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angels444's picture
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
LuvSnowWhite wrote:
Why do you guys need a different t-shirt for every single day?

Because I get sweaty and a little stinky but don't want to spend a minute of vacation doing laundry. I'd rather do it all before I leave so when I get back there is only those few days worth of clothes already piled up. Just my personal preference.

I agree with this too. I always pack one shirt for each day. It's vacation. Its Disney World! Laundry is for the real world not Disney World. That is just me though.

Now I just have to pack even more because we will be there the first week of December and J hates to be cold. If he has to pull out gloves he will whine for sure. I guess thats why they make lockers. I have never used them before, but we will in december I suspect with the nights being cold enough for gloves and hats.

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senseicj's picture
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We do 9 nights and only bring enough close for about 6 and do laundry to save room, but we stay in a villa so laundry is right in the room we can do it when we get back from the parks at night.


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--Walt Disney--



The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
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senseicj wrote:
We do 9 nights and only bring enough close for about 6 and do laundry to save room, but we stay in a villa so laundry is right in the room we can do it when we get back from the parks at night.

Now if I was there for that long I don't think I'd mind spending an hour or so doing laundry one night while relaxing. But alas, I only have about half that. mickey


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Kristen K.'s picture
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angels444 wrote:

We have been to some signature dining places (Yachtsman, Narcossee's, a couple of others) that people were dressed in everything from suit and ties to mickey mouse tee's and shorts. J wears chinos and a polo and that is the best I will get out of him. I guess I might have to think about Bistro de Paris because we were just going to go in our park clothes. I don't want to have to wonder Epcot dressed for Dinner. hmm

re: "Tshirt and shorts" Signature establishments have dress codes set forth by Disney, and it drive me crazy when people don't comply. It drives me crazy that Disney doesn't enforce the dress code. Why even make it if you're not going to stand by it? I don't think the dress that they have is particularly strict to begin with.

A polo and chinos is fine, polos have collars, chinos are neat and it falls within the dress code without a problem. Nothing wrong with that at all. I've seen lots of gals in cute little sundresses too. I often wear capri slacks with a pretty blouse, and my pearls aren't real. laugh

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When we stay DVC I do laundry nearly every day. I just throw a load in the washer whenever. Then I dry it while I am in the shower. It only takes a few minutes to fold it out of the dryer. When we are not stayin DVC I still go to the resort laundry and do it towards the end of the trip. We always pack way more than enough for the entire trip so I guess it just comes down to I really do not mind doing laundry. I am also one of "those type of people" who makes our bed every morning regardless of the resort we are staying in. I hang all of our towels, wipe up the bathroom sink area and make sure everything is put away nice and neat. I also clean up our house before the cleaners come. Mrhub swears I am anal-retentive so he calls me Anal Annie.

MrHub's picture
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And she wonders why I think this ........

She gets 100% on this test.

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I'm sorry--I guess its easy for me to take less and wash one thing a night in my room sink and one laundry day
per trip because I am single and I don't have to worry about a husband and kids to look after.
I'm single and I'm meeting my friend and her husband (she packs for him and she packs more than I do). wink
We will be doing a change of clothes every afternoon after the park to dress for dinner. I keep forgetting that most people have a spouse and kids. I have such a tunnel vision. mickey

Joined: 10/29/2009
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LuvSnowWhite, you do not have to be sorry. We are all different and different things works for each of us. If doing laundry or making the bed bothered me, I would not do it. I just happen to be one of the strange ones that do not mind doing those things. Some day I will have to share with all of you just how I use my towel!

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
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scrappy wrote:
LuvSnowWhite, you do not have to be sorry. We are all different and different things works for each of us. If doing laundry or making the bed bothered me, I would not do it. I just happen to be one of the strange ones that do not mind doing those things. Some day I will have to share with all of you just how I use my towel!

