Typhoon and Blizzard

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nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63
Typhoon and Blizzard

How rough are the landings at the bottom of the slides at these 2 parks?? I can sorta swim, but had a bad experience as a kid, and go into a panic if I get water on my face for more than a few seconds if I'm not in control. I can stand in water and put my face in water, but can't go under a waterfall-type thing without spazing lol.... Hard to explain... So if I do a slide, will I land in a regular depth pool (a no-go!!), a very shallow pool (may be ok), or just the slide leveling out and I exit from there??

I'm very nervous about doing the slides due to the landing, but the slides themselves look amazingly fun!!!


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Can't help you here, never did them.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Im not one for the slides or swimming, but all of the videos I have watched about these two parks seems that the landing was very nice. They give ample room at the end for a nice safe stop.


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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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The landings are actually quite smooth. I think you'd be fine.


Jessi5989's picture
Joined: 12/27/2011
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I can't swim, so I wouldn't do them if the water was deep. I was actually pretty worried about it when I went, but the pools at the bottom are pretty shallow and I had no problem.

nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63

Thank you all!! I feel much better about going to them now. I would have gone and watched hubby, but it will be more fun for both of us if I can enjoy the rides too!!


wintercast's picture
Joined: 04/03/2012
Posts: 5

I think it depends. I will say that the rides at BB are smoother (less bumpy overall) compared to TL. Many rides, you are on a tube, so as long as you hold onto your tube, you never really "hit the water". Only thing i recommend is to hold your nose closed just before the ride ends (pinch your nose with your fingers and perhaps close your eyes). It is not so much that you go under, but you may get a splash when you transition from slide to pool. The splash pool is never a surprise, normally the slide slows down a little just before you get to the pool.

You should be able to stand in all of the landing pools. Some have a soft mat at the end of the slide, under water that can be a little slick to try and stand on.

My favorite ride is crushing gusher. On that ride, you are on a tube and the ride exits out to a large pool. Once the tube slows down, you hop off into the water (you can stand) and hand your tube to a waiting guest. I will not go on the tall slides, as i always hit my head on the sides of the slide as i go down, and having to pull my bathing suit out of my rear for a few minutes is not as much fun either Smile

There are lots of life guards, and again, you will be able to stand up in all of the pools.

I am not sure if you are male or female, but i recomend a 1 piece suit for a female, or a well fitting 2 piece that would not come off in a tidal wave. I also recomend water shoes. The park itself is not difficult to get around, but i dont like walking into the bathrooms with no shoes on. I dont rent a locker. I just bring a bag and keep valubles at a minimum. I will find a chair and place my bag (not a purse, but beach bag) and towel on the chair, often covering my bag with my towel. I generally dont carry cash to the water park and just use my room key to pay for things.

Have FUN!!!!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Hi wintercast and welcome to WDWFG. That is a great first post, and may I suggest that you start a post in the Welcome to WDWFG thread and tell us about yourself so we may get to know you a little better. We are a very friendly group and none of us bite.


nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63

Wintercast- Thank you very much for the info... Very informative. I am female, so I will definitely bring and wear a two-piece!! I guess that would be a bit embarrassing to find out the hard way NOT to wear a one-piece. I really would love to not be paranoid about water, but I guess it's just one of those things. But I do feel like the way you describe it, I should be fine. If something looks a little crazy, I'll watch a few others land first. Water shoes is also great to know. I will walk a little barefoot, but rather have footwear. I don't really carry a purse anyway. And I have a very nice waterproof pouch that can hold necessities. I definitely feel a lot better about going to these parks. Actually kinda really looking forward to it.

And Vettelover- "We don't bite"?? Darn... lol


Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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nwalsh wrote:
Wintercast- Thank you very much for the info... Very informative. I am female, so I will definitely bring and wear a two-piece!! I guess that would be a bit embarrassing to find out the hard way NOT to wear a one-piece. I really would love to not be paranoid about water, but I guess it's just one of those things. But I do feel like the way you describe it, I should be fine. If something looks a little crazy, I'll watch a few others land first. Water shoes is also great to know. I will walk a little barefoot, but rather have footwear. I don't really carry a purse anyway. And I have a very nice waterproof pouch that can hold necessities. I definitely feel a lot better about going to these parks. Actually kinda really looking forward to it.

And Vettelover- "We don't bite"?? Darn... lol

I've been to both and we LOVE the water parks! As others have said, the landings vary, but all of the land pools (like at the bottom of the tube rides) are pretty shallow, as are the lazy rivers, which are our family's favorites. I can't really add anything else to Wintercast's tips - they are solid! Enjoy! We are thinking about a trip to the Waterparks shortly ourselves Smile


finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

Definitely do the tube rides at least. I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to the water slides, but I didn't have any trouble handling the tubes at either Typoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach.

I second the water shoes tip - I don't know if it's any better now, but the last time we were at Blizzard Beach, there were anthills buried in the sand, and you didn't know until you stepped on them. Yikes! Plus the bathroom floors get a little grotty, just from all the wet feet and sand tracking in and out.

Be careful in the wave pool at Typhoon - don't ride it all the way to shore. Try to stand up when it's about waist deep. I've seen so many people get tumbled when it gets shallow, and they end up scraping their shoulders and shins, and have to make a trip to the first aid hut.



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63

Thanks!! I do feel much better about going, actually looking forward to it!!! Less than 3 weeks away now... I can't wait!!!
