Our COVID19 Disney Trip September 2020

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JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849
Our COVID19 Disney Trip September 2020

Hi Everyone! Big smile It's been a LOOOOOONNNGGGGG time since I've done this but since we are living in a brand new world, I thought I would share our last minute put together trip to Disney. I know there is travel shaming going on in the world. If you are one of those people or have something negative to say, you may move right on along. To each their own. We felt comfortable and we did what is best for our family. awesome mickey

So to start with, we were supposed to go to the mountains in NC. I decided about 2 weeks prior I wanted Disney! Booked Pop Century and picked our parks. The 13 year old (YES, Blondie is 13) could care less about Magic Kingdom these days so we picked Hollywood Studios (Friday) Animal Kingdom (Saturday) and Epcot (Sunday).

We left our house in SC around 6:15am on Friday morning for the drive down. We got to Hollywood Studios at 12:15. Walked right in, Security is such a breeze now! We went straight to Rockin Roller Coaster and rode twice in about 30 minutes. Slinky Dog was up next followed by Galaxy's Edge. It was Blondie's first time and she was in love. They rode Smugglers Run while I sat out and tried to get a boarding time for Rise of the Resistance. I was successful and got boarding group 82.

After strolling around the shops a bit we headed to 50's Prime Time for a late lunch. Our server "Josh" (he was a "bad influence" on our corner so he gave us his co-workers name LOL) was wonderful! We laughed and listened to Prince songs from Batman. We were such rebels. It started raining while we ate and hid from the downpour a bit after it let up we headed to and rode Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway for the first time. What a cute ride! While in line, a doozy of a storm came in. 55 MPH winds, insane lightning and torrential rain. The CMs were having people wait inside as we came off the ride because it was so bad. We waited a while then decided to brave the rain. Not too heavy anymore but Joe and the kid were soaked. I had an umbrella. I didn't feel one bit bad about it either.

We stopped for a spin on Star Tours and we were the only ones in the pod. The CMs were excited when we walked up since no one else was there lol. After, Joe asked if we could stay on and they took us thru a side hallway and put us right back on! We were pretty near our boarding group for RotR by this time. Blondie wanted a light saber so we went to purchase one. We got to go in Savi's but it was the same ones that are in the shop. They weren't open for "build your own" yet but it was fun. We were the only ones in there too. Our group was called right when we got out! Joe and I rode it in December. He loves it, I'm impressed but it isn't my favorite and Blondie wanted to ride again.

We headed out thru Andy's backyard and took a spin on Toy Story Mania. I beat Joe for the first time in ages! yay yay 177,700 KITTY! We were tired after 6 hours driving and 7 hours in the park and we made the trek to Pop! We got all of our stuff to the room excited about going straight to the room and NONE of our Magic Bands worked. I had SIX... My phone wouldn't even open the door. mad waiting OF COURSE we were in Building 2, furthest you can get from check in on that side of the resort. Luckily I was the only one in line for the front desk and didn't have to wait. Apparently it was a resort wide issue for some guests. There were 2 other families there already complaining about being locked out of their rooms. Got in the room finally, Joe ordered from Everything Pop and we had pasta, pizza and a sandwich in the room before passing out. It was a fun filled packed day. Honestly.

I know people are tired of hearing it but it really did feel safer than the local grocery. Half the people here at home aren't wearing masks. I never see anyone cleaning while I am in the stores. Restaurants are no longer spread out or have lowered capacity. So we felt great with mask enforcement, not being packed into restaurants and seeing cleaning happening everywhere. I brought my own hand sanitizer but never even got it out because there were so many dispensers around the parks. At the entrance and exit of every ride, on walkways, in restaurants/lounges. I eventually took it out of my bag to lighten it up. There are also handwashing stations all around (which I kept taking paper towels to wipe sweat off lol). I really appreciate Disney and every single Cast Member for all of their hard work and dedication.

