UPDATED Preston's Birthday Trip "FUN OVERLOAD" Report from 8/8 - 8/13, A month later....

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MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99
UPDATED Preston's Birthday Trip "FUN OVERLOAD" Report from 8/8 - 8/13, A month later....

HI everyone! I know this is a month later, but being a teacher and all, August is a super busy month! I finally had a chance to sit down and write some of this, so here it goes! I hope you enjoy!

WHEN: WED 8/8/12 - MON 8/13/12

WHERE: From Delaware to WDW. Stayed at Port Orleans, Riverside, in a Royal Guest Room.

WHO: Myself, Kacie, age 25 and boyfriend Preston, age 23. Special appearences by sister Cheyenne (who is a CM) age 23, and her friend Becky.

WHY: To celebrate Preston's birthday! FUN OVERLOAD

Day One: Wednesday, August 8th

Preston and I awoke at 5:00 am and were on the road, driven by a friend, to BWI. It's about an hour drive. We were running a bit late because of some camera issues, but once we were on the road, the champagne came out and I had a mimosa. Preston finished the bottle off and vacation began.

We arrived at the airport at 7ish. Our flight was at 8:20 and the line to check a bag was long. I was starting to get stressed, but my buzzed boyfriend was unconcerned. After a 1/2 hour wait in the Airtran check in line, we had a convo with the check in lady that went like this:

ME: "Our flight is at 8:20, do you think we will have time to get through security?"

HER: "Honey, there is only an 8:55 and 9:15. No 8:20."

ME: "Our boarding passes say 8:20."

HER: "8:20PM."

ME: "..."

According to Preston, he could feel my anger radiating off of me. I did the bulk of the planning of this trip, and his task was to buy the airline tickets. He made them for 12 hours LATER than we had planned. I expressed in no certain terms would I spend 12 hours in the BWI airport and lose a full day of our vacation. So, the check in lady, who was surprisingly patient, got us standby on the 8:55 flight.

We went through security, complete with shenanigans that included two cranky cats, a European couple, live fish, a case of mistaken identity, Preston getting pulled into a screening but then pulled out, and me being yelled at by a TSA agent. We ran to our gate, made it, and got seats that happened to be separate. Which was fine because I needed a good 2 hours to get over being annoyed. I read Harry Potter and before I knew it, we were in sunny Orlando!

Because our flight was an hour later than we thought, we were running late for our lunch reservations at Whispering Canyon. After a quick phone call, I was able to push them 90 minutes later. The Magical Express went off without a hitch. We sat near a nice family who was on their 23rd visit! It was fun chatting with them.

We arrived at Port Orleans Riverside, who's very facade is breathtaking. We checked in, strolled through the grounds to our lovely room. We had a Royal Guest River-view room which was just lovely. It had such adorable touches, like the magic carpet, the ottoman from Beauty and the Beast, and silohette art work of all the princes. We just loved it.
My sister and her friend Becky showed up too and drove us to Wilderness Lodge for our lunch at Whispering Canyon. We had immediate resort envy. That entry is just really cool.

Now, our lunch at Whispering Canyon was....lackluster. We got Sheriff Shakes, which were amazing, but the food was just ok. At the time, we were dazzled by the atmosphere and our hunger pangs, but looking back, and comparing it to some of our later meals, it was just ok. For an app, we had the Homemade Western Chips with queso dip and I would say it was on par with something you'd get at Applebees. Not worth $11. I had the Slow-smoked Pulled Pork Sandwich which was tasty but nothing life-changing. Preston had the Meatloaf Sandwich which I thought was really good but he just thought was ok. The service was BORING! Nothing exciting happened AT ALL. We asked for ketchup and got a bottle of ketchup. That's it. It was an ok, satisfying meal, but on par with a regular chain restaurant. Not worth the Disney Big Bucks. All in all, a huge disappointment.

After lunch, we headed over to Magic Kingdom. This was Preston's first visit, mind you, and being with him while walking into Main Street, USA, with that glorious view of the castle, made me feel very warm and fuzzy. I love how Magic Kingdom always feels like home. We made a beeline for a street cart and bought ears. mickey Preston got ones with the Sorcerer Mickey Hat, and I got gold sparkly ears that had a feather and a rose on it. We took a pic in front of the castle then headed straight for Space Mountain.