Can't wait to hear that one, Annie! wink


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

MrHub's picture
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scrappy wrote:
LuvSnowWhite, you do not have to be sorry. We are all different and different things works for each of us. If doing laundry or making the bed bothered me, I would not do it. I just happen to be one of the strange ones that do not mind doing those things. Some day I will have to share with all of you just how I use my towel!


gaah gaah gaah gaah

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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scrappy wrote:
LuvSnowWhite, you do not have to be sorry. We are all different and different things works for each of us. If doing laundry or making the bed bothered me, I would not do it. I just happen to be one of the strange ones that do not mind doing those things. Some day I will have to share with all of you just how I use my towel!

I agree with Scrappy, no need to be sorry at all!!

I do laundry when I'm in a DVC Villa. It's so easy just to pop stuff in the washer/dryer when it's in your room.

dontthrowsand's picture
Joined: 05/28/2012
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No laundry on vacation is my rule. You could put a machine in the Space Mountain queue and I still wouldn't do laundry! (That says a lot because I honestly would go to Disney just for that ride)

crazycatperson's picture
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We usually have a washer and dryer in our unit (timeshare exchange, this year to a DVC property), so I usually pack light and throw a few things in the laundry a couple of times per week. Since it's in-unit, it's no hassle at all to get the wash started in the evening, throw it in the dryer before bedtime, and pull it out in the morning.

Allie's picture
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dontthrowsand wrote:
No laundry on vacation is my rule. You could put a machine in the Space Mountain queue and I still wouldn't do laundry! (That says a lot because I honestly would go to Disney just for that ride)

awesome I'm with you here! No laundry for me!

Mase's picture
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
LuvSnowWhite wrote:
Why do you guys need a different t-shirt for every single day?

Because I get sweaty and a little stinky but don't want to spend a minute of vacation doing laundry. I'd rather do it all before I leave so when I get back there is only those few days worth of clothes already piled up. Just my personal preference.

Shoot... We can do laundry in our room, and I still bring like 5-6 shirts! lol

Im with you. Usually if I come back to the room mid-day... I may put on another shirt just to feel better.


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Hardy0109's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
angels444 wrote:

We have been to some signature dining places (Yachtsman, Narcossee's, a couple of others) that people were dressed in everything from suit and ties to mickey mouse tee's and shorts. J wears chinos and a polo and that is the best I will get out of him. I guess I might have to think about Bistro de Paris because we were just going to go in our park clothes. I don't want to have to wonder Epcot dressed for Dinner. hmm

re: "Tshirt and shorts" Signature establishments have dress codes set forth by Disney, and it drive me crazy when people don't comply. It drives me crazy that Disney doesn't enforce the dress code. Why even make it if you're not going to stand by it? I don't think the dress that they have is particularly strict to begin with.

A polo and chinos is fine, polos have collars, chinos are neat and it falls within the dress code without a problem. Nothing wrong with that at all. I've seen lots of gals in cute little sundresses too. I often wear capri slacks with a pretty blouse, and my pearls aren't real. laugh

To me, from a kid, I don't really see the point in dress codes. I don't see how another person's dinner is going to be more enjoyable by your neighbor wearing a polo rather than a tee shirt. I just don't get it. I never have and never will. People are shelling out a ton of money to eat there, what's the point in making them wear specific clothes? Just my thoughts.


omnia mea mecum porto.

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MrHub's picture
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It's just called "Consideration of others" Hardy. If some place has rules, they should be followed, if you don't want to follow them, don't go there to eat. Establishments have dress codes because they want to keep their restaurants at a certain level of class and respectability.

To many people have that additude of "I paid alot of money for this, I should be able to do what ever I want!" or "I paid alot of money for this vacation, Disney owes me!", yeah I've heard people say both of these and guess what , they are wrong!

Just my thoughts!

Hardy0109's picture
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mrhub wrote:

Just my thoughts!

Yep. We've both got much different thoughts on this one. No point in arguing tho, so I won't start wink


omnia mea mecum porto.

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The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

Hardy0109 wrote:
To me, from a kid, I don't really see the point in dress codes. I don't see how another person's dinner is going to be more enjoyable by your neighbor wearing a polo rather than a tee shirt. I just don't get it. I never have and never will. People are shelling out a ton of money to eat there, what's the point in making them wear specific clothes? Just my thoughts.

