Run Disney Training - Post your progress here!

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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I went walking yesterday! I only got about 1.5 miles but it was that was 1.5 miles more than the day before.

JoAnn C's picture
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I've been walking 3 days a week since the beginning of the month. I haven't been tracking the distance but each week I've added a little more.


JMUDukz's picture
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Woohoo!! Sounds like everyone is making progress! I'm currently on a taper. Hit a high of 11 miles 2 weekends ago. First half marathon since ACL surgery (and with all these extra pounds) is a week from Sunday!! It's going to be much slower than my past races, but there's still a Tiffany necklace waiting for me at the end!

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taratru's picture
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Good luck JMU!!!!

I've not run in 8 days. Sad I took a forced week of rest because of burnout and a sore Achilles, and now it's been snowing since Sunday night (and icing and blowing) and I refuse to start up on the treadmill again. I have a half on May 5 that I'm going to probably die running, but oh well!

Oh, and I'm about 95% sure I'm going to train for a September full in a last-minute effort to qualify for Boston 2014. Yikes!


MrHub's picture
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I did 2.35 today on the treadmill in 40 minutes

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Miss Mikki's picture
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Well done everyone, you all seem to be making great progress. Keep up the motivation awesome

Well since my last post on this thread, I have new running shoes and a gymboss interval timer with wrist strap.

I have signed up and paid for DH and I to run the Mickey's Jingle Jangle 5k during the F&W marathon weekend. clapping

I have been for two 40 minute walks in the pinewoods.

I did my level one run (again) this morning as it has been a while since my last run. It was easier and I seemed to run a bit faster and further than last time.

Oh yes and I returned to work (part time) last week. Well I taught 5 hours of dance (street and dance for fitness). I do all the exercises/dance while instructing. OMG did my muscles ache by the end of the week! laugh

How are you all getting on?


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dewingedpixie's picture
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I set a PR two weeks ago in a 10k Laughing out loud 53:56! I am very proud of this time.

This last few days I've been super sick. I came down with strep and a resistant sinus infection literally overnight last weekend. I'm on 2 antibiotics right now and scheduled to run a half marathon this sunday. It wont be the PR I trained for but I am happy to just be running. I'm going to see if I can find another half in the next 2 weeks as well.



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macdamron's picture
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I ran 11.39 miles this Sunday at an average pace of 14:16 (way too much protein at breakfast, so kind of sluggish). It was a beautiful day!


MrHub's picture
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Ha ha ha, I'm happy with this today! Nice going Pixie & Mac. awesome

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JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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Woohoo!! Finished my first half marathon in 4 years today!! It was REALLY slow, but I guess you have to start somewhere (and it was also really packed, the first 4 miles were impossible to do much more than shuffle. We actually came to a dead stop at one point when everyone had to go around a curve down an exit ramp). There were a lot of people with signs supporting runDisney!! I'm ready for October!!

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MrHub's picture
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Good job & congrats!

Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
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Congratulations. What a great photo, love the tutu!


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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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JMUDukz wrote:
Woohoo!! Finished my first half marathon in 4 years today!!

Whooo hooo!! Way to go!

I bet your "really slow" is super fast for me. I have to always remind myself that it doesn't matter at all how fast I don't go, what matters is that I'm out there doing it.

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dewingedpixie's picture
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I ran the Nike Half yesterday too! I PR'D! 2:02:53. Note this was not my projected finish however. I'd been very sick last week on 2 antibiotics. I was actually running on pseudoephedrine, and had to take an inhaler for the coughing fits after the race. I will be running another half in 17 days to recoup my training. We expect I will finish that one in 1:55-1:57. My pace for the first 4 miles at nike was right around 8:38 just bellow the goal of 8:45-8:50 for this race. The meds really impacted my ability to take in nutrients and made me overheat though which really killed me the last few miles. I however will be running another very flat fast race in 17 days so we should see my first sub 2:00 half!