At Space Mountain, the line was a good 65 min, but it was air conditioned and we were tired from our flight, so we were ok with the downtime. The actual ride was a blast! It was my first time on it since its renovations from a few years ago, and we both loved it! By the time we got off, my sister Cheyenne had met back up with us. We walked over to Haunted Mansion and had a blast on it. I simply love that ride, and Preston did too. By the time that was done, we hopped over to EPCOT.

At EPCOT, we rode Spaceship Earth, which has been one of my favorite rides since my first visit when I was 11 in 1997. I just love the soothing, educational journey. Also, it's nice and cool. After Spaceship Earth, it was about time for our ADRs at San Angel Inn at the Mexico Pavilion. I have never eaten there, so I was super excited.
Preston and I shared at Pineapple Margarita which was DELICIOUS. We both had the traditional Mexican dinner, which included chicken tostadas, fish tacos, and a Bavarian cream dessert. The food was very yummy, and we loved how the place looked. Because Preston was wearing his birthday button, the whole staff came over, and sang Happy Birthday in Spanish, and there was a candle in his custard. That was a wonderful touch, and a great start to the birthday Disney magic treatment he got the rest of the trip.

After dinner, we jumped on the ferry over to Hollywood Studios. It was super important to Preston to see Fantasmic! our first night. There was a 10:30 showing that night. We got to DHS at about 9:45, so we killed some time by riding the Rockin Rollercoaster, which is my favorite rollercoaster ever. We sat down for Fantasmic! at 10:25 and just loved the show. I think it's really cool and Preston was dazzled.

At that point, our first day was coming to a close. It was a lot of commando style park hopping, but the theme of this trip was "FUN OVERLOAD" so we planned accordingly. We headed back to POR, and after our long day, it felt awesome to collapse in that bed.

Coming soon.... Universal Studios and Why We Will Never Go Back and A Delicious Dinner at Beaches and Cream PLUS The Funniest Ride Pic ever

[b[Before I begin Day Two's recap, I want to just preface this by saying we had SUCH an amazing time in August for Preston's birthday, we just booked a trip for my birthday in November. We are super excited (of course) and trip details will be up shortly.[/b]

Day Two: August 9th, 2012

We began our day bright and early. My sister met us at the POR lobby, where the bus announcer man in his head set made a huge deal about Preston's birthday over the intercom. That was adorable. We headed over the Polynesian for breakfast reservations at Kona Cafe.

We were struck with another case of resort envy. I'm telling you, those crazy huge deluxe resort lobbies, which their shopping mall food court-sized dining areas and gorgeous decor are just breath-taking. And while I eventually decided I wasn't crazy about the Polynesian, there is something about that first look....

Anyway, we came to Kona with one mission, and one mission only: to obtain the legendary TONGA TOAST. After we were officially lei'd (heheheh), we were seated fairly quickly at Kona. We began breakfast with a fresh French Press of the 100% Kona Coffee, which was divine. We had some trouble getting cream to our table, but the coffee was still delicious. I ordered the Samoan, Kona's take on Egg's Benedict (one of my favorite breakfasts) and Preston ordered TONGA TOAST with the strawberry compote. We then halved our entrees and shared. So we each had half of the Samoan and half of the Tonga Toast. This was hands down the best breakfast on our trip, possibly our lives. It was really delicious.

sisters Cheyenne and I!

Now, while the food was fantastic, the service was subpar. This was our first negative experience with service at the Polynesian (more on that later). It took us 3 tries to get our cream for our coffee, and our waitress was just generally absent minded and inattentive. She was very sweet, though, and did bring Preston his first (of many) birthday cupcakes.

After Kona, we then drove over to Islands of Adventure. Parking was a nightmare. I hate the way this area looks. I felt like we were in a Universal themed mall. We rode the moving side-walks down, walked through the uber-tacky City Walk, through security (where "guest relations" gave Preston their own version of a knock-off birthday button) and into IOA.
Cheyenne led us in a beeline for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I must say, I loved the way this place looked. It felt like we stepped into the books. I loved that part. I did NOT love how crammed and claustrophobic it felt. It was only an hour after opening, and I felt like cattle in a slaughter shoot. I get it, its "AUTHENTIC" but I think authenticity may sometimes need to be sacrificed for enjoyment and crowd flow. Would anyone think Mission Space was fun if they gave you a catheter? NO. You design parks for enjoyment, not as an exercise in authenticity alone.