I think that the idea of a dress code for a restaurant tends to revolve around the fact that people are indeed paying a lot to be in that location. The concept is part of the atmosphere. If it's a special event, why not dress for a special event? Kind of like how people dress differently going to a Broadway show rather than a local movie theater.

Of course, dress codes aren't nearly as strict as they have been in the past, but I have seen people turned away for not being properly dressed at private restaurants and events. Not in Disney, but other cities. It's interesting to see what kind of places still hold to them.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

dontthrowsand's picture
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I love dress codes. It shows respect for yourself, your neighbors or peers and the establishment. I would never go into a school wearing jeans and a tshirt. Instead I'd wear colored cords, a plain top and a blazer or cardigan if I didn't want to dress up more formally that day. Simple, casual yet still professional. I treat fine dinning/signature dining the same way. There is a time and place for casual and if you don't want to respect the atmosphere they are trying to create and if you don't appreciate that then pick one of the hundreds of other places to eat.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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mrhub wrote:
Consideration of others" ... Establishments have dress codes because they want to keep their restaurants at a certain level of class and respectability.

The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
the idea of a dress code for a restaurant tends to revolve around the fact that people are indeed paying a lot to be in that location. The concept is part of the atmosphere.

dontthrowsand wrote:
It shows respect for yourself, your neighbors or peers and the establishment.

I wish that there was an icon of someone standing on top of a table cheering, because that's what I feel like doing. LoL... though that would never be acceptable at a Signature establishment. This is the place now that I want to insert a rant about the degradation of American society and lack of self respect, but I shall spare you. laugh

Disney created fine dining establishments in order to give the people that want an elegant upscale meal a place to go. Part of desiring that type of experience, is dressing up. If you don't want an elegant upscale meal, simply don't go there. Yes, those people who don't follow the rules ruin the experience for those of us who take the time and care to make the evening special. It's just plain rude and disrespectful to everyone around you, especially to the Chef who works his butt off to create an elegant experience for you.

Vettelover's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
mrhub wrote:
Consideration of others" ... Establishments have dress codes because they want to keep their restaurants at a certain level of class and respectability.

The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
the idea of a dress code for a restaurant tends to revolve around the fact that people are indeed paying a lot to be in that location. The concept is part of the atmosphere.

dontthrowsand wrote:
It shows respect for yourself, your neighbors or peers and the establishment.

I wish that there was an icon of someone standing on top of a table cheering, because that's what I feel like doing. LoL... though that would never be acceptable at a Signature establishment. This is the place now that I want to insert a rant about the degradation of American society and lack of self respect, but I shall spare you. laugh

Disney created fine dining establishments in order to give the people that want an elegant upscale meal a place to go. Part of desiring that type of experience, is dressing up. If you don't want an elegant upscale meal, simply don't go there. Yes, those people who don't follow the rules ruin the experience for those of us who take the time and care to make the evening special. It's just plain rude and disrespectful to everyone around you, especially to the Chef who works his butt off to create an elegant experience for you.

awesome awesome awesome awesome to the four of you.


WannabeaPrincess's picture
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Hardy0109 wrote:
To me, from a kid, I don't really see the point in dress codes. I don't see how another person's dinner is going to be more enjoyable by your neighbor wearing a polo rather than a tee shirt. I just don't get it. I never have and never will. People are shelling out a ton of money to eat there, what's the point in making them wear specific clothes? Just my thoughts.

To me as a young adult (19) I can completely see the reason for dress codes. Schools have them so the kids are just a little less distracted from learning, work places have them to make it easier to identify the employees, and restaurants have them to help keep the atmosphere of the place consistent.

Honestly everywhere has a dress code even if it's not one that you know consciously. You don't walk into school wearing a suit every day, because that's over dressed, and people would look at you weird. At the same time most people don't really want to walk into a nice restaurant in their park clothes and see everyone dressed nicely, in my experience it makes me feel self-conscious. By following a dress code keep that from happening, and by having a dress code you know what's expected of you.

Perhaps being able to understand this is what makes a person a "grown up", but that's just my thoughts.


