Veterans advice please

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Doyouwanna's picture
Joined: 03/03/2013
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Veterans advice please

I could use your keen eyes to look at my plans:
Arrival day 11 rent car arrive to off propery hotel at 12:30. Head to Epcot. Dinner at l'cellier or teppan Edo. Illuminations. Bed
Day 2 mk breakfast at hotel. Mid day break at grandfloridian cafe. Dinner at liberty tavern. Electric light parade.
Day 3. Chef mickey. Mk. Mid day break at Polynesian kona cafe. Return to mk. Dinner at bog. Fireworks from desert party tomorrow land terrace .
Day 4: breakfast with jake at Hollywood and vine
Day at dhs. Mid day break at sci fi. Fantasmic dinner package at brown derby.

Kids Are 4 and 7 but they are well behaved and are used to nice restaurants.
The 4 year old is more into disney jr than princess's

I did touring plans online
Any tips?

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The Colonel's picture
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Hi- day three sounds like a lot of food and travel. Three restaurants and the dessert party. You won't be able to walk -ha ha.

Also I would either do sick-fi or brown derby- not both.

Just my opinion. I limit myself to one ADR per day at most. I cant and don't want to eat that much. I don't want to spend half the day getting to restaurants and sitting in restaurants. And I want freedom to do what I want and not worry about where I have to be all day. There are many good QS places and no need to do all those TS meals. Again, that's just my style and I realize that's not everyone's style.

Whatever you do, relax, enjoy and don't try to do too much. You can never do it all.


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Doyouwanna's picture
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4 years ago I only did one sit down ADR for dinner and my family nearly revolted. I figure we can always cancel something. The mid day meals are strategic in the hopes the kids might konk out or at least rest to and fro. We don't do so well with counter service but it always an option if we change our minds. Something to consider!

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The Colonel's picture
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Different strokes. My kids are all grown. When I go with the grandkids, the last thing they want to do is sit in a restaurant. Sounds like you know what you want anyway.


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angels444's picture
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Day 3 seems like a lot of traveling. monorailing from hotel to the park does take a quite a bit of time in my opinion. You can walk from chef mickey to the park, but the trip to GF will take a little park time. It is what 45-50 mins to take the monorail the entire trip from park back to the park. Not including lunch. Just a my opinion.

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Doyouwanna's picture
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I think of the monorailing as the mid day break rather then back to hotel

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MrHub's picture
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I'll agree with The Colonel here, that is a whole lot of food on day 3 , also I'd do one or the other, Sci-Fi or Brown Derby.

The trip around the monorail loop at the MK is around 20 minutes total.

Doyouwanna's picture
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Maybe we won't do the kona cafe or maybe we will drop the dessert party day 3. Maybe well drop sci fi on day 4. Im sure we will be full from breakfat. Ill keep the ADRs and think about counter service what are your fav cs meals at mk and hs?

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MrHub's picture
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Also , if you have not been there for a while, the cancellation policies have changed and they do charge now at a number of restaurants for not cancelling in advance, so you just may want to be aware of that. That's to try and stop people from doing the double booking of restaurants for meals, such as you did for Le Cellier and Teppan Edo. That is being highly frowned upon now because of the difficulty people are having making ADR's. Just a thought.

Doyouwanna's picture
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Day 3 would you drop chef mickey, kona or dessert party?
Day 4 I'm guessing you would drop scifi especially since we will be full from the character breakfast. I'm concerned with no hotel to go to to rest the kids may drop before we reach dinner and fantasmic.

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MrHub's picture
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Truthfully, how close are your meals time wise?

Doyouwanna's picture
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Chef mickey 8:15, kona 1, bog 7:30, dessert 9
Jake breakfast 9:15, sci fi 1, brown derby 5:30

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MrHub's picture
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I would drop Sci-Fi for sure. Day 3 you have them spread out pretty good especially, and nothing says you have to get full blown meals. Are you doing DDP or paying out of pocket?

Kristen K.'s picture
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Doyouwanna wrote:
I think of the monorailing as the mid day break rather then back to hotel

Once around the monorail loop on the Resort line will take you 20 Minutes. If your kids konk out and you do 2 loops, that would give you a good 40 minute break sitting down in the a/c just riddin' the monorail. Sounds like a good strategy to me!!

Since you said your kids are used to nice restaurants I think that you'll be fine at Brown Derby. You could have them try and draw pictures of your family like the ones they will see on the walls of stars. It would help to keep them busy.

Doyouwanna's picture
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I guess we will probably drop Sci-fi. Is there a good place to rest in DHS? Im a little concerned about being there 9-9 with no official "break"
I love the suggestion about the sketching at brown Derby. I will bring sketch pads and colored pencils for sure

On day 3 I do think riding the monorail is a good idea. Just quieter and a good place to konk out. I did promise the 7 year old a trip to the poly. I guess whether we eat or not is up to us. She wants to see the hawaiin hotel! MK just gets to be too much for a kid from 9-11pm. they need some sort of break. I dont want to be the family with the tantrumming kids..


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Kristen K.'s picture
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I like the Writer's Stop for a mid-day break at DHS, however it's a really tiny shop. If you can get a table way off to the side in the ABC Commissary it's not a bad spot to take a break either.

If you wanted to leave the park you could take a boat ride over to the Beach Club or Boardwalk hotel. The Bellvue Lounge at Boardwalk is comfortable and fairly quiet during the day.

Doyouwanna's picture
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My city kids would love a boat ride to just about anywhere. I love this

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Doyouwanna's picture
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It seems the lounge is closed 11-5 though

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Doyouwanna's picture
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Are the midway games open during the day at the boardwalk hotel?

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Doyouwanna's picture
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I just read I can get a dole whip at the Poly! This changes my view on the trip there. Incentive!

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Doyouwanna wrote:
I just read I can get a dole whip at the Poly! This changes my view on the trip there. Incentive!

This is true! Capt. Cook's has a Dole Whip machine, they give you a cup and you can pile it as high as you're able.