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Joined: 05/15/2012
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Oh no it's me again Wink

Here the uk it's not often I see people tipping. Some restaurants and hotels and even then it's usually not a lot.

I try and tip where I can if I receive good service and a lot of the time I get funny looks even sometimes from the staff receiving the tip.

Anyway, I understand that a lot of staff in restaurants are paid a low wage and this is topped up wih tips?

What is the average tip size for good service and also excellent and poor service? Do you have a system?

What about the dining plan, I assume tips are not included?

Thanks for your help


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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cadac, here is a thread we already have about tipping. You'll probably find all your answers here!


Joined: 05/15/2012
Posts: 91

Thank you Mr Hubb, that has answered most of my questions.

One that wasn't talked about on that thread though is what is the correct etiquette when giving tips. Usually I would leave it in the dish with the bill for the waiter/waitress to collect, however I am always worried someone else will pick it up.

Does anyone give the tip straight to the waiter/waitress or is that considered rude?


Mase's picture
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I usually just lay it somewhere on the table because 9 times out of 10... after they give you the check and get the money from that... unless the tip is in with that... they won't be back. If that makes sense.


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RobynPrincess's picture
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We usually leave it when we pay the check, if we pay by card we have the cash ready to go in the check leather thingy (dunno what you call it) or if we pay by cash we either leave enough to cover bill and the tip or give too much and wait for the change, when they bring the change (again in the leather thingy) we leave the tip inside there, usually on the table.


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finngirl's picture
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If you are paying by credit card, you can always just add the tip in - there's usually a space for that. If we're paying cash, I always round up the amount to include the tip - when the server comes to collect, and says they will be right back with the change, I always tell them that it's good as is. No awkward moments, plus you are sure then that they have received it.

If you need to leave it on the table after the bill has been collected, I put it somewhere where they can see it as they walk by - that way, once you get up to leave, they usually stop and get it right away. Again, less chance of someone else pocketing it.



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RobynPrincess's picture
Joined: 03/14/2010
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in the UK if you leave tip on your card the server gets charged by the company for processing it! usually about 10%


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Kristen K.'s picture
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When we're on the dining I actually make up tip envelopes with cash before we go.

I look up the menus online and guess what my family will order and how much we would spend if paying cash. Then stuff the tip into envelopes and seal them. If the meal is under $50 I'll put a $10 in the envelope, between $50-$75 I'll stick a $15 in there, $75-$100 will get a $20. You get the idea. It tends to tip on the higher side, but I've only once ever felt the need to remove money from an envelope before leaving.

I then print a little thank you for your service note on the envelopes saying that there's a tip inside. Since that money is already tucked away and spent, I don't have to worry about figuring out a tip at the table. Every morning I just grab the envelopes that I'll need for the day and tuck them in my purse. The envelope gets left with the ticket you sign acknowledging the Dining Plan charge.

Tony's picture
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We usually pay by cash, so I just put enough into the bill holder or tray or whatever they use to cover the bill and the tip, then tell the server we don't need any change when they come to collect it. If they take too long to get back, then standing up and slowly getting ready to leave usually has them running over fairly quickly.


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My rule of thumb is - for really good service, I just double the tax. That is @ 16% give or take, depending on the tax in the area.

For exceptional service, I don't mind at all going to 20% - 25%. Waiting is a thankless, exhausting job. I appreciate those who work hard.


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I know that this is in the dining section but could anyone suggest how much per day I should be leaving mouse keeping? Is it per person or dependant on the size of the room ect?



finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

cadac wrote:
I know that this is in the dining section but could anyone suggest how much per day I should be leaving mouse keeping? Is it per person or dependant on the size of the room ect?


I don't know what everyone else does, but we left a couple of dollars a day tucked under her name card. Then, just before we checked out, we left an extra $10. Is that chintzy?



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Kristen K.'s picture
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I tend to base how much I leave on who I'm traveling with (some family members are messier than others) but in general.

When in a standard room, studio or 1 bedroom villa, with 2-3 people traveling I leave $5 a day.
For a suite or 2 Bedroom Villa with 4-5 people traveling I leave $10 a day.

ChipnDaleFan's picture
Joined: 05/02/2010
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We tip 20% of the bill and always hand it to the waiter when we pay- just to make sure no one else pick it up. Yes, it's Disney, but you never know.


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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We always put the tip in with the final bill be it DDP or cash. We never leave it on the table, like ChipnDaleFan said, it's Disney , but................... We pretty much always leave 18% and more for really good service.

Mouse keeping, we leave $5 a day. Alittle more when they do those extra things like more towel animals!