We hopped right on Dragon Challenge (and what in the world is up with their locker system?!) which was only a 10 minute wait. Your standard coaster, but I really liked the theming. Goblet of Fire is one of my favorite of the series, so I loved the tents and the champions theme.

After Dragon Challenge, we explored the shops a bit. In Honeydukes, Preston got a free Cauldron Cake for his birthday. It was super yummy. Overall, the shops were really cool and themed well with lots of neato stuff, they were just....so....jam....packed. At points, we could not move or walk around. I hated that. After about a half hour or so, we were ready to ride the Forbidden Journey.

Even though the wait was over 90 minutes, we really enjoyed the queue theming. The moving portraits impressed us the most.

Ok. The Forbidden Journey. Unlike any other ride ever. We had NO IDEA what to expect. I pictured a "dark ride" style train thing that showed you animatronic scenes from Harry Potter. WRONG. I think I screamed for 80% of this ride. It was super disorienting and really really cool but also really scary! When we got off the ride, we stopped to take a gander at the ride photo opp. Now, a picture is worth a thousand words so....


I think that sums up our emotions on that ride. Preston had tears in his eyes upon exiting. That photo alone made our trip to Universal worth it. We also grabbed butterbeers and pumpkin juice (oh yum).
The rest of the day consisted of Poseidon's Adventure (kinda lame, but cute), The Hulk (got right on the ride, magically), and.....a hot dog? Yeah, the lines were off the charts. It was hot. And crowded. Lots of, um, interesting people, including a young woman wearing a Spongebob bag as a shirt. So around 4:30 or so, we headed back to the safety and sanity of the World. Preston kept remarking on how everything at WDW is so clean, bright, and happier. AND HE'S RIGHT.

Back at the World, we hung out for a bit at Downtown Disney. I adore Downtown Disney. Whenever I'm in Orlando, even if I don't make it to the parks or resort, I always find time for DTD. The magic there is just contagious. The shops are fun, the food yummy and diverse, and I love people watching there. Preston and I split from my sister and her friend and grabbed a snack in Cookes of Dublin. We had their chips with the vintage cheese dip. Oh good god, we waited about 20 minutes for it but it was worth every second. Delicious.

After DTD, we drove to Beach Club and had dinner with my mother (who lives in Orlando) at Beaches and Cream. A good hour wait, but I love the feel of Beach Club. It's my dream resort. We walked the breezeways, took in the sights, chatted, and then had a lovely meal when our buzzer buzzed. Preston had a Philly Cheesesteak (called something else but that's what it was) which he declared rather authentic and tasty. I had a loaded hot dog and yum. We split a No Way Jose for dessert and it was awesome.

Another moment of Disney Magic. For his birthday, Preston not only got a cupcake, they did they signal lights, announced his bday to the whole place, the whole restaurant sang, and he got a balloon. It really made our night!
We took a stroll around the Boardwalk after dinner, which I always like to do (sadly, the DCV open house villa was closed) and then headed off to the resort. Preston and I had a late night swim at one of our quiet pools, then hit the hay.


Coming Soon... Why I love Tangerine Cafe, SOARIN' is Not Worth It, The Untold Horrors of Splash Mountain, PLUS Service at the Polynesian is Terrible Again


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Great report so far MsVersaci. yay yay yay

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Whoo hooo! What a busy first day! Oh my gosh... I would have KILLED my husband if he had screwed up our flights like that. How wonderful that she was able to get you on standby!

I'm so sorry to hear you were disappointed with Whispering Canyon. sad I guess every place has off days.
I can't wait to hear about day 2.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Great trip report so far...Can't wait to hear the rest


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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I'm glad you were able to get on an earlier flight. I heard that lunch at Whispering Canyon Cafe is much more tame than dinner. I'm going for the first in November for dinner so I'll let you know if the experience is different.

looking forward to reading more


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

I was just going to say what JoAnn said, I've heard lunch is tamer then breakfast or dinner, but I'm sorry to hear you had a subpar exprerience Sad I'm super intrigued to find out why you'll never go back to US though!

MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Here are some pics from our first day!