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dewingedpixie's picture
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JMUDukz wrote:
Woohoo!! Finished my first half marathon in 4 years today!! It was REALLY slow, but I guess you have to start somewhere (and it was also really packed, the first 4 miles were impossible to do much more than shuffle. We actually came to a dead stop at one point when everyone had to go around a curve down an exit ramp). There were a lot of people with signs supporting runDisney!! I'm ready for October!!

Congratulations on your finish! I heard a lot about the congestion towards the back. The front was congested too but I was packed in with all the <9:00 runners so it moved and fast. I actually got to see Joan Benoit Samuelson onstage I was right in front of that and I dropped some fat tears she's such an amazing lady. I also saw both ladies on the turn around on the coarse.



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Kristen K.'s picture
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I must admit, I'm a little annoyed. Registration for the Princess 1/2 opens while I'm at WDW. I don't want to have to leave the park to go hope on my computer and register, but the way the races have been selling out lately I'm not sure that I really have a choice.

Honestly, it's so tempting to me say that I'm not going to try for the half and just sign up for the 10K. I really really want the Princess medal, but I'm not sure I won't get swept and I really need to make peace with that possibilty. Ugh... I don't know what to do.

dewingedpixie's picture
Joined: 07/21/2011
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Kristen K. wrote:
I must admit, I'm a little annoyed. Registration for the Princess 1/2 opens while I'm at WDW. I don't want to have to leave the park to go hope on my computer and register, but the way the races have been selling out lately I'm not sure that I really have a choice.

Honestly, it's so tempting to me say that I'm not going to try for the half and just sign up for the 10K. I really really want the Princess medal, but I'm not sure I won't get swept and I really need to make peace with that possibilty. Ugh... I don't know what to do.

Do you have a smart phone? You maybe able to register that way. I'm going to be all over registration and try to get one of the early slots registering for both. Most people can walk a 15-16 minute pace you have plenty of time to train if you want to do the half instead. There are really great training programs online to get you there too.



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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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dewingedpixie wrote:
Do you have a smart phone? You maybe able to register that way. I'm going to be all over registration and try to get one of the early slots registering for both. Most people can walk a 15-16 minute pace you have plenty of time to train if you want to do the half instead. There are really great training programs online to get you there too.

clapping I do have a smart phone, and your post just made me remember we have an iPad!
I've never taken it into the parks before because we didn't have 3G.
But now the Parks have wireless! I can do that !! clapping

Most people I know can not walk a 15 minute mile, especially for 13+ miles. biggrin Most people I know don't even want to walk from the back of the parking lot into the mall. rolling They are leading crazy busy lives with sedentary jobs, prefer to kick back during their down time, and can't figure out how to fit exercise into their schedule. Many people (like myself) have medical conditions on top of that keep them from accomplishing such goals. If most people could do this, it wouldn't be a big deal. And it is! It is a big deal!! It's one of those things that most people wonder at or only dream of.

I've been walking 5K races for about 3 years now. Only once have I been able to break 17. True story, the last time I decided to train for a half marathon (early 2011), I decided that it mean I would have to run to reach that 15-16 minute pace. I added a run/walk exchange into my routine. Wrenched my back running in the second week of training, didn't know it was the running that did it and kept at it another month continuing to worsen the injury, ended up on a TENS unit and in physical therapy for six months.

I admit it, I'm scared. The thought of finishing a half marathon seems crazy to me. 40+ years of people telling me I can't do things rings in my ears. The fear of injuring myself again is real. I'm sloooooow. I'm not even a penguin, I'm more like a turtle.

dewingedpixie's picture
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Kristen I have a rare form of arthritis called refractive enteropathic arthritis. Basically its a form of AS/RA started by a bowel disease mine is now independent of that (hence refractive). I receive the same treatments as someone with RA and it has the same type of progression. So chronic conditions I do understand. I work full time, go to school, and have a wonderful little girl. Running is my way of dealing with stress. Its not painless its not pretty but I love it so I do it. I think its important to make time for yourself it makes you better for all the other things in your life. It is also important to set goals in life to learn to not only believe in yourself but to achieve them which makes life happier in the end. Injuries sadly happen I've broken my leg running, I have tendonitis on and off due to my condition. However I wont let the horse buck me off I keep getting back on. All you have to do is believe in yourself don't listen to what other people say. Does your area have a good running store? Many have training programs and groups. There are programs online too. If you want to do the DPH you can do it you have time to get there you just have to believe. I believe you can do it, you have 9 months to get there Smile.



