WDW in October..

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WDW in October..

Good Morning Everyone...Now I'am new on here, so go easy on me..LOL..I'am not sure if this fan base is mostly American or UK as the last site I was a member, you sometimes could find out where people were from by the info on their avatar..Anyway, my five vacations since 2004 have all been in July, but for my 2015 trip, we are hoping to go in October, probably the 2nd & 3rd weeks..Has anyone ( I'am sure there are plenty ) out there been in October.?...I've read about MNSSHP and the Food & Wine ex..Any info on what the weather is like..?..Cheers..


We just came back from being there October 26th thru November 1st and the weather was awesome. The first night was the only night it got a little chilly (needed sweatshirts) but the rest of the week was warm. Sunday thru Wednesday stayed around 80-82 during the day and the evenings were around 70. Thursday climbed to 86 and Friday went to 90, but really was only hot for a couple of hours in the afternoon while the evenings were around 74.

It was plenty hot enough for shorts without being too hot.

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

October is usually low 80s-90s during the day then down to the 70s at night or lower. Crowd levels are also low during the week during Food and Wine.


Cheers for that info folks...My planning begins.. clapping

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Hello! I am from Michigan- we went to Disney the first week of October 2012.
It was pleasant weather, in the 80's, but the humidity was still high.
The minute we stepped out of our room we were sweating!
But it was tolerable and I heard the humidity dropped significantly
the week after we left (go figure). Crowds were LOW. We pretty much
walked on all the rides. The food and wine fest was a blast and
we had no problems walking up to kiosks for samples with only
a couple people in line ahead of us. LOVED the decorations...very pretty!
We have said we would go back in Oct. again sometime.

Here is my trip report if you are interested in reading it:


AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 887

We live in Florida and go to Disney world at least once every October. By the third week of October it is usually low to mid 80's during the day and high 60's to low 70's at night. Sometimes it is still very hot in Oct. though, like this past year it was still in the 90's the third week, but that is not the norm. If you are used to Florida in July weather, than any week you pick in October will be beautiful for you. The later in the month the better!

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

If you go at the end of October beginning of November, you can go to MNSSHP and MVMCP in the same vacation.

nsaunier's picture
Joined: 06/18/2012
Posts: 296

Hi Mittens!! October is a GREAT time to go. We went the week of Columbus day back in 2012 and we are actually planning to go back at the same time in 2015. The weather was awesome!! It was sunny and warm everyday. The crowd level is great at that time! Columbus Day and the weekend before it was a little busy (not bad) but after Columbus day it got better. We waited 40 minutes to ride Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain but other than that we only waited about 20 minutes or less to ride everything. I think you'll like October way better than July for both the weather and the crowd level. We also went to MNSSHP and we had a blast. If you go you should totally dress up!! We dressed up and it was so much fun!!!




Magic Mirror wrote:
Hello! I am from Michigan- we went to Disney the first week of October 2012.
It was pleasant weather, in the 80's, but the humidity was still high.
The minute we stepped out of our room we were sweating!
But it was tolerable and I heard the humidity dropped significantly
the week after we left (go figure). Crowds were LOW. We pretty much
walked on all the rides. The food and wine fest was a blast and
we had no problems walking up to kiosks for samples with only
a couple people in line ahead of us. LOVED the decorations...very pretty!
We have said we would go back in Oct. again sometime.

Here is my trip report if you are interested in reading it:


Magic Mirror wrote:
Hello! I am from Michigan- we went to Disney the first week of October 2012.
It was pleasant weather, in the 80's, but the humidity was still high.
The minute we stepped out of our room we were sweating!
But it was tolerable and I heard the humidity dropped significantly
the week after we left (go figure). Crowds were LOW. We pretty much
walked on all the rides. The food and wine fest was a blast and
we had no problems walking up to kiosks for samples with only
a couple people in line ahead of us. LOVED the decorations...very pretty!
We have said we would go back in Oct. again sometime.

Here is my trip report if you are interested in reading it:


Cheers for that...


Yeh..My DW thought the trick or treat would be a Hoolie...LOL..She says I should go as Dr Facilier ( voodoo man ).. confused


You definitely should go and dress up at MNNSHP if you go in October! We did and it was an absolute blast!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9503

This is an American based site Mittens, but we have people from all around the world on here. No fear, no one will be rough on you. You need any help, just give out a yell and a mod will come running. There is usually at least one on here at any given time, night or day.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Hi Mittens!

We have mostly North American based readers on the site, with a good showing of British fans as well. Everyone is welcome to join in the Disney love here at Grown Ups. mickey

October is one of my very favorite times of year to go to WDW! The weather is frequently warm and sunny during the day (at mid-day it can get downright hot) and then cools off in the evening to the point that you may need a sweater. I've been lucky to not have much rain on my October trips, but it is still during hurricane season so you never know. Last year one of our members was miserably rained out of MNSSHP.


Cheers for that..I've had a couple of PM's from friends on the last site,and the arguments are still going on..so glad I've left it..It was getting nasty..Can't understand why the mod never put a lock on it..


Again thanks for that...Hurricane season..The weather here tonight is blowing up a storm..Typical Scottish winter..LOL..

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Mittens wrote:
Cheers for that..I've had a couple of PM's from friends on the last site,and the arguments are still going on..so glad I've left it..It was getting nasty..Can't understand why the mod never put a lock on it..

We tend not to lock threads here either. Instead we encourage an appreciation of different opinions - there are many ways to enjoy Disney, and no one is more right than another. The key word here at Grown Ups is respect. As long as conversations remain civil and our forum rules (which are found here http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/forum-rules) are followed everyone is welcome to participate.