Where our room was in POR

Photobucket Right when we walked in!


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emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

Loving this trip report!! Can't wait to read about Universal, and why you will never go back. I feel the exact. same. way!!! Keep the report coming!!!


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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Love the report! But...... MORE PICS!!!!! he he he biggrin


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Ready for the next installment!!!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

MsVersaci wrote:

I did NOT love how crammed and claustrophobic it felt. It was only an hour after opening, and I felt like cattle in a slaughter shoot. I get it, its "AUTHENTIC" but I think authenticity may sometimes need to be sacrificed for enjoyment and crowd flow. Would anyone think Mission Space was fun if they gave you a catheter? NO. You design parks for enjoyment, not as an exercise in authenticity alone.

Hahaha love it! Keep the trip report coming!

Molitva's picture
Joined: 03/18/2012
Posts: 127

Great report! When I read about the am/pm mix up, I really did say, "oh my gosh" LOL poor you! So glad you didn't have to spend 12 hours at the airport (fuming!). Can't wait to read more!


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Also, congrats on a November trip! Two trips in a couple of months time, you lucky girl you! Have you decided where you will be staying?

MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Allie wrote:
Also, congrats on a November trip! Two trips in a couple of months time, you lucky girl you! Have you decided where you will be staying?

We are staying at Coronado Springs.

I know I am super lucky. I count my blessings every day! biggrin


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MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Thank you everyone for the comments! I will be writing day 3 at some point. I am just so busy!!


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MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Wonderful WDW for Grownups Readers.

I am so sorry I suck at all this trip report stuff. I am just SWAMPED at work. CONSTANTLY.


Friday, 8/10/12

The day started with a low key breakfast at Riverside Mill Food Court. We each got a bounty platter (yay mickey waffle!!) and agreed while very tasty, a lot of food. We plan to split such big breakfasts in the future.

After our breakfast, we took a bus to Disney Hollywood Studios and made a direct beeline to Fastpass Toy Story Midway Mania. The nice CM monitoring Fastpasses saw Preston's Birthday Button and gifted us an EXTRA Fastpass! IT WAS SO COOL! We had about 90 minutes to kill, so we headed to Tower of Terror. I have a love/hate relationship with that ride and can only stomach it once per trip. It's just so terrifying!! Preston, however, loved it and begged me the rest of the trip to ride it again (he was denied...next time!). After ToT, we rode Rockin Rollercoaster (my favorite!) and then it was time for Toy Story Mania.

The Fastpass allowed us to WALK right on. I love this ride and Preston got a kick out of it too since Toy Story is his favorite Pixar movie. We got to ride it 2 times in a row because of our extra fast pass and I am proud to say I kicked his behind both times. He was pretty salty over it.

Our last ride of DHS that morning was The Great Movie Ride. It seemed like the wait was a lot longer than normal; we waited through that fun movie clip cycle at least 7 times. We also had a lost family cut in front of us, which was frustrating, but they were from India and seemed to speak little English so we allowed it to slide. I adore this ride, except the section through Alien, which always terrifies me !!!

We hopped the ferry to EPCOT and had a WONDERFUL lunch at Tangerine Cafe, which....there are no words. I try to make it here every time I visit. The service is friendly, the atmosphere is charming, and the food....dear lord the FOOD. We both ordered the Lamb Shwarma Platters and finished it with gusto. I especially love the couscous salad.

Since we were just at EPCOT for lunch, we returned to our resort for the afternoon. We had a late reservation at Ohana, and then had plans for Extra Magic Hours at Magic Kingdom until 1:00am, so we needed to rest up. We took a much needed nap and then got dressed for dinner and EMH!
Ohana was the reservation I was probably the most excited about, and was looking forward to the evening at the Poly.

We arrived (my sister joined us again) at about 8:30, an hour before our reservation. We really wanted to try the Lapu Lapu at the Tamu Lounge. Well....THEY HAD RUN OUT OF PINEAPPLES. Since that seems the crutch of the Lapu Lapu, we decided against it. Here was the frustrating part...No effort was made to make up for this. No complimentary light cube, no discount on the Lapu Lapu, nothing. The CM who bartended acted brisk and coolly towards us, which was extra frustrating because we were both very polite. It seemed poor form to run out of the tools for the most popular drink a good 3 hours before close, and then not offer any thing to make up for it. I am not one to ask for free stuff, but everywhere we went in Disney, CMs go the extra mile to make sure everything is perfect.

