[Deleted Spam]
[Deleted Spam]
3 posts all of a similar nature. In the words of Monty Python....
Spam, spam, spam, spam....
I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.
Yeah - admin, Brad - can we do something about this?
We like our Disney board spamfree!
I mean, you do have me, so the ham is never going away. Plus the Toy Story character kinda rules.
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
No Bella you can NOT post anonymously, it was a spammer who was banned after complaints. After being banned his name was removed and the anonymous label was inserted. Hope that sheds a little light on it for you.
Wow - seems like a harsh punishment - offend us, and thou shalt be erased, banished into anonymity anon.
I'm not complaining, though Happy happy Disney people
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
Really I do not see it as harsh punisment at all, this individual signed on with the express purpose of spamming the forum and having no real input EXCEPT for his gain. Are you not one of the ones who complained, me being another one of the complainers and I have no qualms about it.
I was trying to be funny.... I'm glad he was banished too. :
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man