More later. Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom!!!! My favorite park and place to chill. stars I'll throw together some pics and add to the next post. Or you can click on our Facebook page and see some of them too.


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

Here's a couple pics

Hollywood Studios
Hollywood Studios194.16 KB
Hollywood Studios
Hollywood Studios238.64 KB

"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

No Travel shaming from here, we are right behind come this Friday!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

MrHub wrote:
No Travel shaming from here, we are right behind come this Friday!

It really was a great time! We loved it in the parks even with the "bigger" holiday crowd!!!

Day 2 and we are off to Animal Kingdom. We arrived a little after park opening to avoid the big crowds waiting to get in. Once again, security was a breeze. I hope this is the new norm and they keep this set up. Just remember to take your things out of the bag that set off the alarm LOL I was stopped both days with the new system. First for my umbrella then for my battery pack waiting

We took a right when we got in the park to go Dinosaur hunting. Luckily we brought one back, it was a close call but we did it! Triceratop Spin was next on the agenda and they were letting people stay on and ride over and over. I'm pretty sad to see this area on the downturn. As much as I hate Primeval Whirl (Hurl) I really love the ride and will miss it. Blondie and I always ride it and laugh the entire time.

Up next was Yeti hunting. We scaled Expedition Everest a couple of times then hopped on Kali River Rapids. Breakfast/early lunch was eggrolls and a burger at Yak and Yeti quick service. biggrin

Not sure why we bypassed the Safari but we headed to Pandora next. This is the first time we have been thru the entire Flight of Passage queue since it opened. We've always had a FastPass and it was exciting to get the full perspective of the ride. You do skip the link chamber but we stood in the room right before boarding to watch a "portion" of the preshow. After we took a Navi River Journey which was our longest wait of the trip. I didn't time it but we were in line for a good 45 minutes. I assume since the boats are so small and only one party can go at a time.

We were hungry by the time that was over. We mobile ordered as soon as we were walking out of the ride. Blondie didn't want to eat so she got back in line to ride FoP again. She got thru the line and rode before our food was ready!!!!! eek confused mad I'm kicking myself for not doing it again. Satu'li was delish as usual. I had my hotdog and pinot noir (it really does work well together!) and Joe got a bowl which I picked out of too. Blondie wanted to go back to ride EE again and I wanted to sit in the AC. This always happens, they go back to the back of the park from Pandora and I go to Nomad lounge. I have no problems with that at all. I tried a new wine and a drink I've never had there. Jenn's Tattoo (wonder why I picked that). The line for EE was all the way back to the Nemo Theatre so they didn't ride. We left the park and went to nap before dinner at Disney Springs (or so we thought)

We had a 7:15 reservation at Wine Bar George. We left at 6 and it was a crap show at DS. Traffic at a standstill, DS at capacity, parking garages closed. We tried and tried to get in but couldn't even get close and it was almost reservation time mad . Since it was on OpenTable, I just cancelled it and we *GASP* went off property for dinner. We saw a place on Diners Drive-ins and Dives a couple of weeks ago we wanted to try so this was the perfect opportunity. It is Mrs Potato, not very far from Universal and it was fantastic. There is a full review on Huotari Disney Adventures if you want to know more.

We were full and tired and it was late. We went back to Pop ready to hit Epcot with JoAnn the next morning. Speaking of JoAnn, she's here!!! Her flight arrived this morning and I met her at Petals when we got back from dinner. We sat and chatted for a while until I started yawning every 2 minutes. LOL YAY for Disney friends!

Epcot tomorrow!!! Food and Wine time baby!