Dinner itself was pretty good, but not life changing. The dessert was the best part, and I loved the shrimp and chicken. The steak was awesome the first round, awful the second. We all disliked the pork. No one touched the noodles. The dumplings were a hit too. We decided while tasty and plentiful, better meals were had elsewhere.

Preston and I then headed to EMH at Magic Kingdom. We rode Disney Philharmagic, Small World, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, and Space Mountain. Now, the untold horrors of Splash Mountain that my sister shared with me: APPARENTLY, CMs who work on Splash Mountain have to watch the cameras for guests who like to climb out of the logs (the reason being to get pictures of their family in the log). There are HUGE GEARS under the water and people have lost limbs and bled to death! Recently, a man was caught by his waist in a gear. Luckily, a CM caught it and stopped the ride before he was SAWED IN HALF IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY! eek I will NEVER look at Splash Mountain the same way again! Please, I am begging you, NEVER climb out of a Splash Mountain Log!!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I will try to finish this trip report before my next trip hahahahah!


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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

MsVersaci wrote:
Wonderful WDW for Grownups Readers.

I am so sorry I suck at all this trip report stuff. I am just SWAMPED at work. CONSTANTLY.

Naw.... dont say that. Take your time. Your building up the suspense!

Loving the report though! awesome


- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Ha! Don't feel bad, I still have 3 trip reports that never got done.

angels444's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:
Whoo hooo! What a busy first day! Oh my gosh... I would have KILLED my husband if he had screwed up our flights like that. How wonderful that she was able to get you on standby!

I'm so sorry to hear you were disappointed with Whispering Canyon. sad I guess every place has off days.
I can't wait to hear about day 2.

Not all servers are created equal. Some are just not meant to serve. Unfortunately you get those every now and then and until the employer catches on and can fire them the customer suffers. Notice I say employer because it happens at all restaurants. It can take a server 2 or 3 job loses to say hey you know maybe this isn't for me. crossfingers


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angels444's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012
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mrhub wrote:
Ha! Don't feel bad, I still have 3 trip reports that never got done.

I don't do trip reports either. I might post a few post, cover a few days at a time, throw in a picture or two and call it done. I am usually depressed after the trip ends. sad or getting busy getting back in to the routine. Nothing like magic mirror has done. I found myself living vicariously through her. I am just not as good of a story teller and we all have all seen that my grammar and punctuation stinks, but I mean well. awesome I have the advice, knowledge and love for Disney I just lack the english skills. rolling Off to slaughter the english language some more on another thread.


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emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

I hate that your experience at O'hana was not as fabulous as you'd hoped. That stinks!!! I would suggest to give it another try. Its my FAVORITE! haha. And you must go back and have some of the noodles!!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report - http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/ems-long-awaited-trip-report

MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Saturday, 8/11/12


Saturday. Drink Around the World Day. Many have spoken of it. Many have attempted. Few have succeeded. And Preston and I were two guests hellbent on tryin.

We started the day at another tasty breakfast at Riverside Mill Food Court. MMMMMM MICKEY WAFFLES. Then hopped a bus to EPCOT. Immediately, we made a beeline for SOARIN. Now, on my last Disney trip with my family back in 2008, I famously got on SOARIN', strapped in and all, then proceeded to have a panic attack and had to be THAT GIRL that delayed the ride while they whisked her away. So this time, after a flippin 70 minute wait, I was actually gonna do it.

Well, I did it. And I thought it was a waste. Sadly. I felt motion sick and the smell technology (which Preston loved) added to the nausea. Afterwards, I was all MEH so we go a split a sprite from Sunshine Seasons and then got on the Living Seas with Nemo. It was relaxing and by the time that was all done, it was time for our lunch ADRs at Le Cellier. I am a little regretful we didn't really do anything else in Futureworld, but talk to me in December after my next trip and that will be fixed.

