something in Disney! No matter what!
PS Anything you suggest I do while I'm there? I'd love to hear some suggestions as it's the first time that I get to make my own itinerary without my parents doing all the planning/organizing.
That's funny, DH isn't a big rollercoaster person either and he also loved Rock 'n Rollercoaster!
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
That's funny, DH isn't a big rollercoaster person either and he also loved Rock 'n Rollercoaster!
Haha yea I was shocked on how much I loved it. I liked how secure I felt, how smooth it was, and all of the cool neon lights. Not to mention, I love Aerosmith! Definitely at the top of my favorite rides list.
Would never do Le Celier ever again.
The service was awfull and the food was nothing special...
Never can understand why its always so packed
Howdy Y'all
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May/June 2016 Magic cruise to Norway
2017 Prtugal wedding adventures
2018 Alskan disney cruise ??
2019 Florida
Would never do Le Celier ever again.
The service was awfull and the food was nothing special...
Never can understand why its always so packed
It's always packed because it is so small inside, the mirrors just make it look huge. There really are not that many tables in there.