"There's still hope for me to be a Disney Princess, because I talk to animals."



disneydoc's picture
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Well said, all of you. I have definitely changed my opinions regarding "adult society" since I became one. mickey

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Hardy0109's picture
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I agree on the aspect of respect and all that. I just don't think people should judge on what you wear as long as it's appropriate (no tube tops, see through, etc.). I think people should have the choice to wear what they want. I just think everyone should mind their own business and not worry about what other people wear. Don't judge just because they're wearing khaki shorts and a t-shirt. Again sounds like you guys have much different thought, but bottom line is, as long as you're not wearing anything showing any off-limits parts, then it should be allowed. After all, we're all just people. I think it's best to just keep to yourself.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Joined: 07/18/2012
Posts: 73

Dress codes exist because too many people don't have the good sense to dress appropriately in the first place. However if you are going to go so far as to have a dress code; it should be enforced.

If I'm spending time and money to eat at a fine dining establishment, I don't want to be distracted by other guests. A gross generalization, which I have found to be true more often than not, is that people that insist on not dressing appropriately also don't act appropriately.

Most of Disney's signature restaurants are in the resorts, and I can see where guests could stumble into a nice restaurant from the pool. Also, I'm sure there are guests that have never eaten somewhere fancy and are grateful for guidance the dress code lends.

That being said, I firmly believe in not judging a book by it's cover.

Hardy0109's picture
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Of course if people are being rowdy then it becomes a distraction, but the dress code and the attitude are not associated in a lot of cases. You can't assume that someone or a group is going to act inappropriate just because of the way they dressed. Like you said, don't judge a book by its cover.


omnia mea mecum porto.

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Kristen K.'s picture
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Hardy0109 wrote:
as long as it's appropriate

And that's what a dress code does, it sets a guideline as to what is appropriate.

Sometimes, people don't understand where the limits are and they need to be spelled out. People like to push the limits, and then suddenly you find that there are no limits. You may think that you have a good idea of what is appropriate, but my standard may be stricter (trust me, it is), and someone else may have looser standards and may think that they can even wear a swimsuit to dinner and it's all cool because they are on vacation. None of our standards are right, or wrong, but we as members of society need to be mindful of where they are appropriate to be worn.

Disney provides many different levels of dining that make it so that everyone can feel comfortable while still getting a meal. In a swimsuit you can eat at private dining, poolside, and even in some of the resort quick serves. In a t-shirt and shorts you can eat at just about any Disney restaurant except in the fine dining establishments. In resort casual attire (what the Disney Signature dress code actual falls under) you can eat anywhere except Victoria and Alberts. Don't even think of going to V&A without a suit coat or cocktail dress.

As a business, Disney gets to say what is and what is not appropriate on their property, and they do exercise that right frequently because people just don't understand what is and is not appropriate anymore. What Disney has done by creating dress codes is to say that a swimsuit, or a t-shirt and shorts is NOT appropriate in their signature restaurants. They have designated those spots as someplace that you need to look a little nicer.

As patrons of those establishments, it is our societal responsibility to comply with their wishes.

Hardy0109's picture
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I'm not saying I won't comply with those rules. And I understand why they are there. Just don't think it's necessary to have to wear what they require sometimes although I always will.


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Joined: 07/18/2012
Posts: 73

OregonMom wrote:

If I'm spending time and money to eat at a fine dining establishment, I don't want to be distracted by other guests. A gross generalization, which I have found to be true more often than not, is that people that insist on not dressing appropriately also don't act appropriately.

That being said, I firmly believe in not judging a book by it's cover.

Hardy0109 wrote:
Of course if people are being rowdy then it becomes a distraction, but the dress code and the attitude are not associated in a lot of cases. You can't assume that someone or a group is going to act inappropriate just because of the way they dressed. Like you said, don't judge a book by its cover.

Now, Hardy, I think you need to reread my post before you make assumptions about me, which are erroneous, by the way. You posted you didn't see the point in dress codes. My post included what I thought Disney's point was in having them, besides respect, which pps have already eloquently stated. If you're questioning my analogy between inappropriate behavior and inappropriate attire, well, sorry Hardy, it happens all the time. And let me repeat myself, I believe this is one of Disney's
reasons for a dress code.

The only thing I said about myself was that rules should be enforced, and that I don't want to be distracted by other diners, while fine dining.