So...this mysterious things called...ROPE DROP.
Time for another episode of "True Confessions with Lizzy." I have never witnessed a rope drop. Heck, I had never even heard of rope drop.
I suppose that, as a CM I never heard about it because I had usually been at work for a good 3-4 hours when this momentous occasion took place every morning? I said in another post, I'm heading down to the World this weekend for a "Final-for-a-while-Farewell-Tour" of the World. I'm going to do all of my favorite things, and hopefully have a treat or two. We're staying at CBR for the nite.
So here's the question: Should I attempt my first ever rope drop? If so, which park should I pick? I'm personally thinking that driving would be less of a hassle than attempting to use the bus system, and any park other then MK would be a better bet, given that you can't drive up to the front gate. Of course, I could employ me sneaky park-at-the-contemporary trick...
Please, sell me on rope drop. What happens there? Or tell me to stay in bed. Just help me to make the best decision. Remember, this trip has to hold me for a while