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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Ahhh.. so you understand chronic pain. See, that just makes your 2 hour half all that more awesome. mickey

You say that you run to relieve stress. Do you also find that it helps to relieve pain? I know it's counter intuitive, but I find that when I work out sometimes it actually tends to help my fibromyalgia. Saturday I walked around downtown Chicago with my daughters, which meant that Sunday my pain was through the roof. My daughter Tori and I had planned on hitting the gym Sunday, and I knew that I couldn't manage walking but I decided to ride the recumbent bike. So I went and did about 5.5 miles around 10am, by the afternoon I was feeling so much better.

We're headed back to the gym tonight again, I haven't decided what I'll be doing yet. Tori will hit the track and my youngest DD is coming too because the rock wall will be open. She loves to climb.

dewingedpixie's picture
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The exercising keeps me more mobile. If I push too hard it can make me hurt worse but I think it helps me manage my pain better yes. Swimming really helps me most of the time (sometimes if my back has an angry it does not though). The big thing though is it keeps my muscles strong to support the bad joints, keeps my stress down, keep me moving, and keeps me flexible. These are all big battles with chronic pain. Exercise also helps give you more energy too.

My knees feel like they've been beaten today :/ I ran pretty hard yesterday and was achey due to the infections. Going to have a second gentle week this week only no race this Sunday.



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Miss Mikki's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:

I admit it, I'm scared. The thought of finishing a half marathon seems crazy to me. 40+ years of people telling me I can't do things rings in my ears. The fear of injuring myself again is real. I'm sloooooow. I'm not even a penguin, I'm more like a turtle.

"The tortoise (similar to a turtle, right?) always wins the race in the end."

The only thing that matters is that you do your best on the day. The best that you can do for you. If you don't finish you should still be so proud of yourself for having the courage to train, sign-up and participate. You would still have great memories and stories to tell about the event.

Two different oncologists informed me that if I do 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, I will reduce the chance of my cancer coming back by 50%. Mind-boggling isn't it? That is what started me running. I truly believe that a good nutritious diet and a manageable amount of exercise is the key to improving any medical condition.

I remember seeing a motto in Disney somewhere, Epcot I think
"If we can dream it, we can do it"
so start dreaming about that tutu and tiara that you will wear when you run that 1/2.
Don't allow fear to stop you aiming for your goals.


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JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:
JMUDukz wrote:
Woohoo!! Finished my first half marathon in 4 years today!!

Whooo hooo!! Way to go!

I bet your "really slow" is super fast for me. I have to always remind myself that it doesn't matter at all how fast I don't go, what matters is that I'm out there doing it.

Thanks!! Well, I just read dewingedpixie's time and trust me, I was REALLY slow!! Congrats, dewingedpixie, that is AWESOME, particularly considering how you were feeling. I felt like the pollen and other assorted allergens were really bad yesterday, so I'm sure that didn't help!! And the back of the pack was AWFUL. My tutu ladies (never, ever thought I'd run in a tutu-this is what happens when you succomb to peer pressure!) and I were just chatting about how we came to a DEAD stop right when we got out of the tunnel, as you banked down the exit ramp. Couldn't even walk, it was a shuffle. I wouldn't have run much faster, but I do think I might have been a few minutes faster if it had been a wave-type start. But oh well, gives me something to shoot for in the fall!!

Kristen K. wrote:
Ahhh.. so you understand chronic pain. See, that just makes your 2 hour half all that more awesome. mickey

You say that you run to relieve stress. Do you also find that it helps to relieve pain? I know it's counter intuitive, but I find that when I work out sometimes it actually tends to help my fibromyalgia. Saturday I walked around downtown Chicago with my daughters, which meant that Sunday my pain was through the roof. My daughter Tori and I had planned on hitting the gym Sunday, and I knew that I couldn't manage walking but I decided to ride the recumbent bike. So I went and did about 5.5 miles around 10am, by the afternoon I was feeling so much better.

