OK, I know it is 204 days away but I am super excited about this trip. I am going... SOLO, FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!
And doing one of the runs for the first time.
This was me when I hit submit for the race registration---->
I already have "very tentative" plans but it all seems to just be falling into place.
Here are a couple of my questions....
1. For the veterans of runDisney events, it is difficult getting to the Expo on Thursday? I will be driving down early that morning and probably go straight there. Should I leave the night before and drive part way and get there early Thursday or will 2-3pm be a madhouse??? How long is the Expo open? I've never been to the ESPN section, lots of parking??
2. I am staying at POP Century for this (I don't want to use or DVC points for non-family trips) The site states transportation from "host" resorts but I didn't see a list of them. Then another piece I read says that ALL WDW resorts are "hosts". It basically says driving to EPCOT is a nightmare and I don't want to do that.
3. Do many people stay in the parks after the race. I do want to go back to the room after to rest up a bit and change but I also want to just hang too...
4. Since I will be alone, is it easy to kind of fall into a "group" I feel like everyone would be super friendly. I'm good in the parks but the big races we have done here kinda amps up my anxiety. My nanny usually talks me off the edge. No, not Blondie's nanny, mine LOL
5. I asked on the Foodies FB page but what are some of your favorite solo places to eat?
Right now plans are
Thurs Feb 18 - Leave early (unless I drive halfway Wed night)
Drive straight to Expo
Check into POP
Grab a quick dinner at resort and turn in early for the race
Fri Feb 19 - WAKE UP EARLY. It's race day! Snack for breakfast and off to EPCOT
Stay in park for a bit or head back to resort to change and rest before park hopping.
Lunch - ?
Dinner - Jiko
Sat Feb 20 - Snack from room for breakfast
Epcot for Soarin, Test Track and lunch at Chefs de France
HS for ToT, RnRC, TSM
AK for Everest
MK for some of my "never have I ever" rides
Dinner - Kona Cafe Sushi Bar
Sun Feb 21 - Early BOG breakfast and a stroll around the park before heading home
"I do not like the cone of shame."
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."
"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."