Riders rescued from Incredible Hulk roller coaster at Universal Studios

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Riders rescued from Incredible Hulk roller coaster at Universal Studios

Spotted over at the Orlando Sentinel a bit ago....yikes!

About a dozen riders at Universal Orlando had to be rescued from the Incredible Hulk Coaster on Tuesday evening, a company spokesman said.


AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 887

OMG my hubby and I were on this ride yesterday eek I would have flipped if we had to be evacuated!

Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
Posts: 1120

At least they were upright! Scary!

BarbaraB's picture
Joined: 03/13/2014
Posts: 402

Glad to hear everyone got off safely. Did anyone hear what the malfunction was?

I was stuck on the Superman ride at Great Adventure for about 45 minutes. It's one of those roller coasters where you're "flying." You board the ride normally, and when everyone's strapped in, the seats tilt so you're facing the ground. We were stuck on the lift hill just hanging there. Ugh. Someone had managed to remove their foot from one of the ankle restraints. I don't know if a sensor or ride operator caught it, but I felt ok knowing the ride stopped for safety reasons and not a mechanical malfunction.


~ Barb ~