Anyway, Le Cellier.... I had eaten there at the age of 13 with my parents on a huge family trip (seriously 2 adults, 6 kids) and I remember it being ok. But I was 13. I wanted like chicken fingers or whatever. This time man....I had spent hours drooling over the menu. We split an order of poutine. Preston got a beer flight, I got a moosehead I believe (that's a thing, right?). We each got a cup of beer cheese soup and oh my lawd, it was everything I ever dreamed. And then we both ordered the Wild Mushroom Filet Mignon which melted...in....our....mouths. For dessert, I got the nanimo bar (sp?) and he got the maple creme brulee, and we traded 1/2 way through, which was awesome. I dream about that creme brulee.

Ok, so, having hit our first stop of Canada with beers under our belt, drinking around the world commenced. Here is a handy break down of what went down. On our way of drinking around the world, we also bought a fridge magnet in every country too.

UK: Strongbow Ciders. 16oz. Drunk Level: Tipsy and friendly. Spent some time in the pub with a nice a couple and few gals from Delaware.

FRANCE: Grey Goose Slushy, Orange. Drunk Level: Still feeling good!

MOROCCO: Tangerine Cocktail of Doom. Drunk Level: Really silly at this point. The broke register in the pavilion had us laughing for 15 minutes.

JAPAN: Delicious Sake. Drunk Level: Starting to regret this decision, though the SAKE was YUMMO. I beg Preston for a Sailor Moon Lunch Box. He declines, but buys me one when we get back home lol.

USA: Just took a rest here.

ITALY: At Tutto Gusto, we get a Frangellico on the rocks and a Disaronna and Cranberry. Drunk Level: OOOOH BOY.

GERMANY: At this point, it's time for our ADRs at Biergarten. We eat, drink (LITER BREWS), and make merry. Drunk Level: We're in huge trouble.

CHINA: Tsingtao. Drunk Level: WHY AM I DOING THIS?

NORWAY: Some Danish Beer. Also, a huge guy buys Preston a shot of Aquavit. And we are done here. Drunk Level: White. Girl. Wasted.

We had to forgo Mexico after Preston fell asleep in a flower bed. At that point, I made the executive decision to head back the resort. After the LONGEST WALK OF MY LIFE, we managed to make it back to the resort.
And unceremoniously passed out.

So yeah, we didn't quite make it. But it was a good show. Next time, I would split all drinks. Pace ourselves. NOT GET A LITER BEER.


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Hahaha I love the drunk level statuses! laugh laugh laugh Great trip report!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

ROTFLOL!! Love your drunk level report!

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Love it!!!! I think this is the first drunk trip report we have had...LOL. I think the real question here is how did you feel the next day...lol


Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

I agree with the others, loving the drunk level reports biggrin

MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Sunday 8/12/12

After our wild and crazy drink around the world day, we slept through our breakfast ADRs at Boma. A wise choice, I feel, as we were not feeling so hot. After a late start, we went over to Animal Kingdom...aka the "hot and boring" park.

Seriously, why is this park so hot? cool

We began the day with breakfast at Pizzafari. Preston had a bounty platter with some tasty potatoes. I ordered the spinach and goat cheese frittata for reasons unknown to me as I hate goat cheese and this was no exception. I was still hungry after picking at my breakfast, so I got my first Premium Mickey Bar EVER on our way to EE.
EE was awesome as always. We then did the Safari. I was confused about the removal of the poacher story line. I liked that a lot when I was younger. However, the animals were out and active and we had a lot of fun on that. We then walked across the dessert to Dinosaur, one of my favorite rides. SO MUCH FUN. After that, we were at a loss of what to do. It was a while until the next Lion King and Finding Nemo show. We were hungry but not hungry enough for lunch, so we grabbed a snack size of Fried Rice from Yak and Yeti, so amazing. Best spending of a snack credit ever. Big smile

After that, we ended up at EPCOT. We wandered then had dinner at Les Chefs de France. Neither of us had very high expectations, but our service and the food was exceptional. I did the Prix Fixe and started with the French Onion Soup. Oh my so yummy. Then I had the Macaroni and Cheese (the Frenchified name escapes me) and Preston had a beef tenderloin with a green peppercorn sauce, which was cooked to perfection. For dessert, he ordered the chocolate cream puff thing (I didn't care for it) and I ordered the vanilla bean creme brulee....so....delicious.