We're headed back to the gym tonight again, I haven't decided what I'll be doing yet. Tori will hit the track and my youngest DD is coming too because the rock wall will be open. She loves to climb.

My mom has fibro as well. She also says walking helps relieve the pain (that walking is better than sitting). If you decided to do princess, could you run at all? Like maybe 30 seconds and then walk for 2 minutes, just to get under the time limit? I know with fibro often it depends on the day - some days you can move mountains, other days, its tough to get out of bed. My mom did her first half in her mid-50s with fibro (and a spinal fusion). Took her over 4 hrs to finish. Scared me to death b/c I thought maybe she had an emergency on the course. I was about to hit the panic button when she came strolling across the finish. Turns out she thought since this was the first (and as of now last) time she did a half, she'd take pictures with EVERYONE - every mile marker, every water stop volunteer, everyone with a funny sign, everyone!! laugh

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taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Awesome job on the Nike race, girls!!!! clapping clapping clapping I've heard nothing but PRs coming out of this weekend.

I have a half on the 5th that I was hoping to kick ass in, but my training has been *minimal* and I'm fighting a naughty Achilles tendon. I'm hoping to just get a good race in, take it easy for a couple of weeks and then pick it up again for another marathon in September.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Thanks *so* much for the encouragement everyone, it means so the world to know people think I can do this!

Miss Mikki - LoL... I have already bought my tiara!

Dukz - Thanks you for sharing you Mom's story! Did she do a Disney race and finish in over 4 hours!? I can wrap any head around 4:00:00 much better than I can having to come in under 3:30:00. I know I can do a 5K under an hour, I've just never been able to hit that 45 minute mark.

Oh my gosh, I just looked up finish times and the last person finished the 2012 in 4:32:25. yay

The girls and I did go to the gym last night but it was so beautiful that Tori & I walked outside. I did 2.17 miles at a 19:46 pace. I was really happy with being under a 20 minute pace, it was the first time in about 6 months I broke that. The best part is that I don't feel rotten today!

Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:

The girls and I did go to the gym last night but it was so beautiful that Tori & I walked outside. I did 2.17 miles at a 19:46 pace. I was really happy with being under a 20 minute pace, it was the first time in about 6 months I broke that. The best part is that I don't feel rotten today!

Fabulous awesome


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:
Thanks *so* much for the encouragement everyone, it means so the world to know people think I can do this!

Miss Mikki - LoL... I have already bought my tiara!

Dukz - Thanks you for sharing you Mom's story! Did she do a Disney race and finish in over 4 hours!? I can wrap any head around 4:00:00 much better than I can having to come in under 3:30:00. I know I can do a 5K under an hour, I've just never been able to hit that 45 minute mark.

Oh my gosh, I just looked up finish times and the last person finished the 2012 in 4:32:25. yay

The girls and I did go to the gym last night but it was so beautiful that Tori & I walked outside. I did 2.17 miles at a 19:46 pace. I was really happy with being under a 20 minute pace, it was the first time in about 6 months I broke that. The best part is that I don't feel rotten today!

Way to go Kristen! stars

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Just got back from a 4 mile run. I'm starting to wonder what I've gotten myself into laugh

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Woot! Good job Spook!

Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
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Well done Spook! clapping

I am doing an interval training 5k app. I really like it because you get little motivational quotes every time you complete a run and little badges for achievements. It has 24 "levels" (3 runs per week for 8 weeks) but I am just progressing through them at my own pace.

I completed level 2 last week and level 3 this morning. I shaved ninety seconds off my time over two miles. I am doing about a 12 minute mile over two miles, even though I am walking most of it. I am only running for 8 minutes at level 2 and 3.

As I honestly was the plump kid who came last at every single school running race, I don't think that is too bad!


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