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

AK pics

Nomad Lounge Drinks
Nomad Lounge Drinks982.4 KB
around the park
around the park179.61 KB

"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

Sounds like a great time so far!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

It's Sunday and we are reaching the end of our trip. Today's an EPCOT day and JoAnn is joining us. She crossed the entire resort as we were on extreme opposite sides of the property LOL We all hopped in the car and drove over. We started by hanging a right just past SPaceship earth on the new pathway to The Land. We rode Soarin, Living with the Land and watched the new movie upstairs Awesome Planet or something to that effect. Be ready to walk alot here. After Soarin, we had to go back up, all the way around and back down for Living with the Land. Everything here was a walk on and it was a nice cool break as it was already hot and muggy this morning.

Abigail was sooo thirsty and instead of spending money, we all went up to the DVC Lounge to suck up more AC because you know, we walked ALL THE WAY FROM THE LAND. Fizzy cokes and AC all around!!!! They have the tables distanced and named after resorts. You can have your mask off while seated but if you get up for a drink or to walk around you have to have it on.

It was finally time for FOOD!!! Lobster, chicken, filet, cake pops, mac and cheese, champagne and more. We never got anything past the UK causes we were so full. And Hot, did I mention how hot it was this trip???

We got to Norway to pick up my FAVORITE PERFUME Frozen in a Bottle, I can't find much that I can wear without having some sort of reaction and this was just lovely. Well, Gier Ness stopped making it. I am now boycotting Norway! Don't travel there, don't visit at EPCOT.. I'm only partially kidding. We did enjoy some more AC in the Relaxation Station which is inside Akershus. From here Joe, Blondie and JoAnn went to ride Mission Space and I shopped. I spent waaaaay too much in the teeny tiny MouseGears. We thanked the phoenicians and headed out. WOW, are the pics creepy with masks on....

We decided it was early enough to try Disney Springs. We got in, got a parking spot and wow, what a crap show. It was the first time I felt uncomfortable the entire trip. It. Was. PACKED. I can't imagine what capacity looked like the night before.

Abigail wanted Chicken Guy so Joe took her while JoAnn and I went to Wine Bar George. We got seats at the bar and enjoyed cocktails, I had a glass of wine and yummy food. Splurge on the Pork Pluma. At 28 bucks it is a bit pricey but oh my lord!!! It's Iberico Pork and it looked like and had more of a steak flavor. If we had time I would have had another. The kids met up with us and we headed out right after, didn't even want to hang around. We went to the room, played some games, and went to bed for the ride home the next morning. But first Chef Mickey's for breakfast!


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

PS I was horrible about pics this trip, not much from Epcot other than food... so, now you will be hungry.

Epcot957.31 KB
Wine Bar George
Wine Bar George925.92 KB
Food and Wine favorites
Food and Wine favorites866.58 KB
J Squared
J Squared40.44 KB

"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

Well dang, it's our last day, might as well make the best of it. We slept in a tiny bit and headed to the Contemporary for an epic going away breakfast at Chef Mickey's. There are no characters now and meals are served family style. For me, this is perfect because I've never been a big fan of buffets.

We arrived about 15 minutes prior to our ADR and checked in on the app. I LOVE THIS OPTION!!! We strolled over to the lobby shop and before I could get 5 steps in, our table was ready. We were whisked right in and no sooner did our butts hit the seat, the onslaught of food started arriving!

Fruit, pastries and yogurt were first. I thought we would have time to enjoy this but I was mistaken. Plate after plate quickly arrived as I took my second bite of yogurt. Potatoes and eggs, a plethora of meats and a plate of breads. There were 3 of us and we didn't put a dent in it. The ham and potato casserole where my favorites. And you can't go wrong with a Mickey waffle!!!

Bellies full and hearts sad to be heading home, we made a full loop around the lobby shops and headed for the car for the long ride home.

It really was a great experience and I will post about it a little later. Right now all this food talk has me wanting breakfast. Hope you all have a magical day!

Chef Mickey's
Chef Mickey's1.05 MB

"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Looks like it was a fun trip!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

I loved those potatoes.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

I'm so glad that you guys had a good time! It sounds like the Parks were running smoothly and still providing a fun vacation. You guys packed in a ton of great stuff. No travel shaming here!