Now at this point, we hit a conundrum. We had 4 snack credits EACH left. Puzzled We hoarded them. We also had 1 quick service credit left through some quirk. So approximately an hour after our tasty dinner via Les Chefs, we shared one last lamb shwarma platter from Tangerine Cafe. The night of 2 dinners. A mistake. It was nice to sit and pick while watching illuminations though. We finished about 75% of our second dinner then headed to our last EMH at MK.

Now, the business of spending hoarded snack credits. First it was ice cream sandwiches from main street bakery and bottled water. I ate only half of mine before I accidently dropped the rest on the ground by accident. gaah Then is was Dole Whip Floats. Then, we both had a bad case of the bubble guts for the remainder of EMH (we got through POC, Splash Mountain and Space Mountain) so after a stop at the Emporium and several potty breaks, we got back to the resort at 2:00 am, 2 hours before pick up time from DME.

We flew home at 7:00 am the next day. Tired And promptly decided to plan a trip for my birthday, starting November 28th in one week. I have pics I will post...one day.... Also a scrap book I'm working on.

Oh well, I go back in ONE WEEK!!! HERE WE GO! yeah yeah

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Love from,


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MsVersaci's picture
Joined: 08/07/2012
Posts: 99

Jess wrote:
Love it!!!! I think this is the first drunk trip report we have had...LOL. I think the real question here is how did you feel the next day...lol

We felt awful. Terrible. But proud.


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Great trip report! I'm looking forward to your next one in a couple weeks, lucky lady!

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

MsVersaci wrote:
Sunday 8/12/12

After our wild and crazy drink around the world day, we slept through our breakfast ADRs at Boma. A wise choice, I feel, as we were not feeling so hot. After a late start, we went over to Animal Kingdom...aka the "hot and boring" park.

Seriously, why is this park so hot? cool

We began the day with breakfast at Pizzafari. Preston had a bounty platter with some tasty potatoes. I ordered the spinach and goat cheese frittata for reasons unknown to me as I hate goat cheese and this was no exception. I was still hungry after picking at my breakfast, so I got my first Premium Mickey Bar EVER on our way to EE.
EE was awesome as always. We then did the Safari. I was confused about the removal of the poacher story line. I liked that a lot when I was younger. However, the animals were out and active and we had a lot of fun on that. We then walked across the dessert to Dinosaur, one of my favorite rides. SO MUCH FUN. After that, we were at a loss of what to do. It was a while until the next Lion King and Finding Nemo show. We were hungry but not hungry enough for lunch, so we grabbed a snack size of Fried Rice from Yak and Yeti, so amazing. Best spending of a snack credit ever. Big smile

After that, we ended up at EPCOT. We wandered then had dinner at Les Chefs de France. Neither of us had very high expectations, but our service and the food was exceptional. I did the Prix Fixe and started with the French Onion Soup. Oh my so yummy. Then I had the Macaroni and Cheese (the Frenchified name escapes me) and Preston had a beef tenderloin with a green peppercorn sauce, which was cooked to perfection. For dessert, he ordered the chocolate cream puff thing (I didn't care for it) and I ordered the vanilla bean creme brulee....so....delicious.

Now at this point, we hit a conundrum. We had 4 snack credits EACH left. Puzzled We hoarded them. We also had 1 quick service credit left through some quirk. So approximately an hour after our tasty dinner via Les Chefs, we shared one last lamb shwarma platter from Tangerine Cafe. The night of 2 dinners. A mistake. It was nice to sit and pick while watching illuminations though. We finished about 75% of our second dinner then headed to our last EMH at MK.

Now, the business of spending hoarded snack credits. First it was ice cream sandwiches from main street bakery and bottled water. I ate only half of mine before I accidently dropped the rest on the ground by accident. gaah Then is was Dole Whip Floats. Then, we both had a bad case of the bubble guts for the remainder of EMH (we got through POC, Splash Mountain and Space Mountain) so after a stop at the Emporium and several potty breaks, we got back to the resort at 2:00 am, 2 hours before pick up time from DME.

We flew home at 7:00 am the next day. Tired And promptly decided to plan a trip for my birthday, starting November 28th in one week. I have pics I will post...one day.... Also a scrap book I'm working on.

Oh well, I go back in ONE WEEK!!! HERE WE GO! yeah yeah

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Love from,

Can't wait to hear about the next trip cause we will get to meet you Smile


Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Welcome Home and have fun planning the next round to Disney~! cool